通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000)
- 参数集及其生效日期的历史记录清单。最新参数集位于清单底部。
- 当前参数集,位于清单顶部(不含生效日期)。要查看历史参数集,请双击其中一个历史参数集。可以使用“打印通用服务参数 (tsmdm0400m000)”进程来打印和比较参数集。
要查看或更改当前参数,请双击显示在清单顶部且不含生效日期的参数集。此时会启动“通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000)”详细资料进程。
如果您进行了更改并保存了新的参数设置,LN 会执行下列操作:
- 将新参数集添加到历史记录清单的末尾。
- 更新当前参数集(位于清单顶部)。
- General
- 生效日期
The date and time from which the parameters are valid. The parameters are valid up to the effective date of the most recent parameter setting.
- 说明
The description of the parameter set. For example, the reason why the previous setting was changed.
- 模块
- 现场服务
如果选中此复选框, all applicable fields related to 服务订单管理模块 will be available.
- Depot Repair
如果选中此复选框, all applicable fields related to shop maintenance will be available.
- 客户索赔
如果选中此复选框, the customer claim functionality is available in service.
Note:You can uncheck this, only if no open customer claim exists. This means only Customer Claims exist with 状态 已结算, 已拒绝 or 已取消 in 客户索赔 (tscmm1100m000) session.
- 供应商索赔
如果选中此复选框, the supplier claim functionality is available in service.
Note:You can uncheck this, only if no open supplier claim exists. This means only Supplier Claims exist with 状态 已结算, 已拒绝 or 已取消 in 供应商索赔 (tscmm2100m000) session.
- 工程修订号处于活动状态
如果选中此复选框,engineering revisions are active.
如果选中此复选框, the engineering revisions that are used in 制造管理, can be used within 服务管理子系统.
- 使用累计及价格和折扣总计
如果选中此复选框, the total discount, total prices and cumulative discounts are used in Service.
Note:This check box is enabled only if:
- The 价目表折扣 check box is selected.
- The 销售价格搜索方法 field is set to a value other than 物料服务价格.
- 使用默认业务伙伴价格及折扣
如果选中此复选框, Infor LN defaults the prices and discounts specified for the business partner in Service.
Note:This check box is enabled only if the 价目表折扣 check box is selected.
- 初始仓单状态由仓储业务确定
如果选中此复选框,, the initial status of the warehousing order is determined by Warehousing.
Note:This field is displayed only if these check boxes are selected:
- 现场服务
- Depot Repair
- 客户索赔
- 供应商索赔
- 技能
如果选中此复选框, LN enables the Skills functionality in Service.
Note:If the skills functionality is enabled, you can view the following session:
- Skill Requirements by Reference Activity (tsacm2121m000)
- Required Skills by Activity (tstdm2111m000)
- History Required Skills by Activity (tstdm8111m000)
- 功能性要素处于活动状态
如果选中此复选框, functional elements can be used when creating item breakdowns, physical breakdowns, and reference activities.
- Use Inspections
如果选中此复选框,, measurements and counters are used.
- 使用诊断
如果选中此复选框, you can implement the Diagnostics functionality in Infor LN 服务管理子系统.
Note:如果选中此复选框, Infor LN considers the values specified in 需要的问题代码 and 需要的解决方案代码 fields in the 服务用户模板 (tsmdm1660m000) session. The value specified in 问题/解决方案处理 in the 服务类型 (tsmdm0130m000) session for call diagnosis is also considered.
- 使用物料计数器读数
如果选中此复选框, counter readings are used.
- Demand Pegging
如果选中此复选框,LN allocates the inventory for a specific demand. LN uses the item specifications to match the demand and supply of inventory.
- 传呼处于活动状态
如果选中此复选框, LN enables the Paging functionality.
Note:If Paging functionality is enabled, you can use the following sessions 寻呼机数据 (tsmdm1170m000), 传呼任务分派 (tsmdm1185m000) and 服务订单传呼日志清单 (tssoc2503m000).
- 不合格报告
如果选中此复选框, Non-Conformance Report is implemented in Infor LN 服务管理子系统.
Note:This field is applicable only if the 质量管理 (QM) and the 已实施不合格材料报告 check boxes are selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) and 质量管理参数 (qmptc0100m000) sessions respectively.
- 日历控制
- 可用性类型
Note:The availability type specified here is used as a default if no availability type exists for the applicable service type.
- 说明
- 时间单位
- 基本时间单位(小时)
In 服务管理子系统 a base unit for time must be defined in addition to the base unit that is defined in the 单位 (tcmcs0101m000) session.
Unit codes with a physical quantity value 时间.
Note:You must also define a conversion factor between the base time unit in 公用数据管理子系统 and the base time unit in 服务管理子系统.
- 人工费率时间单位
Unit in which the labor rate is expressed.
Unit codes with a physical quantity value 时间.
Note:The 基本时间单位(小时) field must be filled before you can select this field.
- 出差费用
- 出差费用
- 使用服务区域
如果选中此复选框, the service area and related functions are used in 服务管理子系统.
Note:You can only define data related to the use of service areas, if this check box is selected.
The related functions are:
- Service employees that are linked to service areas.
- Service and maintenance items that are linked to service areas.
- Subservice areas that are linked to main service areas.
- Traveling times that are defined for service areas.
- Warehouses that are linked to service areas.
- 1
The value in this field indicates the priority of the order type for which the material availability check must be performed.
- 工作单
- 维护销售订单
- 服务订单
- 不适用
- Scope of Inventory Check
The value in this field indicates where the material is available.
- 计划群中的所有仓库
- 仅限当前仓库
- 出差费用计算方法
The method that is used to calculate travel expenses.
- 距离单位
The unit for distances that is used in 服务管理子系统.
Unit codes with a physical quantity value 长度.
- 销售价格币种
The currency in which the sales rate is expressed in 服务管理子系统.
- 说明
The name of the currency in which the sales rate is expressed.
- 行程时间
- 标准成本
The cost rate for the traveling time.
- Cost Rate
Your company's reference currency that is defined in the 公司 (tcemm1170m000) session.
- Time Duration Unit
The unit code for the time duration. In the 服务计划及维修说明模块 module this parameter is also used to express tolerance periods.
Unit codes with a physical quantity value 时间.
- 日单位
The default rental unit for day.
Note:- This field is displayed only if the 设备即服务 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- You must select a unit for which the 物理量 field is set to 时间 in the 单位 (tcmcs0101m000) session.
- 周单位
The default rental unit for week.
Note:- This field is displayed only if the 设备即服务 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- You must select a unit for which the 物理量 field is set to 时间 in the 单位 (tcmcs0101m000) session.
- 月份单位
The default rental unit for month.
Note:- This field is displayed only if the 设备即服务 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- You must select a unit for which the 物理量 field is set to 时间 in the 单位 (tcmcs0101m000) session.
- 年度单位
The default rental unit for year.
Note:- This field is displayed only if the 设备即服务 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- You must select a unit for which the 物理量 field is set to 时间 in the 单位 (tcmcs0101m000) session.
- 标准销售价格
The sales rate for the traveling time.
- Sales Rate
The currency of the sales price for traveling.
- 行程距离
- Standard Cost
The standard cost of the traveling distance.
- Slash Character
The time duration unit that is defined in this session.
- 标准销售价格
The sales price of the traveling distance.
- Sales Price
The currency sales price for traveling specified in this session.
- Slash Character
The distance unit that is defined in this session.
- 文本
如果选中此复选框,a text is present.
- 搜索
- 搜索引擎
- Apply Search Engine for Installation Groups
如果选中此复选框, the search engine is used to search for Installation group.
- 使用搜索引擎查找序列化物料
如果选中此复选框, the search engine is used to search for serialized items.
- 搜索变量:安置区地址
- 安置区地址搜索变量的属性
The attributes of address which are used by the search engine to find the location of Installation groups and/or serialized items. You can search based on the following attributes:
Search Arguments
Name - Name 2
- House Number
- Address
- Address 2
- City
- City 2
- Zip Code
- Country (Coded)
- Country
- Telephone
From a total of eleven search arguments, you can set five search arguments each for both the Search Argument with Index and Search Argument without Index fields. Additionally, you can use wild cards to search the location of Installation groups/ serialized items.
The search parameters in the 搜索标准(安装组) (tsmdm0280m000) / 搜索标准(序列化物料) (tsmdm0281m000) sessions, which are accessible from the 呼叫 (tsclm1100m000) session are enabled based on the arguments selected by the user in the groupbox.
- 控制
- 销售定价
- 销售价格搜索方法
The sales price of material items is based on the option selected in the field.
You can define the material lines in following sessions:
Material cost terms
- 合同报价单材料条款 (tsctm1131m200)
- 合同材料条款 (tsctm1131m300)
- 服务订单报价单材料条款 (tsctm1131m400)
- Actual service-order material costs in the 服务订单实际材料成本 (tssoc2121m000) session.
The base price is stored in price books. Following are the options to retrieve the sales price of a material item:
- 服务价目表.
- 服务/销售价目表.
- 物料服务价格.
- 销售/服务价目表
- 评估价格百分比
The percentage of the valuation price that must be considered as the residual value.
- 要在发票上打印的默认值
The print options for the cost line when the invoice amount is zero.
Note:- When the field is set to 无发票, Invoice costs are considered as goodwill
- If the field is set to '无发票' after the line is costed, the available invoice line in Invoicing is deleted.
- 是
- 否
- 无发票
- 不适用
- Discounts
- Pricing Data
- 价目表折扣
如果选中此复选框, discounts are fetched from the price book defined in the 价目表行 (tdpcg0131m000) session.
Note:If this check box is cleared, discounts are not applied from the 定价 module.
- 折扣策略
The Discount Policy determines the procedure that has to be used for applying the discount percentage or amount on the 服务订单 cost lines and 覆盖行 You can apply the discount in the following two ways:
- Apply Discounts Before Coverage
- Apply Discounts After Coverage
覆盖前应用折扣 Discount is applied on the Total sales amount before coverage. Invoice Amount = Total Sales – Discount amount or percentage - (Contract Coverage – Warranty – Order Quotation - FCO – Other) 覆盖后应用折扣 Invoicing Amount = Total Sales – (Contract Coverage – Warranty – Order Quotation - FCO – Other) Discount is applied on the Invoice amount. Invoice Amount = Invoicing amount – Discount amount or percentage
Note:If the 价目表折扣 check box is selected, the field is set to Apply Discounts Before Coverage.
Note:This field is enabled only when the 价目表折扣 check box is not selected.
- 地区计划
如果选中此复选框, the territory planning functionality is implemented in Infor LN 服务管理子系统.
Note:This check box is enabled only if the 现场服务 check box is selected.
- 工具需求计划
如果选中此复选框, you can use the cost type 工装 in Infor LN 服务管理子系统.
Note:- This check box is visible only if the 工具需求计划 (TRP) check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- If this check box is not selected, you cannot use the cost type 工装 in Infor LN 服务管理子系统, although the 工具需求计划 (TRP) functionality is implemented in Infor LN 公用数据管理子系统.
- 将物料设置用于需求挂钩
如果选中此复选框, the demand pegging settings on the service and work order material lines, maintenance sales order, part maintenance, part loan and part delivery lines are not defaulted from the respective service parameters but from the item, as defined in the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session.
Note:- This field is not applicable if 需求挂钩 check box is not selected in the 通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000) session.
- The value in this field is defaulted from the 需求挂钩 check box in the 通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000) session.