报价单事务处理日志 (tsepp1130m000)
- 报价单编号
The code of the quote for which the data is displayed
- Description
The description or name of the code.
- 修订号
The revision number of the quote.
Note:This field is displayed only if the 使用修订 check box is selected in the 服务报价单参数 (tsepp0100m000) session.
- 更改的实体
The entity that is modified.
- 报价单
- 报价单行
- 报价单成本行
- 行
The line number of the quote line or the quote cost line.
- 替代行
The line alternative number of the quote line or the quote cost line.
Note:This field is displayed only if the 使用替代方案 check box is selected in the 服务报价单参数 (tsepp0100m000) session.
- 事务处理时间
The date and time when the data is modified for a quote, quote line or a quote cost line.
- 服务提供者
The code of the use who modifies the data.
- 更改的字段
The name of the field for which the data is modified.
- 记录模式
Indicates the type of modification to the data.
- 已创建
- 已修改
- 已删除
- 原有值
The existing value in the field that is modified.
- 新值
The new value in the field that is updated.