客户索赔 (tscmm1600m000)
使用此进程以存储客户索赔行。在“客户索赔 (tscmm1100m000)”进程中创建新的客户索赔时,即会启动此进程。在此进程中,可以登记买方业务伙伴详细资料、索赔的说明以及索赔上适用安装的详细资料。
要为客户索赔创建形式发票,可以使用“操作”菜单上的“处理客户索赔形式发票”选项。系统会显示“处理客户索赔形式发票 (tscmm1291m000)”进程,您可在其中根据成本类型选择客户索赔行,还可以针对客户索赔和链接至客户索赔的所选类型的客户索赔行处理形式发票。
要查看“形式开票工作台 (cisli3640m000)”,可以使用“参考”菜单中的“形式发票”。
与 Infor LN 质量管理子系统集成
LN 允许您通过“操作”菜单上的“链接不合格报告”选项为服务对象链接“不合格报告”。此时会调用“不合格报告 (qmncm1100m000)”进程,可以在其中为服务对象链接报告。
可以使用“操作”菜单上的“取消链接不合格报告”选项取消链接不合格报告。此时会调用“相关订单 - 质量管理 (tsmdm4500m100)”进程,在其中可以选择要取消链接的报告。
仅当选中“通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000)”进程中的“不合格报告”复选框时,这些不合格报告选项才可见。
仅当不合格报告的“物料”(序列化)和“业务伙伴”的组合与索赔(行)的“物料”(序列化)和“业务伙伴”的组合相匹配时,才能将不合格报告链接到索赔行。在“不合格报告 (qmncm1100m000)”进程中不会显示具有不同物料/序列号或业务伙伴的不合格报告。
- 买方
- 业务伙伴
The unique code of the sold-to business partner from which the claim is received.
- Description
The name of the sold-to business partner from which the claim is received.
- 地址
The address of the sold-to business partner.
- Address
- 联系人
The unique code of the contact details of the sold-to business partner.
Note:- The value of the 买方联系人 field is display only if the claim status is rejected, canceled or closed.
- The 买方联系人 is defaulted with the contact of the sold-to business partner defined in 按业务伙伴角色列出的联系人 (tccom4545m000) session.
- Full Name
- 发票
- Invoice-to Business Partner
The code of the invoice-to business partner.
Note:This field displays theinvoice-to business partner who receives the approved/claimed amount if the 索赔发票过程 is of type 基于贷方票据. This field displays the invoice-from business partner if the 索赔发票过程 is 基于发票.
- 地址
The code of the address of the invoice business partner.
Note:- The address is defaulted with the service department defined for Invoice business partner.
- Address
- 联系人
The contact linked to the business partner role.
Note:When the 索赔发票过程 is set to 基于贷方票据, LN defaults the contact of the service department of the Invoice-to business partner. If the 索赔发票过程 is set to 基于发票, LN defaults the contact linked to the Invoice-from business partner.
- Description
- 安装
- 安装组
The code that identifies theinstallation group for which the claim is raised.
Note:The installation group must be the same as the installation group of the serialized item, in case a serialized item is defined.
- 物料
The item for which the claim is raised.
Note:- In case, the item is defined without a serial number, the item must be defined in 服务物料数据 (tsmdm2100m000) session.
- You can select an item of the type, 已分包服务 if the 成本类型 is set to 分包.
- If the “按部门列出的物料服务数据”是必填项 check box is selected in the 通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000) session, you can only select an item that is linked to the specified 服务部门. The service items are linked to the service office in the按服务部门列出的物料服务数据 (tsmdm2120m000) session.
- 说明
- 序列号
The serial number of the item for which the claim is raised. The item must be defined, service item data must present and item must be configuration controlled as serialized.
Note:The sold-to business partner of the serialized item must be the same as the 买方业务伙伴 of the claim .
- 失败日期
The date and time when the malfunctioning of the part is reported. This date and time is used to identify the related active warranty or a service contract and price determination.
Note:By default, LN displays the claim 创建日期 as 失败日期.
- 索赔说明
- 外部索赔文本
Information about the claim that is printed on external document.
- 状态
- 索赔
The unique code for customer claim.
Note:The Claim number is defaulted with the series defined in 用户配置文件 (tsmdm1150m000) session and are assigned to the user logging the claim. If no user profile is maintained or no series for claims is set in the user profile, the claim series of the service department set in the user profile is defaulted.
- Status
The current status of the claim.LN populates the claim status and you cannot set the status manually. By default, the claim status is set to自由.
- 已部分核准
如果选中此复选框,LN indicates that a claim line is partially approved. This is a display field.
- 服务类型
The code of the service type. Service type allows user to define a set of characteristics for claims which can be linked to a new customer claim. Service type also defines steps to be executed in the claim procedure. The service type has the default procedural settings for a customer claim, such as the Claim Method and the 索赔发票过程.
Note:- When claim lines are present the service type is read-only.
- Only service types with a defined 索赔发票过程 can be used.
- Description
- 索赔发票过程
The procedure that determines if the claim flow is 基于贷方票据 or 基于发票. The 索赔发票过程 determines if the customer expects a sales credit note from the service organization (credit note based) or if the service organization expects a purchase invoice from the customer.
- 基于贷方票据
- 基于发票
- 不适用
Note:- LN defaults the 索赔发票过程 value from the 服务类型 (tsmdm0130m000) session.
- When the claim lines are present the 索赔发票过程 is read-only.
- 客户索赔核准事务处理
如果选中此复选框, LN indicates that the customer claim approval transaction must be created for a customer claim line.
Note:- This field is enabled only if the 使用全局索赔参数 check box is selected in the 按地点列出的服务设置 (tsmdm1103m000) session.
- This field is enabled only if the 客户索赔 check box is selected in the 索赔管理参数 (tscmm0100m000) session.
- 提前结算
如果选中此复选框, a credit note or delivery line with reimbursed materials is created Immediately without waiting for the defective item to be received. This allows the claim line to be approved and settled in advance without waiting for the claimed part to be received from the customer.
Note:- This field is applicable only if the customer claim check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0500m000) session.
- This field is applicable only if the Return Material Required check box is selected and 成本类型 is set to 材料.
- The value in this field is defaulted in this sequence:
- If 提前结算 check box is selected on the claim header, the same is defaulted on all the claim lines.
- This value is defaulted from the 物料服务业务伙伴数据 (tsmdm2130m000)session, if available.
- If 提前结算 check box is selected on 物料服务数据 (tsmdm2600m000)session, the same is defaulted on the claim lines.
- If 提前结算 check box is selected on the 服务类型 (tsmdm0130m000) session, the same is defaulted on the claim lines
- 客户索赔单据核准
Indicates if the customer claim document can be approved for the entire customer claim or for each claim line.
Note:- This check box is displayed and applicable only if:
- The 客户索赔单据核准 check box is selected in the 通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000) session.
- When a Workflow Document Authorization (WFDA) is not active in ION for customer claims. If the WFDA is active in ION, the claim header and line status is set to 已核准 after approval in ION.
- This setting is defaulted from the 索赔管理参数 (tscmm0100m000) session.
- This check box is displayed and applicable only if:
- 工作流状态
The status of the workflow in ION.
Note:This field is displayed only when workflow is active for Customer Claims.
- 服务部门
The service department authorized to handle the claim.
Note:- By Default,LN populates the service department defined in the 按用户配置文件列出的服务部门 (tsmdm1155m000) session.
- This field is not enabled when claim lines are present.
- 说明
- 内部销售代表
The code of the employee handling the claim. By default, LN populates the service representative defined in the 服务员工数据 (tsmdm1140m000) session.
Note:The service representative must be employed on the current date.
- Description
- 创建日期
The date and time the claim is created. By default, LN considers the date and time when the claim is created.
- 最晚结束时间
The latest finished time scheduled (for internal purpose) / agreed (with clients) for claim handling.
- 索赔来源
The origin of the claim. By default, this field is set this to 人工.
- 人工
- 呼叫
- 说明
- 销售参考系统
The order system in LN to which the claim refers to. By default, LN displays the field as 不适用.
- 呼叫
- 索赔
- 服务订单
- 维修销售订单
- 销售订单
- 销售计划
- 不适用
- Sales Document Type
The type of document related to the selected original order system to which the claim refers to. By default, LN displays the field as不适用. A claim can be based on the original document. The sales document type can be an order, or an invoice. The purpose of the “original document” is to check if the claim is valid, to copy the original sold items, quantities and sales prices of the order or invoice to the sales order. The original document concept eases the entry of the claim data, especially when the customer claim header was entered manually.
- 订单
- 订单历史记录
- 发票
- 不适用
- 销售单据
The code of the financial company of the original invoice.
Note:- This field is enabled only when the sales document type is 发票.
- The 公司类型 field must be set to 财务 or 二者 in 公司 (tcemm1170m000) session.
- Document
The transaction type code of the original invoice. This field is mandatory when the original document number is specified.
Note:This field is enabled only when 销售单据类型 is set to 发票 and when the original invoice company is specified.
- Document
The document number of the sales document type. The number can be an order number or an invoice number. This field is enabled and mandatory when the 销售单据类型 field is set to a value other than 不适用.
- 客户订单编号
The number assigned to the claim by the sold to business partner. You can specify the 客户订单编号 only when the claim status is set to 已拒绝, 已取消 or 已结算.
- 发票参考 A
The reference information about the business partner that you want to print on the sales invoice.
Note:- You can only maintain this field if the 买方业务伙伴 field is specified in 服务订单 (tssoc2100m000) session, and if the 索赔发票过程 field is set to 基于贷方票据.
- This field is not enabled
- If a claim line with 索赔发票过程 set to 基于贷方票据 has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.
- If a claim line with 索赔方法 field set to 偿还成本 and with the status已核准, and the field is unchecked.
- If 整体开票 field is checked, and the claim header 状态 is 已核准 or more.
- 发票参考 B
The reference information about the business partner that you want to print on the sales invoice.
Note:- You can only maintain this field if the 买方业务伙伴 field is specified in 服务订单 (tssoc2100m000) session, and if the 索赔发票过程 field is set to 基于贷方票据.
- This field is not enabled
- If a claim line with 索赔发票过程 field is set to 基于贷方票据 has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.
- If a claim line with 索赔方法 field set to 偿还成本 with the status已核准, and the 整体开票 field is unchecked.
- If 整体开票 field is checked, and the claim header 状态 is 已核准 or more.
- 项目
The code of the project for which the customer claim is created.
Note:- This field is displayed only if the 项目挂钩 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- This value must be specified if in the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session, the 强制项目挂钩 check box is selected for the item specified on the customer claim.
- You can specify a Project (TP) if the customer claim is project pegged, and the item specified for the customer claim is not project pegged.
- You can modify this value only if the status of the customer claim status is set to a value other than 已核准, 已取消 or 已结算.
- This field is applicable only if the item specified in the customer claim contains a project peg.
- This value is defaulted from the 项目 field in the 物料服务业务伙伴数据 (tsmdm2130m000) session.
- This field is valid only if:
- the project is TP Project.
- the project is not in the Closed status.
- the user is authorized to access the project.
- Description
- 要素
The code of the element linked to the 项目.
Note:- This field is displayed only if:
- The 项目挂钩 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- The 要素 check box is selected in the 项目参数 (tppdm0100s000) session.
- You can modify this value only if the status of the customer claim status is set to a value other than 已核准, 已取消 or 已结算.
- This field is applicable only if:
- The related customer claim is project pegged.
- The 项目 is specified.
- The 要素 is selected in the 项目参数 (tppdm0100s000) session.
- Infor LN defaults the value in this field from the 成本细目 - 服务活动 (tppdm3116m000), if the 成本细目 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session. If the 成本细目 check box is cleared in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session, Infor LN defaults this value from the 物料服务业务伙伴数据 (tsmdm2130m000) session.
- This field is displayed only if:
- Description
- 活动
The code of the activity linked to the 项目.
Note:- This field is displayed only if:
- The 项目挂钩 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- The 活动 check box is selected in the 项目参数 (tppdm0100s000) session.
- You can modify this value only if the status of the customer claim status is set to a value other than 已核准, 已取消 or 已结算.
- This field is applicable only if:
- The related customer claim is project pegged.
- The 项目 is specified.
- The 要素 is selected in the 项目参数 (tppdm0100s000) session.
- You must specify this value if
- Infor LN defaults the value in this field from the 成本细目 - 服务活动 (tppdm3116m000), if the 成本细目 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session. If the 成本细目 check box is cleared in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session, Infor LN defaults this value from the 物料服务业务伙伴数据 (tsmdm2130m000) session.
- This field is displayed only if:
- Description
- 项目挂钩来源
The origin of the project peg.
- 成本细目
- 不适用
- 人工
- 顶层需求
Note:- This field is displayed only if the 成本细目 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- This field is applicable only if the customer claim is project pegged.
- You can modify this value only if the status of the customer claim status is set to a value other than 已核准, 已取消 or 已结算.
- By default, this field is set to:
- 顶层需求, when the related customer claim is generated from LN Project.
- 人工, when the related customer claim is project pegged and the 成本细目 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session
- 不适用, when the project peg or the costing breaks is not applicable.
- 覆盖时间
The time used to determine the applicable service contract and warranty for the claim.
- 覆盖类型
The coverage type that is used to register the warranty or contract coverage allocation.
- Description
- 保修
The warranty linked to the claim.
- Description
- 服务合同
The service contract linked to the claim.
- Description
- 业务伙伴
The end customer (business partner) using the installation on which the claim is registered.
Note:- This field is not enabled if the claim 状态 is 已拒绝, 已取消 or已结算.
- The in value in this field is defaulted from the 序列化物料 (tscfg2100m000) session.
- 地址
The in use-by business partner's address.
Note:- This field is enabled only if the claim 状态 is 已拒绝, 已取消 or已结算.
- The in value in this field is defaulted from the 序列化物料 (tscfg2100m000) session.
- Address
- 联系人
The contact linked to the 业务伙伴 role.
Note:- This field is not enabled if the claim 状态 is 已拒绝, 已取消 or已结算.
- The in value in this field is defaulted from the 序列化物料 (tscfg2100m000) session.
- 操作员联系人
The contact linked to the 操作员联系人 using the installation.
Note:- This field is not enabled if the claim 状态 is 已拒绝, 已取消 or已结算.
- The in value in this field is defaulted from the 序列化物料 (tscfg2100m000) session.
- 业务伙伴
The code of the ship-to business partner who ships the broken parts and receives replacement parts.
Note:- The ship-to business partner is defaulted from the sold-to business partner defined in 业务伙伴 (tccom4500m000) session.
- 地址
The code of the ship-to address.
Note:Ship-to address is mandatory when the ship-to business partner is specified.
- Address
The in ship-to business partner's address.
- 联系人
The contact linked to the ship-to business partner.
Note:- The ship-to business partner is defaulted from the sold-to business partner defined in 业务伙伴 (tccom4500m000) session.
- This field is not enabled if the claim 状态 is 已拒绝, 已取消 or已结算.
- 交货条款
The delivery terms code.
Note:- You can enter a value in this field only if the sold-to business partner field is specified in 服务订单 (tssoc2100m000) session.
- The 交货条款 are defaulted with the terms of delivery from the 买方业务伙伴 role.
- 说明
- 所有权转移点
The point of title passage code.
Note:- You can only maintain this field if the sold-to business partner field is filled in 服务订单 (tssoc2100m000) session.
- Description
- Address
The code of the address of the invoice business partner.
Note:- The address is defaulted with the service department defined for Invoice business partner.
- 销售类型
The sales type.
Note:- This field Is enabled only if the Invoice-to business partner is specified and the 索赔发票过程 field is set to 基于贷方票据.
- This field is not enabled
- If a claim line with 索赔发票过程 set to 基于贷方票据 has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.
- If a claim line with 索赔方法 field set to 偿还成本 with the status已核准, and the 整体开票 field is unchecked.
- If 整体开票 field is checked, and the claim header 状态 is 已核准 or more.
- 说明
- 业务范围
The group of customers, suppliers, or employees that work in the same business sector. Lines of business can be used as selection criteria when generating reports or inquiries of statistical and historical data.
Note:- This field is defaulted with the line of business of the 买方业务伙伴 role.
- You can only maintain this field if the sold-to business partner field is filled in 服务订单 (tssoc2100m000) session and the 索赔发票过程 field is set to 基于贷方票据.
- This field is not enabled :
- If a claim line with 索赔发票过程 set to 基于贷方票据 has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.
- If a claim line with 索赔方法 field set to 偿还成本 with the status已核准, and the 整体开票 field is unchecked.
- If 整体开票 field is checked, and the claim header 状态 is 已核准 or more.
- Description
- 付款条款
The agreement for invoice payment. The payment terms include:
- The period within which invoices must be paid.
- The discount granted if an invoice is paid within a given period.
The payment terms allow you to calculate:
- The date on which the payment is due.
- The date on which the discount periods expire.
- The discount amount.
Note:- You can only maintain this field if the invoice-to business partner field is filled in 服务订单 (tssoc2100m000) session and 索赔发票过程 is 基于贷方票据.
- The value is defaulted from the Payment Terms data defined for the Invoice-to business partner.
- This field is not enabled :
- If a claim line with 索赔发票过程 field is set to 基于贷方票据 has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.
- If a claim line with 索赔方法 field set to 偿还成本 with the status已核准, and the 整体开票 field is unchecked.
- If 整体开票 field is checked, and the claim header 状态 is 已核准 or more.
- Description
- 滞纳金
The percentage that is charged over the goods amount or over services rendered that the recipient of the invoice must pay, if the bill is not paid within a specified period.
Note:- You can only maintain this field if the sold-to business partner field is filled in 服务订单 (tssoc2100m000) session and the 索赔发票过程 field is set to 基于贷方票据.
- The value is defaulted from the Payment Terms data defined for the Invoice-to business partner.
- This field is not enabled
- If a claim line with 索赔发票过程 field is set to 基于贷方票据 has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.
- If a claim line with 索赔方法 field set to 偿还成本 with the status已核准, and the 整体开票 field is unchecked.
- If 整体开票 field is checked, and the claim header 状态 is 已核准 or more.
- 说明
- 付款方式
The code of the payment method. 付款方式 indicates how the credit note is paid in 现金管理.
Note:- You can only maintain this field only if the sold-to business partner field is filled in 服务订单 (tssoc2100m000) session and the 索赔发票过程 field is set to 基于贷方票据.
- This field is not enabled
- If a claim line with 索赔发票过程 field is set to 基于贷方票据 has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.
- If a claim line with 索赔方法 field set to 偿还成本 with the status已核准, and the 整体开票 field is unchecked.
- If 整体开票 field is checked, and the claim header 状态 is 已核准 or more.
- Description
- 整体开票
如果选中此复选框, LN releases all the claim lines to central Invoicing when the claim 状态 is set to 已核准. 如果清除此复选框, the claim lines are released to central invoicing individually, when the claim 行状态 is 已核准.
Note:- You can only maintain this field if the sold-to business partner field is specified in 服务订单 (tssoc2100m000) session and the 索赔发票过程 field is set to 基于贷方票据.
- This field is defaulted with 整体开票 field in the 索赔管理参数 (tscmm0100m000) session. By default, this checkbox is not selected, if the Sold-to business partner is not specified in 服务订单 (tssoc2100m000) session.
- This field is not enabled
- If a claim line with 索赔发票过程 field is set to 基于贷方票据 has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.
- If a claim line with 索赔方法 field set to 偿还成本 with the status已核准, and the 整体开票 field is unchecked.
- 增值税征收依据
如果选中此复选框,VAT calculation is based on goods or services.
- 依据货物征收增值税
- 依据服务征收增值税
Note:- This field is not enabled
- If a claim line with 索赔发票过程 field is set to 基于贷方票据 has CISLI data exist that cannot be updated.
- If a claim line with 索赔方法 field set to 偿还成本 with the status已核准, and the 整体开票 field is unchecked.
- If 整体开票 field is checked, and the claim header 状态 is 已核准 or more.
- 税分类
The tax classification code.
- Description
- 货币
The currency in which the claim amount is expressed.
- Description
- 汇率类型
The rate type used to covert the invoice currency to the home currencies of the invoice company. You can assign different currency exchange rates to different invoice-to business partner and/or to different types of transactions (purchase, sales, and so on).
Note:- LN considers the invoice-to BP rates as the default exchange rate if the 索赔发票过程 field is set to 基于贷方票据 driven. If not, LN considers the sales rate type defined for the service department as the default exchange rate.
- LN considers the invoice-from business partner rates as the default exchange rate if the 索赔发票过程 field is set to 基于发票. If not, LN considers the purchase rate type defined for the service department as the default exchange rate.
- 说明
- 汇率确定方式
The rate determiner. LN converts amounts from the transaction currency to the home currency using the currency rate that is valid according to the rate determiner that applies to the transaction. By default, LN considers 'Document Date' as the rate determiner.
- 按单据日期
LN 会使用在创建单据的日期和时间有效的汇率。 按单据日期汇率确定方式适用于所有类型的事务处理。 可以通过人工方式更改此汇率。
- 人工输入
可以通过人工方式输入此汇率。 默认情况下,LN 使用在创建单据的日期和时间有效的汇率。 人工输入汇率确定方式适用于所有类型的事务处理。
- 按交货日期
如果货物尚未交付,LN 将使用在订单日期有效的汇率。 但是,如果订单日期是过去时间,则 LN 使用当前日期有效的汇率。
如果货物已交付,LN 将使用在实际交货日期有效的汇率。
按交货日期汇率确定方式只适用于销售订单、服务订单和销售发票。 不能通过人工方式更改此汇率。
- 按收货日期
LN 会使用在预期收货日期和时间有效的汇率。 按收货日期汇率确定方式只适用于采购订单和采购发票。 不能通过人工方式更改此汇率。
- 按预期付款日期
LN 会使用在销售发票或采购发票的预期付款日期和时间有效的汇率。
预期付款日期 = 预期交货/收货日期 + 付款期
在付款条款 (tcmcs0113s000) 进程中已指定付款期。 按预期付款日期汇率确定方式适用于所有类型的事务处理。 不能通过人工方式更改此汇率。
- 固定汇率
只可以在相关转换货币系统或单一货币系统中使用此汇率确定方式。 固定汇率汇率确定方式适用于所有类型的事务处理。
如果人工输入事务处理货币与参考货币之间的汇率,则此汇率是固定汇率。 如果不是人工输入汇率,则汇率不是固定汇率。LN 将使用在创建单据的日期和时间有效的汇率。
- 固定变向汇率
只可以在独立转换货币系统中使用此汇率确定方式。 固定变向汇率汇率确定方式适用于所有类型的事务处理。
如果人工输入事务处理货币和报表货币之间的汇率,则此汇率为固定汇率。 当地汇率以实际单据的单据日期为基础。
如果不是人工输入事务处理货币与报表货币之间的汇率,则此汇率不是固定汇率。LN 将使用在创建单据的日期和时间有效的汇率。
- 固定外汇汇率
只可以在独立转换货币系统中使用此汇率确定方式。 固定外汇汇率汇率确定方式适用于所有类型的事务处理。
如果人工输入事务处理货币与当地货币之间的汇率,则此汇率是固定汇率。 其它汇率以实际单据的单据日期为基础。
如果不是人工输入当地汇率,则此汇率不是固定汇率。LN 将使用在创建单据的日期和时间有效的汇率。
- 固定外汇汇率及变向汇率
只可以在独立转换货币系统中使用此汇率确定方式。 固定外汇汇率及变向汇率汇率确定方式适用于所有类型的事务处理。
如果人工输入事务处理货币与本币之间的汇率,则此汇率是固定汇率。 当地汇率以实际单据的单据日期为基础。
如果不是人工输入事务处理货币与本币之间的汇率,则此汇率不是固定汇率。LN 将使用在创建单据的日期和时间有效的汇率。
Note:LN defaults the 汇率确定方式 value of the 买方业务伙伴.
- 汇率/货币因子
The currency exchange rate used in the currency conversion process. (The factor/rate by which an amount in a different currency is multiplied to calculate the amount in the currency base).
- Rate / Rate Factor
The rate factor.
- Rate / Rate Factor
The rate for a currency base-unit.
- 业务伙伴
The business partner from whom you receive payments. This usually represents a customer's accounts payable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, the customer's bank relation, the type of reminders you send to the business partner, and the frequency of sending reminders. This field displays thepay-by business partner who receives the approved/claimed amount if the 索赔发票过程 is of type 基于贷方票据. This field displays the pay-to business partner if the 索赔发票过程 is 基于发票.
- 地址
The code for the address of the pay by business partner.
- Address
The code for the address of the pay by business partner.
- 联系人
The code for the contact linked to the business partner role.
Note:- This field is not enabled if the claim 状态 is 已拒绝, 已取消 or已结算.
- When the 索赔发票过程 is set to 基于贷方票据, LN defaults the contact of the service department of the Pay-by business partner. If the 索赔发票过程 is set to 基于发票, LN defaults the contact linked to the Pay-by business partner.
- Contact Person
- 计划交货时间
The planned date and time when the claim must be delivered. The planned delivery date and time is used for the material transactions in case the 索赔方法 field is set to 偿还材料. By default, LN considers the current date and time as the planned delivery date and time.
- 内部索赔文本
The Text for internal information about the claims. This information must not be printed on external documents.
- 问题
The code that identifies the problem. The problem must be an actual problem.
Note:This field is not enabled when the claim 状态 is 已取消, 已拒绝 or 已解决.
- 解决方案
The code of the solution.
- 核准人
The code of the user who approves the estimated claim. By default, LN considers the user login code. However, you cannot change this data.
- 核准日期
The date and time when the estimated claim is approved. LN considers current date and time. However, you cannot change this data.
- 已索赔金额
The total 已索赔金额 calculated from the claim. You cannot modify the value If 状态 of the claim is set to 已核准. This field is mandatory if the 成本类型 is set to 材料 in 客户索赔行 (tscmm1110m000) session.
Note:The value in this field is defaulted from pricing or from parameters depending on the value specified in the成本类型 field.
- 已核准金额
The total approved amount calculated from the claim.
- 拒收金额
The total amount rejected from the 已索赔金额.
- 核准人
The code of the user who approves the claim. By default, LN considers the current user login code. However, you cannot change this data.
Note:You must enter the value in this field when the claim 状态 is set to 已核准.
- 核准日期
The date and time when the claim is approved.LN considers current date and time. However, you cannot change this data.
- 核准百分比
The percentage applied to all approved claimed amounts on the claim lines. LN defaults the value as 100 percent.
Note:When claim status is approved, rejected, settled, closed or canceled the acceptance percentage is read-only.
- 拒绝者
The code of the user who rejects the claim. By default, LN populates the current user login code. However, you cannot change this data.
Note:You must enter the value in this field when the claim 状态 is set to 已拒绝.
- 拒绝日期
The date and time when the claim is rejected.LN populates current date and time. However, you cannot change this data.
- 拒绝原因
The code of the rejection reason. LN defaults the reason code defined in the 原因 (tcmcs0105m000) session.
Note:The 原因类型 must be set to 拒绝索赔 in 原因 (tcmcs0105m000) session.
- 文本
The details of the reason for rejecting the entire claim.
- 取消方
The code of the user who cancels the claim. By default, LN populates the current user login code. However, you cannot change this data.
Note:You must enter the value in this field when the claim 状态 is set to 已取消.
- 取消日期
The date and time when the claim is canceled.LN populates current date and time. However, you cannot change this data.
- 取消原因
The code of the cancellation reason. LN defaults the reason code defined in the 原因 (tcmcs0105m000) session.
Note:You must enter the value in this field when the claim 状态 is set to 已取消.
- The 原因类型 must be set to 取消 in 原因 (tcmcs0105m000) session.
- 文本
如果选中此复选框, the details of the reason for cancelling the entire claim is attached to the claim.