在计算项目需求计划 (PRP) 时,不考虑基于交付物生成的预算行。
- 项目
The code that uniquely identifies the project.
- Description
- Status
The project status.
- 要素
The code that uniquely identifies the element.
- Description
- Status
The budget status of the element.
- 预算日期
The budget date that is used as the reference for currency transactions. By default, the budget date as specified for the project is added to the new budget lines.
- 卖方业务伙伴
The buy-from business partner.
- 链接的交付物
The linked deliverable based on which the budget is generated.
Note:Infor LN populates this value based on the budget generated for the deliverables in the 生成交付物预算 (tppdm7200m400) session. You cannot modify the value.
- 合同行
The contract line of the linked deliverable based on which the budget is generated.
Note:Infor LN populates this value based on the budget generated for the deliverables in the 生成交付物预算 (tppdm7200m400) session. You cannot modify the value.
- 计划
The contract schedule based on which the budget is generated.
Note:Infor LN populates this value based on the budget generated for the deliverables in the 生成交付物预算 (tppdm7200m400) session. You cannot modify the value.
- 交付物预算产生自
The option based on which the budget is generated.
- Item: The budget lines are generated based on the standard costs of the items.
- Cost Component: The budget lines are generated based on the sum of all the cost components. The cost details are saved with the budget lines that include the amounts for each cost component.
- Not Applicable: The budget lines are created manually.
Note:Infor LN populates this value based on the option used to generate the budget for the deliverables in the 生成交付物预算 (tppdm7200m400) session. You cannot modify the value.
- 意外准备金
The provisional amount that includes the possible unexpected costs.
- Currency
The value is defaulted from the currency in which the 成本金额 is specified.
- 预算调整代码
The name of the adjustment.
- 预算调整
An asterisk indicates that the budget line belongs to an adjustment.
- 行号
The code that uniquely identifies the line number.
- 分包
The code that uniquely identifies the subcontracting.
- 预算状态
The budget-line status.
- 成本构成
The cost component.
Note:You can only specify a cost component for which the 构成类型 is set to 明细 or 综合 in the 成本构成 (tcmcs0148m000) session.
- 差额
The difference between the original, unadjusted budget and the adjusted budget.
- Unit Cost Currency
The currency.