设备 (tppdm0112s000)
- 设备
The code that identifies the cost object.
- Equipment
- General
- 说明
- 搜索关键字
The search key associated with the cost object.
- 物料组
The item group to which the cost object belongs.
- 说明
- 设备组
The equipment group to which the cost object belongs.
- Equipment Group
- 负责部门
The code of the department.
Note:Only departments of type Work Center and Project Management Office can be selected.
- 项目订货系统
The project order system uses the control data to order equipment . You can either generate orders by using the project requirement planning (PRP) or order manually.
- PRP: Only the PRP related items will be considered in the 生成计划 PRP 订单 (tppss6200m000) session.
- 人工: Only items ordered manually will be considered in the 生成采购预算 (tpptc4200m000) session.
- 定价策略
Indicates the default price policy used in actual budgets for this cost object.
- 标准成本
- 基于采购价格
- Purchase
- 采购统计组
The purchase statistics group associated with the cost object.
- 说明
- 采购价格组
The purchase price group associated with the cost object.
- 说明
- 采购费率货币
The currency in which the purchase price is expressed.
- 采购费率
The default purchase price, per time unit, for the cost object. This is stored in the price books.
- 以本币表示
If your company uses an independent currency system you can view the purchase price in the home currency.
- In Home Currency
LN 用于登记和报告金额的公司基本货币之一。
- 当地货币
- 两种报表货币
- In Home Currency
- Purch. Price Trans. Date
The last date when the purchase price is modified.
- 单位
The units of measurement to express and manage the physical quantities of the standard equipment cost object.
- Control
- 控制代码
The control code for the cost object.
- Control Code
The control code for the cost object.
- 控制功能
Indicates the function of the cost object for cost control purposes.
- 成本对象
- 成本对象/控制代码
- 控制代码
- 成本构成
The cost component associated with the cost object.
Note:You can only specify a cost component for which the 构成类型 is set to 明细 or 综合 in the 成本构成 (tcmcs0148m000) session.
- 产品分类
- 产品大类
- 制造商
- 选择代码
- 技术协调员
The employee who is responsible for maintaining the technical item specifications and the requirements for the manufacturer of the item.
- 物理属性
- 重量
- 重量单位
- 材料
- 大小
- 标准
生产或采购物料时所用的行业标准。例如,NEN3140 或 ISO9000。此字段仅供参考。
- 规定
- 原产国
- EAN 代码
- 环境法规遵守性
- 依法设置并控制必须遵守的规则。
- 验证采购物料、工程物料、制造物料和服务物料是否符合法律规定。
- 验证其工艺流程是否符合法律规定。
- 无数据
- 通过
- 基本通过
- 失败
- 特定条件下失败
- 部分失败
- 不相关
- 不适用
- 协调制度编码
标识物料组的代码,用于收集并报告欧盟 (EU) 成员国中有关进出口货物的数据。报告机关确定协调制度编码。
- 附加信息
- Options
- Characteristics
- 已分配人工的设备
如果选中此复选框, the equipment is allocated with an assigned employee to operate the same. This field is only used for information.
- 自动推进式车辆
Indicates if the project equipment (truck or excavator) has self-propelling ability. By default, this check box is cleared.
- 序列化
如果选中此复选框, the equipment is a serialized item. When a standard equipment cost object is added, the item details are populated in the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session.
Note:This check box is enabled only if:
- The serial number for the specific equipment is not specified in the 序列化物料 (tcibd4501m000) session.
- The equipment is not used in:
- Costs
- Requirement Planning (PRP)
- Service
- 外部
如果选中此复选框, the equipment is external. For example, rented or hired. Only for external equipment PRP orders can be generated. Internal Equipment can result in planned equipment request.
Note:- This option can be used only if the 设备即服务 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- You can change the choice in the budget. For example, if all your cranes are already in use and you must rent or hire a similar type of crane.
- 卖方业务伙伴
Indicates the business partner from which you buy the equipment.
- 计划员
The planner.
- 物料信号
The code that uniquely identifies the message displayed on the user's screen when this cost object is selected.
- 说明
The number of units of this cost object currently available for use in the project.
- 每天正常能力利用率
The normal capacity of this cost object, expressed in hours per day.
- 订单提前期
The order lead time for this cost object.
- 日历
The code that uniquely identifies the calendar with which this cost object is associated.
- 说明
- /
The availability type for the calendar.
Note:This field is enabled only if a value is specified in the 日历 field.
- 税码
The tax code associated with the cost object.
- 说明
- Options
- 登记进度
如果选中此复选框, progress can be recorded for the cost object for the duration of the project.
- 可用于外部进度计划中
如果选中此复选框, the cost object can be used in an ESP (external scheduling package).
- 含可开票
如果选中此复选框, the selected standard equipment cost object can be invoiced to the business partner.
- 图片
- Picture
The picture of the equipment. By default, the picture is also displayed in the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session.
- You can also add a picture using the drag and drop operation.
- The allowed images extensions are .jpg, .gif, or .png.
- Text
- 通用
如果选中此复选框, the current cost object has an associated general text.
- 采购
如果选中此复选框, the current cost object has an associated text that contains equipment lease data.
- 销售
如果选中此复选框, the current cost object has an associated text that contains sales data.