序列化物料 (tscfg2100m000)
- 在此进程中输入的序列化物料还将自动输入“序列化物料 (tcibd4501m000)”进程。
- 可以在“安装 (tsbsc1110m000)”进程中将序列化物料链接至安装组。
- 可以选择工装物料作为序列化物料。
- 如果将顶层序列化物料的状态设置为“活动”,则无法删除与其相关的物理分解结构。
- 使用启动替换序列号 (tscfg2210m800) 进程的“替换序列号”命令,可以用新的序列号替换旧的序列号,仅当选中配置管理参数 (tscfg0100m000) 进程中的“使用配置状态”复选框时,才会显示这个新的序列号。
- 仅当选中“配置管理参数 (tscfg0100m000)”进程中的“物理分解结构更改”复选框时,“生命周期”选项卡上的字段才可见。
- 使用“同步至物理分解结构”选项以同步修改的序列化物料数据与物理分解结构。
- 物料
The item code of the serialized item.
In the details session you can:
- Enter the code of an item defined in the 服务物料数据 (tsmdm2100m000) session for the basis of your serialized item.
- Enter an undefined code to create a new item (not defined in the 服务物料数据 (tsmdm2100m000) session).
Note:You can leave this field empty if, in the 配置管理参数 (tscfg0100m000) session, the 允许空物料字段 check box is selected.
For batch repair work orders, you can only include the serialized items with status set to 缺陷.
The item must be of the type 序列化 in the 库存计划 module in Infor LN 公用数据管理子系统 and Infor LN 服务管理子系统
- 序列号
The serial number of the serialized item.
Note:- If you create a serial number and, in the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session, the 序列化 check box is selected, the mask of the associated item group is used. Otherwise, the default mask set in the 公用数据参数 (tccom0000s000) session is used. The created number will not be shown in the 序列化物料 (tcibd4501m000) session.
- If the 样本序列号 check box on the 物料控制 tab of the details session is selected, you can change the serial number by means of the 替换样本序列号 (tscfg2210m700) session.
- 替代序列号
If business partners use their own serial numbers as an alternative to the item's manufacturer's one, the business partner's alternative is given in this field.
Note:In the 配置管理参数 (tscfg0100m000) session, the 按替代序列号显示 check box determines how LN browses when zooming to serialized items.
- 安装组
The installation group to which the top item is linked.
This field is automatically filled:
- If you link the serialized item to an Installation group in the 安装 (tsbsc1110m000) session.
- If you link the serialized item to a physical breakdown of which the top serialized item is already linked to an Installation group.
Note:If you link a serialized item (that has a physical breakdown) to an Installation group, LN links all the serialized items in the physical breakdown to the same Installation group.
- Installation Group
The name or description of the Installation group.
- 创建时间
The time when the serialized item data is entered into LN.
- 所有者
The sold-to business partner who owns the serialized item.
Note:- If you link the top serialized item in a physical breakdown to an Installation group, LN enters the sold-to business partner of the Installation group in this field and disables the field.
- The serialized items that are related to the top serialized item have the same sold-to business partner.
- If the Installation group that the top serialized item is linked to has its 拥有部门 field filled (in the 安装组 (tsbsc1100m000) dynamic session), this field will be empty and disabled. If you want to enable this field, clear the 拥有部门 field in the 安装组 (tsbsc1100m000) session.
- 地址
The address (code) of the sold-to business partner.
- 联系人
The contact of the sold-to business partner.
- 工作中心
The code of the work center. The serialized item is linked to the machine located at this work center.
Note:- This field is displayed only if in the Implemented Software
Components (tccom0100s000) session:
- The 制造管理 (TI) check box is selected.
- The 地点特定作业车间 field is set to 不活动 or 正在准备.
- This field is enabled only if the 安置区地点 is specified and the 所有者 is not specified.
- You must specify this value if the 机器编号 is specified.
- This value cannot be modified if the serialized item is linked to a Planned Activity, Service Order Activity or a Work Order.
- This field is displayed only if in the Implemented Software
Components (tccom0100s000) session:
- 机器编号
The code of the machine to which the serialized item is linked.
Note:- This field is displayed only if in the Implemented Software
Components (tccom0100s000) session:
- The 制造管理 (TI) check box is selected.
- The 地点特定作业车间 field is set to 不活动 or 正在准备.
- This field is enabled only if the 安置区地点 is specified and the 所有者 is not specified.
- You must specify this value if the Work Center is specified.
- You must specify a machine number that is not linked to another serialized item.
- This value cannot be modified if the serialized item is linked to a Planned Activity, Service Order Activity or a Work Order.
- This field is displayed only if in the Implemented Software
Components (tccom0100s000) session:
- 通用
如果选中此复选框,additional text regarding general details about the item has been created.
Note:You can print this text with the 打印序列化物料 (tscfg2400m000) session.
- 技术
如果选中此复选框,additional text regarding technical details about the item has been created.
Note:You can print this text with the 打印序列化物料 (tscfg2400m000) session.
- 明细单
如果选中此复选框,additional text regarding item specifications has been created.
Note:You can print this text with the 打印序列化物料 (tscfg2400m000) session.
- 运营部门
The service department that usually carries out the activities on the serialized item.
If the serialized item is part of an Installation group, the default service department for the item will be the one assigned to the Installation group in the 安装组 (tsbsc1100m000) session.
- 说明
The name of the service department.
- 日历
The calendar that details the times when the serialized item is available for service or maintenance. LN uses the calendar when you release a service order.
- 使用分类
The serialized item's usage class.
Note:If you generate a maintenance plan, LN only selects the maintenance concepts with the same usage class.
- 优先级
Indicates the priority of the serialized item. The priority can affect the response times in the 呼叫管理模块 module.
Note:Increasing the number decreases the priority.
- Preferred Engineer Field Service
The service engineer preferred to perform the maintenance for the serialized item. Infor LN defaults this value for the related service orders and service order activities.
Note:This field is applicable only if the 现场服务 check box is selected in the 通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000) session.
- Description
The name of the preferred engineer.
- 首选返库维修工程师
The service engineer preferred to perform the maintenance for the serialized item. Infor LN defaults this value defaults this value for the related work orders and work order activities.
Note:This field is applicable if:
- The Depot Repair check box is selected in the 通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000) session.
- The 在工作单中使用任务分派 check box is selected in the 工作单管理参数 (tswcs0100m000) session.
- Location Address
The (code of the) address where the serialized item is located.
- Address
The serialized item's address details.
- 位置信息
An additional description of the location's address.
示例: the room number, floor, and building (in a large building complex).
- 机动
如果选中此复选框, the serialized item is not fixed to a particular place, and can be moved. 示例: a mobile crane.
- Technical Contact
The person at the customer's location who is responsible for technical correspondence regarding the serialized item.
- 计划截止时间
The latest planned finish time of an existing planned activity for the serialized item.
Note:- This field is always disabled.
- The date of the 计划截止时间 must fall within the effective period of this serialized item.
- 序列化物料组
The serialized-item group that the serialized item can be classified into.
Note:If the 序列化物料组 check box in the 配置管理参数 (tscfg0100m000) session is selected, this field must be filled.
- 样本序列号
如果选中此复选框, the serialized items has a dummy serial number.
Note:- Use the 替换样本序列号 (tscfg2210m700) session to change the (dummy) serial number.
- If you clear this check box and save the record, you cannot change the serial number anymore.
- 修订号
The identification of any revisions of the serialized item.
Note:This field is enabled only if:
- 工程修订号处于活动状态 check box is selected in the 通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000) session.
- The item is revision controlled.
You cannot modify this field if:
- The serialized item is covered by a service contract (that is, the 成本覆盖 field set to either 已覆盖 or to 已覆盖并可于用于定义新合同), and is present on a contract configuration line.
- The serialized item is present in the physical breakdown structure.
- Top serialized item is present in the Installation group.
- Item must be lot controlled (tcibd0501m000).
- Revision must have status approved by production (tiedm1100m000) and copied to 生产物料全方位视图 (timfc1500m000).
- Item must be in inventory (whltc1100m000).
- 重量
The weight of the serialized item.
The weight of the item specified in the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session. If the weight is not specified, this field remains empty.
Note:You can change the weight if required.
- Weight
If the weight for the item is filled in the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session, this is the weight unit of the item.
If the weight is not filled in for the item, the base unit for weight that is defined in the 生产管理系统参数 (tcmcs0500m000) session is displayed.
- 材料
The material of which the serialized item is made.
The material specified for the item in the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session. If the material is not specified, this field remains empty.
Note:You can change the material if required.
- 大小
The size of the serialized item.
The size specified for the item in the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session. If the size is not specified, this field remains empty.
Note:You can change the size if required.
- RFID 结构
The ID of the RFID structure.
- 标签布局
The code of the label layout.
- 资产标记
The tag used for recognising the asset.
- 标准
The standard that applies to the serialized item.
The standard specified for the item in the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session. If the standard is not specified, this field remains empty.
Note:You can change the standard if required.
- Item Picture
The picture that is defaulted from the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session.
- Serialized Item Picture
The picture that is defaulted from the 序列化物料 (tscfg2100m000) session. You can add or modify picture of Serialized Item.
- 卖方业务伙伴
The buy-from business partner from whom the serialized item was purchased.
- 姓名
The name of the business partner.
- 销售值
The sales price of the serialized item. This price is used to determine the price of a service contract, service-contract quote or service-order quote if the pricing method is 配置的销售价.
- Sales Value
The reference currency defined in the 公司 (tcemm1170m000) session.
- 交货时间
The date that the serialized item is delivered by the buy-from business partner. If a warranty of type供应商 applies to the serialized item, this date is used as the starting date for the warranty.
- 安装时间
The date on which the serialized item is installed and in operation. If a warranty applies to the serialized item and the warranty type is本公司 , this date is used as the start date of the warranty.
Note:This date must be on or after the delivery date.
- 制造商
The manufacturer of the serialized item.
- 说明
The name of the manufacturer of the serialized item.
- 明细单 A
Additional specification of the serialized item.
- 明细单 B
Additional specification of the serialized item.
- 制造日期
The production date of the serialized item.
- 有效单元
- 机器类型
For internal maintenance, you can define a machine as a serialized item.
Note:- If the serialized item is owned by an external business partner, you cannot specify a machine. Machines can only be defined for internal ownership (empty sold-to BP property).
- If 制造管理 is not implemented, this field is inactive.
- The machine must be linked to the department. Refer to the 机器 (机器类型) (tirou0102m000) session.
- 项目
The project from which the serialized item is derived.
When you copy project breakdown structures to a physical breakdown, the project code, as well as the original element or activity, is stored for each serialized item that is created.
Note:If you run the 复制项目分解结构 (tscfg2210m200) session, the project is entered here. This can be used if the costs for service activities must be accounted to a project.
- 项目要素/活动
The element or activity of the project from which the serialized item was derived (with the 复制项目分解结构 (tscfg2210m200) session).
- 来源订单类型
The order type based on which the serialized item is created.
- 交付物
- 项目
- 销售订单
- 不适用
- Originating Order
The type of order from which the serialized item is created.
- Originating Order Line
The type of order line from which the serialized item is created.
- 顶层物料
The item code of the highest-level serialized item in the physical-breakdown structure, to which this serialized item belongs.
Note:- The top serialized item is displayed in this field after its status is set to 活动.
- Each time the physical breakdown is changed, the top serialized item is updated.
- 按小时租赁
如果选中此复选框,, the rental equipment can be assigned to rental agreements on an hourly basis.
Note:This value is defaulted from the 租赁设备条款模板 (tscfg0111m000) session.
- 可租赁
如果选中此复选框,, the serialized item is rentable equipment.
Note:- This check box is displayed only if the 设备即服务 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- This check box is enabled only if the Equipment item type is used.
- You can specify the rentable equipment data on the 租赁 tab only if this check box is selected.
- 跟踪 GPS 位置
如果选中此复选框, Infor LN tracks the GPS location of the serialized item.
- 可用性类型
The code of the availability type used for the rentable serialized item.
- 说明
- 租赁期间下限
The default minimum period for which the rentable serialized item must be rented.
- 租赁期间单位
The unit in which the Minimal Rental Period is expressed.
- 默认归还地址
The default return address for the rental equipment.
- 设备地址
By default, the equipment is returned to the own yard. The location address of the serial is considered.
- 下一个协议地址
By default, the equipment is moved from the first agreement location to the location of the next agreement. If the next agreement does not exist, the equipment is returned to the own yard. The location address of the serial is considered.
- 其他地址
The Change Equipment Actual Location Address (tscfg2265m000) session is displayed wherein you can select the address.
- 实际位置地址
The code of the address where the rentable serialized item is located.
- Description
- 首选操作员
The operator preferred on a rental agreement. This preferred operator is used as a default for the preferred engineer on the Service Order Activity, for a rental agreement.
Note:- This field is displayed only if:
- The 设备即服务 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- The 现场服务 check box is selected in the 通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000) session.
- This field is applicable only if the Item is specified and is of the type, 设备.
- This field is displayed only if:
- 占用员工
The code of the internal employee to whom the rentable serialized item is issued (loaned).
- 全名
- 租赁协议
The default code of the rental agreement for the rentable serialized item.
- 业务伙伴
The code of the external business partner to whom the rentable serialized item is issued (rented out).
- Description
- 地址
The code of the address for the external business partner.
- 顶层物料序列号
The serial number of the topmost serialized item in this item's physical breakdown.
- 状态
The status of the serialized item's physical breakdown.
- 启动
- 已取代
PBS 的序列化物料被新物料取代。
- 活动
- 修订号
- 缺陷
- 工作条件
- 待回收
- 已删除
- 不适用
Note:If the serialized item is a child item in a physical breakdown, its status cannot be set. Only the status of the top most serialized item can be set.
Note:如果清除此复选框, the 状态 of the serialized item is not displayed in the 序列化物料 (tscfg2100m000) session. You can set the status for serialized items that are received back in the warehouse to 缺陷.
You can change the status of a range of Installation groups to 活动 with the 激活安装 (tscfg2210m500) session, which will set all serialized items in those Installation groups to 活动.
If an item's status is:
- 启动, it can only be changed to 活动.
- 活动, it can only be changed to 修订号.
- 修订号, it can only be changed to 活动.
Note:The following status are added for reverse logistics:
- 已删除: For items with little or no value.
- 缺陷: For items that can be repaired or refurbished
- 工作条件: For items that are in working condition.
- 待回收: For items that require special waste handling.
Note:The value in this field is set to 活动, 启动 and 修订号 if the 结构类型 of the item is set to 结构.
- 状态时间
The date on which the serialized item's status is set or changed.
Note:If the status of the topmost serialized item is set to 活动, the 状态 and 状态时间 fields of the serialized items that constitute its physical breakdown are also updated.
- 批次
The lot code of the serialized item.
- 实际安置区类型
The actual location type.
- 仓库
- 安置区
- 维修车间
- 在途
- 已借出
- 不适用
- 配置
Note:A serialized item can be present in many places based on the life cycle and state in service.
- 当前位置
The actual location.
The actual location represents the entity of the actual location type. For the actual location types warehouse, location and repair shop, it represents the code of the warehouse, location or repair shop. For other actual location types the actual location is not applicable.
- 上次更新时间
The date and time at which the records were most recently updated.
- 模板
The warranty (if any) that applies to the serialized item.
The warranty that is linked to the service item.
Note:The 安装时间 field must be entered.
- Warranty
The name or description of the warranty.
- 条款过期日期
The expiry date of the warranty term that has the longest validity duration.
For example, if a serialized item's warranty type is 供应商 and the serialized item's warranty contains the following warranty terms:
- Material X, duration 12 months.
- Labor Y, duration 6 months.
- The operational date is 01-01-2003.
The 条款过期日期 field of the serialized item displays: 01-01-2004
- 保修期
Defaulted from service-item data or enter the repair warranty duration on each of the serialized item concerned.
Note:LN Service considers 保修期 defined by the user for applying the repair warranty coverage
- 保修期单位
The unit used to specify the repair warranty duration.
- 成本覆盖
Specifies whether the item is covered by a service contract.
- 服务合同
The code of the active service contract (if any) that covers the serialized item.
- 分包商
If the serialized item requires any subcontracted service and maintenance work, this subcontractor (buy-from BP) is responsible for carrying it out.
Note:- The subcontractor must be an active buy-from business partner.
- If the serialized item is covered by a service contract, this field cannot not be modified.
- If the serialized item is derived from a service item, the subcontractor will be defaulted from that service item.
- 名称
The name of the subcontractor (buy-from BP).
- 供货方业务伙伴
The business partner who carries out the subcontracted service or maintenance work for the item. Typically used when the subcontractor (buy-from BP) has several branches, the ship-from BP is the branch that carries out the subcontracting work.
Note:- Ship-from BP can only be filled in if the subcontractor is filled in.
- Ship-from BP must be related to the subcontractor (buy-from BP).
- Ship-from BP must be active.
- 名称
The name of the ship-from BP.
- 供货方地址
The address of the ship-from BP.
- 一揽子协议
Note:- This field can only be filled if the 分包商 field is filled.
- If the serialized item is derived from a service item, the blanket agreement is defaulted from that service item.
This field will be filled in by default and cannot be modified if the serialized item is:
- Covered by a service contract.
- Part of the physical breakdown of a serialized item covered by a service contract.
- Part of an Installation group whose top serialized item is covered by a service contract.
- In Use By
- 实际使用业务伙伴
The business partner who uses the installation group.
Note:- This field is not applicable if the value in the 所有者 field is not specified.
- The 实际使用者 业务伙伴 must perform the role of Sold-to, Ship-to, Pay-by and Invoice-to business partner, if the value in the 默认订单业务伙伴 field is set to 实际使用者.
- Address
The address of the 实际使用者 业务伙伴.
- Contact
The contact details of the 实际使用者 业务伙伴.
- Operator Contact
The code of the contact who is the operator of the serialized item. The contact operator is assigned to the serialized item and has the same location as the in-use by business partner.
- 主要联系人
The primary contact for 实际使用者 业务伙伴. Infor LN defaults this value in the sold-to contact field.
- 实际使用者联系人
- 操作员联系人
- 经销商
- 业务伙伴
The business partner who is the dealer for the serialized item.
Note:The dealer business partner must perform the role of the Ship-to, Pay-by and the Invoice-to business partner, if the value in the 默认订单业务伙伴 field is set to 经销商.
- 地址
The address of the dealer of the serialized item.
Note:This field is not applicable if the value in the 经销商地址 field is not specified.
- 联系人
The contact details of the dealer of the serialized item.
Note:This field is not applicable if the value in the dealer 业务伙伴 field is not specified.
- 结构类型
The type of physical breakdown structure specified for the serialized item.
- 实体
- 结构
Note:- This field is visible only if the 结构类型的使用情况 check box is selected in the 配置管理参数 (tscfg0100m000) session.
- LN defaults this value to 结构 when the 物料 is not defined in the 服务物料数据 (tsmdm2100m000) and the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) sessions.
- 物理顶层
Indicates if the item is a physical top item. LN selects this check box if the item is the parent of other physical items, but has no parents. The physical top can be different from the actual top, when the actual top is a structure.
Note:This field is visible only if the 结构类型的使用情况 check box is selected in the 配置管理参数 (tscfg0100m000) session.
- 按物料取代
The item that supersedes the serialized 物料 in the physical breakdown structure.
Note:This field is visible only if the 物理分解结构更改 check box is selected in the 配置管理参数 (tscfg0100m000) session.
- 按序列号取代
The serial number of the 按物料取代.
Note:This field is visible only if the 物理分解结构更改 check box is selected in the 配置管理参数 (tscfg0100m000) session.
- 序列化物料保修条款
如果选中此复选框,warranty coverage is defined for the serialized item. 如果清除此复选框,you can define generic warranty for the item.
- Generic Warranty
The generic warranty defined for the serialized item.
Note:This field is applicable only if the 序列化物料保修条款 check box is not selected.
- Description
- Supplier Warranty Template
The code of the supplier warranty template. This template represents the warranty terms of the supplier. When a supplier claim is created and the costs are covered for this serialized item, the claim lines can be tagged to warranty, based on this template.
- 条款过期日期
The date on which the warranty terms expire.
- 外出服务费用
The call-out charge.
Note:This field is applicable only if the 所有者 is specified.
- Currency
The currency in which the 外出服务费用 is expressed.
Note:This field is mandatory only if the 外出服务费用 is not zero.
- 服务区域
The location of the serialized item.
Note:This field is applicable only if the 使用服务区域 check box is selected in the 通用服务参数 (tsmdm0100m000) session.`
- 服务部门
The code of the service office responsible for the maintenance of the serialized item.
- Description
- 维修地点
The code of the site where the serialized item is maintained. The items are sent to this site for the repair activities.
- Description
- 仓库
The code of the warehouse from where the material required for the repair of the items is issued.
Note:You must specify a warehouse that is linked to the 维修地点.
- 安置区地点
The code of the site at which the serialized item is located.
Note:This field is enabled only if the 所有者 is not specified for the item.
- 生产地点
The code of the site at which the serialized item is manufactured.
- 距离分区
A unique code (maximum 3 digits, alpha-numeric) identifying the distance zone.
- 生命周期
- 原始物料
The code of the original item.
- 原始序列号
The serial number of the 原始物料.
- Description
- 上一物料
The code of the item that is superseded by the 当前物料.
- 上一序列号
The serial number of the item that is superseded by the 当前序列号.
- Description
- 当前物料
The code of the current item.
- 当前序列号
The serial number of the 当前物料.
- Description
- 生成计划活动
如果选中此复选框,planned activities are generated for the serialized item.
Note:This value is defaulted from the 服务物料数据 (tsmdm2100m000) session.
- 维修方案
The code of the preventive maintenance scenario.
Note:- This field is enabled only if the 生成计划活动 check box is selected and the 使用维修方案的规则手册 check box is cleared in the 服务计划参数 (tsspc0100m000) session.
- This value is defaulted from the 服务物料数据 (tsmdm2100m000) session. However, you can modify this.
- If the 使用维修方案的规则手册 check box is selected in the 服务计划参数 (tsspc0100m000) session, this field is disabled and the value in this field is defaulted from the 维修方案的规则手册 (tsspc1135m000) session.
- When you create a new serialized item and select the 生成计划活动 check box, this field is enabled and no value is specified. However, the application assigns the maintenance scenario to this serialized item using the 指定维修方案至序列化物料 (tscfg2200m000) session, incase new rules are added to the rule book and this information is processed.
- Description