计划 PRP 采购订单(材料)(tppss6110m000)
- 如果控制预算的类型为“活动”,则通过活动预算行生成计划交货时间。
- 如果控制预算的类型为“要素”,则通过元素生成计划交货时间。
- 如果需求是由延伸引起的且延伸日期稍晚,则延伸日期将成为计划交货时间。
- 如果没有找到起始日期,则使用项目计划交货时间。
- 如果生成的计划订货时间发生在过去,则会将它更改为当前日期。这也会改变计划交货时间。
- 项目
The code that uniquely identifies the project.
- Project Status
The current project status. This status must be 自由 or 活动, for all PRP orders in this session.
- 自由
- 活动
- 已结束
- 已结
- 已存档
- 计划采购订单
The code that uniquely identifies the purchase-order for planned PRP materials.
If you create a new order, this field displays the chosen order series. If you save the PRP order, the first free number of the series is automatically allocated.
- 计划订单
- 材料订单
- 物料
The code that uniquely identifies the item.
The code consists of a project code field and an item code field
If the first segment is filled, the item is a project-specific cost object. If it is clear, the item is a standard cost object.
Note:You can use the items of the following types:
- 产品
- 采购物料
- 制造物料
- 成本
- 服务
- 通用
Note:- The 物料类型 产品 can be used only if the 物料类型产品 field is set to 活动 in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- The Item Type 采购物料 and/or 制造物料 is used only if the 物料类型产品 field is set to 不活动 in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- 说明
The description of the series.
- 有效单元
The effectivity unit code. This is a display field.
- 说明
- 数量
The ordered quantity of the item.
Note:- Quantity cannot be negative.
- Quantity is rounded off, according to the rounding factor of its unit (as defined in the 单位 (tcmcs0101m000) session).
- The minimum order quantity is specified in the 物料订货数据 (tcibd2100m000) session, but you can overrule this.
- The maximum order quantity is specified in the 物料订货数据 (tcibd2100m000) session, but you can overrule this.
- The order-quantity increment is specified in the 物料订货数据 (tcibd2100m000) session, but you can overrule this.
- 地点
The code of the site. In a multisite company the site is mandatory if a project warehouse is being used. It is optional if the goods are delivered directly to the project.
- Unit
The unit of measure in which the quantity is expressed.
- 项目仓库
The warehouse to which the ordered materials are delivered.
Note:- A project warehouse is a specific type of warehouse.
- If you leave this field empty, the materials are delivered directly to the project. If the project warehouse is used, the materials are delivered to the project warehouse and later, moved to the project. To perform this, a warehouse order or transfer order is required to be created.
- 进货方地址
The ship-to code and description. Use the Maps section to view the location of the 进货方地址. You must select only one record at a time.
- 订单状态
The current order's status. This shows the extent to which the order has been processed.
- 已计划
- 确定计划的
- 已核准
- 已转移
- 已取消
- 订单文本
- Business Partners
- 征求报价单
如果选中此复选框, LN creates a request-for-quotation (RFQ), instead of a purchase order, when the approved PRP Purchase Orders are transferred.
Note:This check box is visible, only if the 征求报价单 option is selected in the 采购参数 (tdpur0100m000) session.
- 卖方业务伙伴
The code that uniquely identifies the buy-from business partner.
If you leave this field empty and you transfer the PRP purchase order, LN creates a request for quotation (instead of a purchase order).
Note:When you modify the data in this field, the application displays a message to confirm the retrieval of the Purchase Price and 折扣 from the selected business partner.
- 卖方业务伙伴说明
- 供货方业务伙伴
The code that uniquely identifies the ship-from-business-partner.
- 成本控制
- 要素
The code that uniquely identifies the element to which the cost object of this order belongs.
- 活动
The code that uniquely identifies the activity to which the cost object of this order belongs.
- 延伸合同
The code that uniquely identifies the contract extension to which the cost object of this order belongs.
- 成本构成
The code that uniquely identifies the cost component of the cost object of this order.
Note:You can only specify a cost component for which the 构成类型 is set to 明细 or 综合 in the 成本构成 (tcmcs0148m000) session.
- 日期
- 计划 订单日期
The planned date and time to order the purchase.
Click 采购管理.
, to calculate the planned order time derived from the planned delivery time minus the order lead-times that are defined in - 计划交货日期
The date and time when you plan to receive the materials. Click
to calculate the date and time from the budget data.Note:All planned orders are generated based on the control budget. The delivery date of the planned order is determined in this way:
- If the control budget is of type 活动, the start date of the activity budget line is used
- If the control budget is of type 要素, the start date of the element is used
- If the requirement is caused by an extension and the extension date is later, the extension start date is used
- If no start date is found, the project start date is used
- If a generated date occurs in the past, it is changed to the current date.
- 事务处理时间
The transaction date and time for the planned purchase order.
- 计划
- 采购员
The code that uniquely identifies the buyer.
Note:- LN defaults the value when the planned PRP orders are generated, using the 生成计划 PRP 订单 (tppss6200m000) session.
- When you specify a value in this field, Infor LN checks if the specified employee’s data exists in the 员工个人数据 (bpmdm0101m000) session and the employee is Active (based on the 到职日期 and the 离职日期). Else, a warning message is displayed. You can ignore the message.
- Name
The name of the employee. The employee can be a buyer or a planner.
- 计划员
The code that uniquely identifies the planner.
Note:- LN defaults the value when the planned PRP orders are generated, using the 生成计划 PRP 订单 (tppss6200m000) session.
- When you specify a value in this field, Infor LN checks if the specified employee’s data exists in the 员工个人数据 (bpmdm0101m000) session and the employee is Active (based on the 到职日期 and the 离职日期). Else, a warning message is displayed. You can ignore the message.
- 采购
- 采购
- 采购部门
The purchase office that purchases materials according to transferred PRP purchase orders.
- 采购单位
- 采购类型
The default purchase type. You can change the value or leave this field empty.
- 批次选择
The lot selection type applicable to the PRP purchase order.
- 任意
已接收或已装运的货物不受特定批次条件的限制。 您可以使用多个批次。
- 相同
- 指定
- 批次
The lot number.
- 定价
- 采购合同
The purchase contract (defined in 采购管理) according to which the item is purchased.
Note:This field is visible, only if the 合同 option is selected in the 采购参数 (tdpur0100m000) session.
- 合同行
The position number of the purchase contract to which the planned purchase order is related.
Note:This field is visible, only if the 合同 option is selected in the 采购参数 (tdpur0100m000) session.
- Currency
The currency of the contract.
- Purchase Price
to calculate the purchase price.This is determined by the information in the 定价 module under 公用数据管理子系统. You can retrieve prices from the price matrices.
- 价格来源
The origin of the price specified for the planned purchase order.
- 物料采购数据
销售价格来源于物料采购数据 (tdipu0101m000) 进程。
- 物料销售数据
销售价格来源于物料销售数据 (tdisa0501m000) 进程。
- 物料服务数据
销售价格来源于服务物料数据 (tsmdm2100m000) 进程。
- 供应商价目表
- 默认价目表
销售价格来源于在定价参数 (tdpcg0100m000) 进程的价目表... (tdpcg0111m000) 字段中输入的默认销售价目表。
- 价格结构
销售价格来源于链接至价格矩阵类型的定价控制 (PCG) 矩阵的价目表。
- 不适用
- 外部
- 通用价格表
- 人工
- 合同
- 产品变型
- 最终单位成本
如果选中此复选框, the purchase price is considered as the final price. However, if you modify the 采购价格, the 价格来源 is set to 人工.
- Currency
Purchase price currency of the planned purchase order.
- 折扣
The percentage of discount that is applicable for the planned purchase order.
Note:When you add or modify the data in this field, the 折扣来源 field is set to 人工.
- 折扣来源
The origin of the discount, as specified by the business partner on the planned purchase order.
- 合同
- 折扣结构
折扣来源于折扣矩阵类型的定价控制 (PCG) 矩阵。如需更多信息,请参见 设置折扣矩阵。
- 价目表折扣结构
- 项目设备
- 标准设备
- 项目分包
- 标准分包
- 外部
- 人工
- 不适用
- 金额
The total price of the planned purchase order.
- 附加信息
- 附加字段
User-defined fields that can be linked to LN tables. Additional information fields do not add any specific value to LN as functional logic is not linked to the contents of these fields.
Note:When creating or generating the Planned PRP purchase order, LN defaults the additional information fields from the Contract Line, that is linked to the project peg of the planned order.
- 文本
- 文本
The additional information related to the item as part of the planned order.
- Image
The image of the item as defined in the equipment master data.