创建租赁设备日历 (tscfg2262m000)
Infor LN 仅考虑满足以下条件的序列化物料:
- 选中“可租赁”复选框,并在“序列化物料 (tscfg2100m000)”进程中指定“日历”和“可用性类型”。
- 设备日历不存在。
- 安装组
“自”和“至”字段可定义以下一组内容: the installation groups.
- 服务部门
“自”和“至”字段可定义以下一组内容: the service offices.
- 序列化物料组
“自”和“至”字段可定义以下一组内容: the serialized item groups.
- 日历
“自”和“至”字段可定义以下一组内容: the calendars.
- 可用性类型
“自”和“至”字段可定义以下一组内容: the availability type, indicating whether the time period represents available or un-available time.
- 自物料
“自”和“至”字段可定义以下一组内容: the items.
- 自序列号
“自”和“至”字段可定义以下一组内容: the serials for the items.
- 日历起始日期
The date and time from when the item is not available for renting.
- 模拟
如果选中此复选框,, Infor LN runs the process of creating calendar in a simulation mode. The results are not saved in the database. This process enables you to review the results before generating the calendar.
- 处理报告
如果选中此复选框,, a report is generated when the processing is completed successfully.
- 错误报告
如果选中此复选框,, an error report is generated when the processing is not completed.