维修销售控制参数 (tsmsc0100m000)
- 参数集及其生效日期的历史记录清单。最新参数集位于清单底部。
- 当前参数集,位于清单顶部(不含生效日期)。要查看历史参数集,请双击其中一个历史参数集。可以使用“打印通用服务参数 (tsmdm0400m000)”进程来打印和比较参数集。
要查看或更改当前参数,请双击显示在清单顶部且不含生效日期的参数集。此时会启动“维修销售控制参数 (tsmsc0100m000)”详细资料进程。
如果您进行了更改并保存了新的参数设置,LN 会执行下列操作:
- 将新参数集添加到历史记录清单的末尾。
- 更新当前参数集(位于清单顶部)。
- 生效日期
The date and time from which the parameters are valid.
- 说明
The description of the parameter set, for example, the reason why the previous setting was changed.
- 维修销售订单编号组
The code of the number group used to identify sales orders.
- Description
The number group description.
- 使用订单折扣
如果选中此复选框, order discounts are applicable for maintenance sales orders.
Note:This field is enabled only if:
- The 价目表折扣 check box is selected in the 通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000) session.
- The 将覆盖范围计算用于估算 check box is selected.
- 应用累计折扣和折扣合计至成本物料
If this check box is selected, the total and cumulative discounts defined in sales/service total discount matrices, are applied to items of type Cost and Service.
Note:- This check box is displayed only if the 使用累计及价格和折扣总计 check box is selected in the 通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000) session.
- This check box is enabled only if the 将覆盖范围计算用于估算 check box is selected in this session.
- 固定活动价格
如果选中此复选框, order discounts are applicable for the part lines with fixed prices.
Note:This check box is enabled only if the 使用订单折扣 check box is selected.
- 材料
如果选中此复选框, order discounts are applicable for maintenance sales orders material cost lines.
Note:This check box is enabled only if the 使用订单折扣 check box is selected.
- 人工
如果选中此复选框, order discounts are applicable for maintenance sales orders labor cost lines.
Note:This check box is enabled only if the 使用订单折扣 check box is selected.
- 工具
如果选中此复选框, order discounts are applicable for maintenance sales orders tool cost lines.
Note:- This check box is displayed only if the 工具需求计划 (TRP) check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- This check box is enabled only if the 使用订单折扣 check box is selected.
- 分包
如果选中此复选框, order discounts are applicable for maintenance sales orders subcontracting cost lines.
Note:This check box is enabled only if the 使用订单折扣 check box is selected.
- 支持服务台
如果选中此复选框, order discounts are applicable for maintenance sales orders help desk cost lines.
Note:- This field is displayed only if the 呼叫之后开票 check box is selected in the 呼叫管理参数 (tsclm0100m000) session.
- This check box is enabled only if the 使用订单折扣 check box is selected.
- 其它成本
如果选中此复选框, order discounts are applicable for maintenance sales orders other cost lines.
Note:This check box is enabled only if the 使用订单折扣 check box is selected.
- 货运
如果选中此复选框, order discounts are applicable for maintenance sales orders freight cost lines.
Note:- This field is displayed only if the 货运管理 (FM) check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- This check box is enabled only if the 使用订单折扣 check box is selected.
- 销售利润
The percentage that is used to calculate the default sales price.
sales price = cost price + (cost price * sales margin)/100
- 来源呼叫的默认服务类型
The default service type when the maintenance sales order origin is call.
- Description
The description of the default service type when the maintenance sales order is originated from a call.
- 来源服务订单的默认服务类型
The default service type when the maintenance sales order origin is service order.
Note:You can only select the service type for which the 使用收货 check box is not selected in the 服务类型 (tsmdm0130m000) session.
- Description
The description of the default service type when the maintenance sales order origin is service order.
- 默认服务类型
The default service order type.
- Description
The description of the default service order type.
- 保修的服务类型
Default service type used to categorize maintenance sales order generated or created from bad fix calls, manual service orders, or from planned activities. This is used to determine whether Repair Warranty is applicable for the maintenance sales order for a Part maintenance line only.
Note:This field is not mandatory. Incase Repair Warranty service type field is left empty, LN pop ups a warning message.
- 行间距
The number that defines the sequence for the successive maintenance sales order lines. For example, if you enter the value 10, the numbers assigned to successive maintenance sales order lines are 10, 20, 30, and so on.
- 默认定价方法
The default pricing method that applies to the maintenance sales orders.
- 固定订单价格
- 时间和材料
The default pricing method that you select in the field applies to the maintenance sales orders that are created manually or are generated from a call.
- 将覆盖范围计算用于估算
如果选中此复选框, you can maintain the cost and sales amounts for the estimated coverage lines that LN creates for the part maintenance lines in the 维修销售订单 - 估计覆盖行 (tstdm4100m000) session.
- 允许删除估计值
Indicate if the activity lines and the estimated coverage lines that are created before releasing a part line, can be deleted.
- 否
- 交互式
LN 提示您在删除活动行、部件行、成本行或资源行之前进行确认。
- 是
Note:This field is enabled and set to 交互式 only if the 将覆盖范围计算用于估算 check box is selected. If the check box is cleared, this field is disabled and set to 是.
- 创建部件维修行的工作单
The method used to create the work orders for the part lines.
- 人工
The work order is started when you click 服务订单 (tssoc2100m000) session.
in the - 自动
The work order is set to 已完成 status, when the last activity line or the last cost line of the service order is completed.
- 交互
The work order is started, based on the option Yes, No or Cancel that you select when the question is displayed.
Note:If the 将覆盖范围计算用于估算 check box is selected, this field is set to 自动 and you cannot modify the setting.
- 维修销售订单历史记录
如果选中此复选框,maintenance sales order history is maintained. Else, the history is not maintained.
- 要求库存承诺
如果选中此复选框, inventory must be committed to the maintenance sales order.
The check box must be selected in case some material needs to be delivered from a warehouse, or some tools are required. 如果选中此复选框, these resources are committed to the maintenance sales order.
- 材料所有权
- 收货时允许使用买方业务伙伴而不是安装所有者
如果选中此复选框,LN allows you to use the Sold-to BP of the maintenance sales order instead of the actual owner of the installation, when the items are received in the warehouse.
Note:This field is applicable only if the 外部所有权 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- 发料时允许使用安装所有者而不是买方业务伙伴
如果选中此复选框,LN allows you to use the actual owner of the installation instead of the Sold-to BP of the maintenance sales order, when items are issued from the warehouse.
Note:This field is applicable only if the 外部所有权 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- 允许安装所有者不同于库存所有者
如果选中此复选框,the owner of a serialized item is different from the owner in inventory. This differentiation is applicable during the receipt of the serialized item in the warehouse.
Note:This field is applicable only if the 外部所有权 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- 信贷复审逾期时
如果选中此复选框, LN signals the user if the credit review of the invoice-to BP is overdue.
如果清除此复选框,no signal is given, even if the credit review of the invoice-to BP is overdue.
- 信贷复审逾期时
如果选中此复选框, LN blocks the sales order if the credit review of the invoice-to BP is overdue.
如果清除此复选框,the sales order will not be blocked, even if the credit review of the invoice-to BP is overdue.
- 超出信用限额时
如果选中此复选框, LN signals the user if the credit limit of an invoice-to BP is exceeded.
如果清除此复选框,no signal is given, even if the credit limit of the invoice-to BP is exceeded.
- 超出信用限额时
如果选中此复选框, LN blocks the sales order if the credit limit of the invoice-to BP is exceeded.
如果清除此复选框,the sales order will not be blocked, even if the credit limit of the invoice-to BP is exceeded.
- 发票过期未付时
如果选中此复选框, LN signals the user if the invoice-to BP has an overdue invoice.
如果清除此复选框,no signal is given, even if the invoice-to BP has an overdue invoice.
- 发票过期未付时
如果选中此复选框, LN blocks the sales order if the invoice-to BP has an overdue invoice amount.
如果清除此复选框,the sales order is not blocked, even if the invoice-to BP has an invoice amount overdue.
- 业务伙伴可疑时
如果选中此复选框, LN signals the user if the invoice-to BP is doubtful.
如果清除此复选框,no signal is given, even if the invoice-to BP is doubtful.
- 业务伙伴可疑时
如果选中此复选框, LN blocks the sales order if the invoice-to BP is doubtful.
如果清除此复选框,the sales order is not blocked, even if the invoice-to BP is doubtful.
- 使用利润控制
如果选中此复选框, margin percentage is calculated.
如果清除此复选框, the gross % is disabled.
The gross margin is calculated according to one of the following basic formulae:
gross margin = (sales - cost of sales) / sales
gross margin = (sales - cost of sales) / cost of sales
- 利润基础
Select whether the gross margin is calculated based on the sales value or on the cost of sales.
- 检查材料可用性
如果选中此复选框, material availability check can be performed for the maintenance sales orders.
- 已下达订单的更新
The option to update material availability for the released orders.
- 人工
The work order is started when you click 服务订单 (tssoc2100m000) session.
in the - 自动
The work order is set to 已完成 status, when the last activity line or the last cost line of the service order is completed.
- 交互
The work order is started, based on the option Yes, No or Cancel that you select when the question is displayed.
Note:This field is enabled only if the 检查材料可用性 check box is selected.
- 销售费率搜索路径
- Search Path for Sales Rate : Level1
The search path for sales rate.
Search Path
LN searches for the sales rate in the following order:
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 4
LN uses this search criteria to determine the sales rate for the labor resource line. If the labor sales rate is not specified at Level 1, the sales rate defined at level 2 is considered. If the sales rate is not specified at Level 2, the sales rate defined at level 3 is considered. If the sales rate is not specified at Level 3, the sales rate defined at level 4 is considered.
The sales rate is linked to the following:
- Serialized Item Group
- Installation Group
- Service Employee
- Department
- Not Applicable
- Reference Activity
- Task
LN does not allow you to select an option at any two levels.
- Search Path for Sales Rate : Level 2
The 销售费率搜索路径.
- Search Path for Sales Rate : Level 3
The 销售费率搜索路径.
- Search Path for Sales Rate : Level 4
The 销售费率搜索路径.
- 需求挂钩
- 维修行的需求挂钩类型
The allocation and hard peging type for repair lines. LN allocates the inventory for a specific demand. LN uses the item specifications to match the demand and supply of inventory.
The default value is 基于订单. You can change the allocation and hard pegging type.
Allocation and Hard Pegging Types
Select the allocation and hard pegging type. 此字段可以拥有下列值:
- 基于客户 The inventory supply for the maintenance sales order line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the sold-to BP.
- 基于订单The inventory supply for the maintenance sales order line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the MSO.
- 基于客户参考 The supply for the maintenance sales order line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the customer reference.
- 基于内部参考 The supply for the maintenance sales order line must be allocated and/or hard pegged to the internal reference.
- 不适用 The allocation and hard pegging is not applicable.
- 发料行的需求挂钩类型
The allocation and hard peging type for issue lines. LN allocates the inventory for a specific demand. LN uses the item specifications to match the demand and supply of inventory.
The default value is 基于订单. You can change the allocation and hard pegging type.
Allocation and Hard Pegging Types
- 使用未分配的库存
如果选中此复选框, Infor LN 企业计划子系统 uses unallocated inventory to match and meet the inventory demand and supply.
如果清除此复选框, Infor LN 企业计划子系统 does not use unallocated inventory to meet the inventory demand.
Note:LN matches the inventory demand and supply in the following order of priority:
- Allocated inventory
- Unallocated inventory
Note:The field is disabled only when you select 不适用 in the 发料行的需求挂钩类型 field.
- 自动计划部件维修行的工作单
如果选中此复选框, LN sets the work order status to 已计划, when the work order is created from a MSO Part Maintenance Line.