- 项目
The code that uniquely identifies the project.
- Description
- Status
The project status.
- 要素
The code that uniquely identifies the element.
- Description
- Status
The budget status of the element.
- 预算日期
The budget date that is used as the reference for currency transactions. By default, the budget date as specified for the project is added to the new budget lines.
- 预算调整代码
The name of the adjustment.
- 预算调整
An asterisk indicates that the budget line belongs to an adjustment.
- 行号
The code that uniquely identifies the line number.
- 杂项成本
The code that uniquely identifies the sundry costs code.
- 成本构成
The cost component.
Note:You can only specify a cost component for which the 构成类型 is set to 明细 or 综合 in the 成本构成 (tcmcs0148m000) session.
- 数量
The quantity of the selected sundry cost code.
- 单位
The code that uniquely identifies the unit.
- 预算状态
The budget-line status.
- 差额
The difference between the original, unadjusted budget and the adjusted budget.
- Unit Cost Currency
The currency.
- 意外准备金
The provisional amount that includes the possible unexpected costs.