合同交付物监控 (tppdm7100m400)
- 对于状态为“自由”的合同交付物,可以使用“操作”标签上的“ATP 处理”选项检查物料的库存是可供订货量 (ATP) 还是综合可供订货量 (CTP) 或者同时为两者。
- 可以使用“收益单据行”选项来查看“收益单据行 (cirrc1110m000)”进程。如果合同交付物存在收益单据行,则会启用此选项。
- “合同经理”
- “内部销售代表”
- “合同交货日期”
- “计划交货日期”
- “合同交货日期”或“计划交货日期”的日期范围
- “按时交货”
- “延迟交货”
- “预期按时”
- “有风险”
- 可以选择多个筛选选项。选择筛选程序之后,LN 将显示与一个或所有所选筛选程序有关的合同交付物数据。
- 复选标记表明根据指定的筛选选项(激活/停用)显示合同交付物数据。
- 指示器显示每个筛选选项的合同交付物行总数。
- “有风险”
- “预期按时”
- “延迟交货”
- “按时交货”
如果选择“合同经理”和合同交货日期,LN 会显示链接至选定合同经理并具有选定合同交货日期范围的合同行的交付物。
LN 允许多个用户使用基于 ION 的工作流流程状态核准相关事务处理。如需更多信息,请参阅:工作流状态处理.
- 选择选项
- 合同经理
The code of the contract manager linked to the contract deliverable.
- Description
- 内部销售代表
The code of the internal sales representative linked to the contract deliverable.
- Description
- Contract Deliverables Filter
The date based on which LN filters the contract deliverable data.
- 合同交货日期
LN 将根据合同交货日期筛选合同交付物数据。
- 计划交货日期
LN 将根据合同的计划交货日期筛选合同交付物数据。
- Contract Delivery Date
“自”和“至”字段可定义以下一组内容: contract delivery dates. LN displays the contract deliverables within the specified range of delivery dates.
Note:You can specify the range of delivery dates only if the Contract Deliverables Filter field is set to 合同交货日期.
- Planned Delivery Date
“自”和“至”字段可定义以下一组内容: 计划交货日期. LN displays the contract deliverables within the specified range of planned delivery dates.
Note:You can specify the range of delivery dates only if the Contract Deliverables Filter field is set to 计划交货日期.
- 计划
- 仓库
The warehouse from which the deliverables can be shipped to the customer.
- Description
- 批次选择
The lot selection type applicable to the deliverable line.
- 任何
待接收或待装运的货物不受特定批次条件的限制。 您可以使用多个批次。
- 相同
- 特定
- 不适用
- Lot Selection
Thelot number.
- 序列选择
The method to determine whether serial selection is applied to the deliverable line.
- 任何
待收货或装运的货物不受特定序列号的约束。 可以使用任何序列化物料。
- 特定
- 不适用
- Serial Selection
The serial number of the item.
- 接受数量
The quantity of items accepted by the sold-to business partner.
- Unit
The unit of measure in which the accepted quantity is expressed.
- 交货点
The specific location at the address where the goods must be delivered.
- Description
- 装运限制
The shipping constraints specified on the deliverable lines.
- 无
- 订单行作为整体装运
- 以现有库存交货,不足则取消
如果存在充足的库存,则会完全装运交付物行。 如果存在的库存不足,则不会创建延交订单,而是取消剩余数量的订单。 LN 会将预先定义的取消原因链接至订单行。
- 单位绑定
如果选中此复选框, the quantity unit is binding. The goods must be shipped only in a packing unit that belongs to the quantity unit.
- 进货方联系人
The contact of the ship-to business partner.
- Description
- 交货条款
The delivery terms for the contract deliverable.
- Description
- 所有权转移点
The point of title passage for the contract deliverable.
- Description
- 路线
The route linked to the contract deliverable.
- Description
- 承运人/LSP
The carrier / LSP for the contract deliverable.
- Description
- 承运人/LSP 绑定
如果选中此复选框, carrier / LSP binding is applicable for the contract deliverable.
- 货运服务等级
The freight service level for the contract deliverable, defined in the Freight Service Levels (tcmcs0175m000) session.
- Description
- 仓单
The warehouse order number generated based on the 按来源列出的默认仓单类型 (whinh0120m000) for the deliverable line.
Note:LN does not run the Project Requirement Planning (PRP) engine for contract deliverables.
- Position Number
The position number of the warehouse order line.
- Sequence Number
The sequence number of the warehouse order line.
- 存在预算
Indicates if one of these conditions is applicable:
- One of the element budget (any cost type) contains budget data with the project and element combination in case the project budget is based on element.
- One of the activity budget (any cost type) contains budget data with the project, plan, activity combination in case the project budget is based on activity.
Note:If this check box is selected and the user modifies the contract deliverable data, Infor LN displays a warning message. However, you can continue modifying the contract deliverable data.
- 计划例外
The exception message linked to the deliverable. The exception message is displayed when you select the 获取计划例外 option.
The exception messages that are applicable for contract deliverables and the plan, item, order, sequence and schedule linked to the deliverables are:
- 挂钩:供应延误
- 挂钩:无计划材料库存
- 挂钩:无预期材料库存
- 挂钩:潜在材料短缺
The default value is 无例外.
Note:LN updates the exception messages only for the deliverables with status set to 活动 or 已下达至仓储业务子系统.
- 计划数量
The quantity of items scheduled to be delivered to the sold-to business partner.
- 已交货数量
The quantity of the items delivered to the sold-to business partner.
- 延交订单数量
The quantity of deliverable items for the backorder.
The backorder quantity can be calculated as:
Backorder Quantity = Ordered Quantity - Delivered Quantity
- Unit
The unit used to express the backorder quantity.
- 进货方业务伙伴
The ship-to business partner for the contract deliverable.
- Description
- 仓储业务子系统中状态
The status of the warehouse order linked to the contract deliverable.
- 实际交货日期
The date when the deliverable item is delivered.
- 价格阶段
The code and description of the price stage.
- 成本构成
The cost component associated with the cost object.
Note:You can only specify a cost component for which the 构成类型 is set to 明细 or 综合 in the 成本构成 (tcmcs0148m000) session.
- 合规失败 -
The GTC compliance source for which document compliance check fails. In case, if the document compliance check fails for more than one reason, Infor LN displays only the first reason for which the check fails.
- 不适用
- 贸易合规
- 禁运
- 联合抵制
- 信用证
- 银行担保 - 受益人
- 银行担保 - 申请人
Note:This field is displayed and applicable only if:
- The 贸易管理 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- Any one or both of the below parameter is selected:
- The check boxes in the 银行担保 - 受益人 or 银行担保 - 申请人 or 信用证 field groups are selected for Trade Types Export or Domestic Outbound or both in the 财务贸易管理参数 (tcgtc9199m000) session.
- These check boxes are selected in the
贸易管理参数 (tcgtc0100m000) session:
- The 联合抵制
- The 出口 check box in the 贸易合规 field group
- The 出口 or 进口 or both check boxes in the 禁运 field group.
- 合格说明文件
如果选中此复选框,, LN indicates that a conformance document is registered in the 合格说明文件登记 (qmptc1150m000) session, for the contract deliverable. The document lists conformance related details such as the lot and serial number of the source order that is linked to the inspection order.
- 合格报告
The conformance reporting code associated with a conformance document set, or conformance documents.
Note:- This field is visible only if the 质量管理 (QM) check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0500m000) session and the项目合同 check box is selected in the 质量管理参数 (qmptc0100m000) session.
- This field is only applicable for Item of the 类型, 硬件 and the contract deliverables that are not return orders.
- This field is defaulted from the originating contract deliverable.
- This field can be modified, only if the Conformance Documentation is not registered in the 合格说明文件登记 (qmptc1150m000) session, and as long as the existing logic for maintaining Warehouse related fields (like item) are allowed to be modified.