- 项目
The code that identifies the project.
- Description
- Project Status
The project status.
- 自由
- 活动
- 已结束
- 已结
- 已存档
- 要素
The code that identifies the element.
- Description
- Element Status
The budget status of the element.
- 自由
- 实际
您可以修改预算数据并生成控制数据。 还可以记录预算历史记录。
- 最终
您不可修改预算数据。 只能通过预算调整来添加或更改预算行。 还可以记录实际预算历史记录。 .
- 行号
The number of the budget line.
- 杂项成本
The code that uniquely identifies the sundry cost code.
- Sundry Cost Reference
The nature of the sundry costs cost object.
- 项目
- 标准
- 预算详细资料
- 数量
The quantity of the sundry cost.
Note:The default net quantity is given according to the following calculation: adjustment balance amount = unit cost x net quantity So if the adjustment balance amount is 100 and the unit cost is 10, the default net quantity will be -10. The calculated default net quantity is usually a negative value, because then the adjustment balance results in a balance of zero.
- 单位
The unit of measure in which the quantity is expressed.
- 预算状态
The budget-line status.
- 自由
- 实际
您可以修改预算数据并生成控制数据。 还可以记录预算历史记录。
- 最终
您不可修改预算数据。 只能通过预算调整来添加或更改预算行。 还可以记录实际预算历史记录。 .
- 预算日期
The budget date that is used as the reference for currency transactions. By default, the budget date as specified for the project is added to the new budget lines.
- 文本
如果选中此复选框, the current element has an associated text, which you can view by clicking the Text button on the toolbar.
- 相关详细资料
- 计划
The code that identifies the plan. The plan must be the active plan if cost control is at activity level.
- 活动
The code that identifies the activity. The activity type cannot be milestone.
Note:You cannot link different activities to the different element budget lines that are linked to the same subcontracted reference activity in the 要素 (tpptc1100m000) session. If you link a new activity to an element budget line, Infor LN checks and displays an error message. If you continue, all the element budget lines linked to the same subcontracted reference activity are updated with the new activity.
- 成本构成
The code that identifies the cost component.
Note:You can only specify a cost component for which the 构成类型 is set to 明细 or 综合 in the 成本构成 (tcmcs0148m000) session.
- 延伸合同
The code that identifies the extension.
- 成本详细资料
- 成本费率
The standard cost or rate per unit.
- 币种
The home currency for the cost amount.
- Final Unit Cost
如果选中此复选框, the unit cost is final.
- 成本金额
The total costs.
- 本币金额
The cost amount in the home currency. Click Rotate Currency to see the amount in the other home currencies.
- Home Currency
The home currency for the cost amount.
- 货币因子(成本)
The rate factor.
- 汇率/货币因子
The rate.
- 意外准备金
The provisional amount that includes the possible unexpected costs.
- 币种
The currency used for the contingency amount. The value is defaulted from the 成本金额
- 销售详细资料
- 销售价格
The code that uniquely identifies the sales price.
- 币种
The business partner currency.
- 销售金额
The total sales amount of the sundry cost.
- 本币金额
The sales amount in the home currency. Click Rotate Currency to see the amount in the other home currencies.
- Home Currency
The home currency for the sales amount of the sundry cost.
- 货币因子(销售)
The rate factor.
- 汇率/货币因子
The rate.
- 附加信息
- 预算调整代码
The name of the adjustment.
- 差额
The difference between the original, unadjusted budget and the adjusted budget.
- 币种
The currency.
- 服务
- 服务相关
Indicates if the budget line is created based on the reference activity (defined in Service) and the service order is created.
- 已转移至服务管理子系统
Indicates if the budget line is transferred to 服务管理子系统 and a service order is created for the item.