合同成本覆盖概览 (tsctm4180m000)
- 服务合同
The code of the service contract.
- 说明
- 原始合同变更
- 配置行号
The line number identifying the configuration for which the total amounts apply.
- 安装组
The code of the installation group.
- Description
- 物料
The code of the item.
- 序列号
The serial number of the item.
- 物料说明
- 成本行
The sequence number of the cost line
- 实际成本
The actual cost incurred for a contract or a configuration corresponding to a service order, Call or MSC order is stored. This field is updated from the order systems when costing a service order, call or MSC order.
- 费用发生日期
The date on which the cost has been incurred. It is the date on which the cost moves from allocated to spent.
- 订单类型
The order origin of the cost amount. By default, the value is set to “服务”.
- 维修
- 呼叫
- 索赔
- 服务
- 订单编号
The code of the order to which the cost line is linked.
- 订单行
The line number of the order.
- 覆盖行
The coverage line linked to the order.
- 成本类型
The cost type of the coverage line.
- 人工
- 工装
- 出差费用
- 分包
- 支持服务台
- 其它
- 订单
- 活动
- 材料
- 货运
- 报价单发票
- 过帐期段
The year in which the actual posting has taken place in Finance. Infor LN defaults this value when the revenue is recognized and finally posted to GLD
- 过帐会计期
The period in which the actual posting has taken place in Finance. Infor LN defaults this value when the revenue is recognized and finally posted to GLD.
- 状态
The status of the coverage line.
- 已核算成本
- 已过帐
- 已核准
- 自由
- 计入收益计算
Indicates if the actual costs must be considered for the revenue calculation.
注意- This check box is displayed only if the “客户索赔” check box is selected in the “通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000)” session.
- This check box is enabled and can be cleared only if:
- The “订单类型” field is set to “索赔”.
- In the “服务合同 (tsctm3600m000)” session:
- The contract status is set to a value other than “创建中” or “已结算”.
- The “Revenue Recognition Based on” field is set to “挣值系数(每期成本)” or “挣值系数(累计成本)”