维护销售订单 (tsmsc1100m000)
- 仅当选中“维修销售控制参数 (tsmsc0100m000)”进程中的“将覆盖范围计算用于估算”复选框时,才显示此选项。
- 只有在所选维修销售订单存在估计覆盖行时,才启用此选项。
要为维护销售订单创建形式发票,可以使用“操作”菜单的“处理维护销售形式发票”选项。系统会显示“处理维护销售形式发票 (tsmsc2291m000)”进程,您可在其中基于成本类型选择覆盖行,还可以针对维护销售订单和链接至维护销售订单的所选类型的覆盖行处理形式发票。
要查看“形式开票工作台 (cisli3640m000)”,可以使用“参考”菜单中的“形式发票”。
- 使用“重新计算整张订单的价格/折扣”选项可从服务合同中检索维修销售订单的默认销售价格。如果无法修改部件行和相关覆盖行的销售价格,则会禁用此选项。
- 使用“订单 - 行 - 同步”选项可以同步已修改的页眉数据与行数据。
- 维修销售订单
The number used to identify the maintenance sales order.
If you create a sales order in the details session, LN generates a number based on the series selected.
- 说明
The description of the maintenance sales order.
- 订单状态
- 订单日期
The date and time that the sales order was entered in LN.
- 业务伙伴
sold-to business partner.
Note:- Infor LN defaults the value defined for the Sold-to business partner in the 安装组 (tsbsc1100m000) or 序列化物料 (tscfg2100m000) session based on the value set for the 默认订单业务伙伴 field in the 序列化物料 (tscfg2100m000) session.
- Following is the search criteria:
- serialized item
- installation group
- 地址
The BP's address code.
Note:- Infor LN defaults the value defined for the Sold-to business partner in the 安装组 (tsbsc1100m000) or 序列化物料 (tscfg2100m000) session based on the value set for the 默认订单业务伙伴 field in the 序列化物料 (tscfg2100m000) session.
- Following is the search criteria:
- serialized item
- installation group
- address of the Sold-to BP
- 联系人
The BP's contact's code.
Note:- This field is defaulted with the value defined for the Sold-to business partner in the 安装组 (tsbsc1100m000) or 序列化物料 (tscfg2100m000) session .
- Following is the search criteria:
- serialized item
- installation group
- contact of the Sold-to BP
- 客户订单编号
The order number used by the customer.
- 发票参考 A
Any further reference information about the business partner that you wish to include with the sales order.
Note:You can only maintain this field if the sold-to BP field is filled in, and the order status is 自由 or 处理中.
- 发票参考 B
Any further reference information about the business partner that you wish to include with the sales order.
Note:You can only maintain this field if the sold-to BP field is filled in, and the order status is 自由 or 处理中.
- 物料
- 安装组
The installation group. The value in the Sold-to 业务伙伴 of the maintenance order is defaulted with the value of the Sold-to business partner specified for the installation group in the 安装组 (tsbsc1100m000) session, based on the 默认订单业务伙伴 field in the 安装组 (tsbsc1100m000) session.
Note:- If the value in the serialized 物料 field is specified, the installation group must be the 安装组 of the serialized item defined in the 序列化物料 (tscfg2100m000) session.
- The value in this field can not be modified if the value of the Sold-to 业务伙伴 field can not be modified.
- The value in this field can not be modified if the maintenance sales order is originated from a quote or a call or service order material line.
- Infor LN defaults this value for the part maintenance lines.
- Description
- 物料
The service item.
Note:- The item must be a service item.
- The value in this field can not be modified if the value of the Sold-to 业务伙伴 field can not be modified.
- The value in this field can not be modified if the maintenance sales order is originated from a quote or a call.
- Infor LN defaults this value for the part maintenance lines.
- If the “按部门列出的物料服务数据”是必填项 check box is selected in the 通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000) session, you can only select an item that is linked to the specified 服务部门. The service items are linked to the service office in the按服务部门列出的物料服务数据 (tsmdm2120m000) session.
- 序列号
The item code of the serialized item. The value in the Sold-to 业务伙伴 of the maintenance order is defaulted with the value of the Sold-to business partner specified for the installation group in the 安装组 (tsbsc1100m000) session.
Note:- The 状态 of the selected serial number must be set to 活动 or 工作条件 or 缺陷 in the 序列化物料 (tscfg2100m000) session.
- The value in this field can not be modified if the value of the Sold-to 业务伙伴 field can not be modified.
- The value in this field can not be modified if the maintenance sales order is originates from a quote or a call or a service order material line.
- If the 安装组 field is specified, Infor LN defaults the serial number of the installation group defined in the 序列化物料 (tscfg2100m000) session.
- Infor LN defaults this value for the part maintenance lines.
- Service Office
The service office description.
- 服务部门
- 项目
The project to which the cost is pegged.
Note:The Project Cost Account to which cost is pegged is a combination of Project, Element and Activity.
- 业务伙伴价格和折扣
The code of the sold-to business partner. Infor LN defaults the prices and discounts defined for this business partner to the cost lines linked to the maintenance sales order.
Note:This field is applicable only if the 使用默认业务伙伴价格及折扣 check box is selected in the 通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000) session.
- Description
- 订单折扣
The discount percentage that is applicable to the cost lines related to the maintenance sales order.
Note:This field is applicable only if the 使用订单折扣 check box is selected in the 维修销售控制参数 (tsmsc0100m000) session.
- Description
- 要素
The element that is linked to the project.
Note:The Project Cost Account to which cost is pegged is a combination of Project, Element and Activity.
- Description
- 活动
The activity that is linked to the project.
Note:The Project Cost Account to which cost is pegged is a combination of Project, Element and Activity.
- Description
- 内部销售代表
The employee associated with the login of the user who enters the order.
- Sales Representative
The full name of the service engineer.
- 搜索关键字
- 服务类型
The service order type that maintenance sales order has originated from. This value is defaulted from the MSC parameters.
Note:The value in this field is defaulted from the 保修的服务类型 field if the serialized item is covered by repair warranty. Else, the value is defaulted from the 默认服务类型 field specified in the 维修销售控制参数 (tsmsc0100m000) session.
- Service Type
The description of the service order type.
- 起始时间
The scheduled start date and time of the order.
- 结束时间
The scheduled finish date and time of the order.
- 已冻结
如果选中此复选框,the maintenance sales order is blocked.
Note:- If a maintenance sales order is blocked, the work orders for its item lines are also blocked.
- You can define the conditions for blocking an order in the 维修销售控制参数 (tsmsc0100m000) session. If you have selected any blocking conditions, LN performs blocking checks on a sales order each time you change the order status.
Blocking Indicator is filled automatically by the system on finding an active blocking condition.· This functionality is based on the options set in the MSC parameters. Blocked Order cannot be processed further until the blocking is released.
- 订单文本
- 将覆盖范围计算用于估算
Indicates that you can maintain the cost and sales amounts for the estimated coverage lines that LN creates for the part maintenance lines linked to the selected maintenance sales order. The estimated coverage lines are created in the 维修销售订单 - 估计覆盖行 (tstdm4100m000) session.
Note:This value is defaulted from the 维修销售控制参数 (tsmsc0100m000) session and you cannot modify this value.
- 预约
如果选中此复选框, the start time and the finish time for the sales order are defined in an appointment.
Note:If the order execution times are fixed by an appointment, the work orders created for the maintenance sales order will get more priority in the 工作控制系统模块 module.
The checkbox is cleared when the ATP check is performed and there is a changed in the planned start time.
- 业务范围
The line of business of the sold-to business partner.
The line of business specified for the sold-to business partner in the 买方业务伙伴 (tccom4510m000) session.
Note:You can only maintain this field if the order status is 自由 or 处理中, and the 业务伙伴 field is filled in.
- 说明
The line of business description.
- Sales Area
Note:This value is defaulted from the 买方业务伙伴 (tccom4510m000) session.
- 销售价格表
The code of the price list that is linked to the business partner, and is used to determine the item's price.
The price list selected for the business partner in the 买方业务伙伴 (tccom4510m000) session.
- Sales Price List
The sales price list description.
- 业务伙伴
- 地址
The BP's address code.
- 联系人
- 交货条款
The agreements with the business partner, concerning the way the goods are delivered. Relevant information is printed on various order documents.
- 业务伙伴
- 地址
The BP's address code.
- 街道
Address details.
- 联系人
- Payment Terms
- 必须支付发票的期段。
- 在指定期间内支付了发票金额时给予的折扣。
- 付款到期日
- 折扣期的过期日
- 折扣额
- Payment Terms
The description of the payment terms.
- 滞纳金
- 付款方式
Payment method.
Note:This value is defaulted from the 发票接受方业务伙伴 (tccom4512m000) session.
- 整体开票
如果选中此复选框,and you change the sales order status to 已核算成本, LN will post all coverage lines to 统一开票 in one run.
You can still set the coverage lines to 已核算成本, but the posting to 统一开票 is deferred until the sales order is costed.
如果清除此复选框,the coverage lines can be separately approved and posted to 统一开票. This can be used if, for example, a sales order takes a long time to finish, and accelerated, partial invoicing is required. You can also post the actual cost lines to 统一开票, if you change the sales order status or the sales-order activity status to 已核算成本.
Note:If the sales order status is 自由 or 处理中, you can modify this field.
- 发票文本
如果选中此复选框,it indicates that some text with further invoicing details is available.
- Quote
The quote number. The maintenance sales order is linked to the given quote number.
- 修订号
The revision number of the 合同报价单 to which the maintenance sales order is linked.
Note:- This field is displayed only if the 使用修订 check box is selected in the 服务报价单参数 (tsepp0100m000) session.
- This value is defaulted from the 报价单 (tsepp1100m000) session.
- 订单货币
The currency in which the sales order is transacted.
- Order Currency
The currency description.
- 汇率类型
- Exchange Rate Type
The description of the exchange rate type.
- 汇率确定方式
- 业务伙伴
- 地址
The BP's address code.
- 联系人
- 门牌号
Address details.
- Address
Address details.
- Address
Address details.
- Address
Address details.
- Address
Address details.
- 合格报告
The code of the conformance reporting linked to the item.
- Description
- 问题解决方法
The method used to solve the problems related to the item.
- 8D
- 不适用
- A3
- 核对清单
- 其它