核准设备成本 (tpppc4585m000)
在通过“处理事务 (tpppc4802m000)”进程对设备成本进行过帐之前,使用此进程以对其进行确认。如果通过推进方式启动此进程,则只能查找并选择记录。
这些成本来源于“设备成本 (tpppc2151m000)”进程。
LN 允许多个用户使用基于 ION 的工作流流程状态核准成本分录。如需更多信息,请参阅:工作流状态处理.
- 工作流状态
适用于业务对象的状态需要通过 ION Workflow 授权。
当执行需要授权的变更时,将为业务对象创建一个检出版本。 只有在核准/检入之后,这些变更才生效。也可以撤消这些变更,或收回已提交的变更。
- 检出和检入的对象显示在“检出的对象 (ttocm9599m000)” 进程中。
- 从此进程的相应菜单中,选择“工作流”,然后选择业务对象所需的动作。
- “草稿”
The object is checked out. It can be changed and saved multiple times until the user submits the changes.
- “未决”
Any changes made to the object are submitted. The object is pending for approval. The data of the object cannot be modified.
- “已申请收回”
The object was already submitted, but is recalled by the user. Approval will not take place anymore. If the recall is accepted, the object status becomes “草稿(修订号)”. If the Recall is rejected, the object status becomes “未决”.
- “草稿(修订号)”
The object was recalled after it was submitted and the recall is accepted. The object can be changed and saved multiple times until the user submits the changes.
- “已拒绝”
The submitted changes to the object are rejected. The user can make changes to the object and submit these changes again, or discard all changes.
- “已收到核准”
The submitted changes to the object are approved. The object will automatically be checked in. If the check-in fails, the status remains “已收到核准”. An administrator must decide what to do with the object.
- “已核准”
The submitted changes to the object are approved and the object is checked in.
- “不适用”
The object is checked in. Instead of an “Object status”, an “Approval status” is applicable.
- 不适用
The object already existed before activating ION Workflow document authorization; no changes are made to the object since then.
- 未启动
The modified object is manually checked in, but no approval is received from ION Workflow.
To manually check in an object, the “Object status” must be “已收到核准”.
- 已核准
The modified object is checked in after approval from ION Workflow.
无论对象已检入还是检出,如果在“工作流信息字段 (ttocm0106m000)” 进程(显示为“对象类型 (ttocm0102m000)” 进程中的标签)中为对象类型指定说明,此字段将始终显示相应“说明”字段的值。
注意有关在 LN 中为业务对象设置和使用 ION Workflow 的更多信息,请参阅 Infor Xtreme 上的指南 Infor LN Content Guide for Infor ION。
- 已核准(待过帐)
- 项目
- 设备
- 序号
- 要素
- 活动
- 延伸合同
- 币种
LN 中有以下可用货币类型:
- 本币,在公司内部计算成本、记录预算以及登记税额时使用
- 事务处理货币,在与业务伙伴进行交易时使用,如订单和开发票
- 成本金额
- 登记日期
- 过帐类型