项目物料 (tppdm0105s000)
只能维护“物料 (tcibd0501m000)”进程中已创建的物料。
- 物料
Each item is identified by the combination of a project segment and an item segment:
- For standard items, the project segment is blank.
- For project-specific items, the project segment is filled with the project code.
- General
- 说明
- 搜索关键字
The search key associated with the material item cost object.
- 物料类型
The item type associated with the material item cost object. If you are adding project items, default values for a number of fields are based on the item group/item type combination that the item belongs to.
- 产品
- 采购物料
- 制造物料
- 通用物料
- 成本
- 服务管理
- 分包服务
- 清单
- 工具
- 设备
- 工程模块物料
Note:- The item of the type 工具 can only be used for Estimate and Budget.
- See the 物料项目默认数据 (tppdm0506m000) session.
- 物料组
The item group to which this material item cost object belongs. If you are adding project items, default values for a number of fields are input based. These default values depend on the item group/ item type combination that the item belongs to, see also the 物料项目默认数据 (tppdm0506m000) session.
- 项目计划
- 项目订货系统
Indicates how the material items are ordered from a supplier.
应用程序仅会考虑在生成计划 PRP 订单 (tppss6200m000) 进程中与 PRP 相关的物料。
- 人工
应用程序仅会考虑在生成采购预算 (tpptc4200m000) 进程中人工订购的物料。
- PRP 采购订单
“采购需求计划”仅会为物料考虑和创建计划 PRP 采购订单。
Note:仅当物料 (tcibd0501m000) 进程中的物料类型设置为采购物料或制造物料时,此选项才可见。
- PRP 仓单
“采购需求计划”仅会为物料考虑和创建计划 PRP 仓单。
Note:仅当物料 (tcibd0501m000) 进程中的物料类型设置为采购物料或制造物料时,此选项才可见。
- 强制项目挂钩
如果选中此复选框, the item must be pegged to project.
Note:- This is a display field.
- The value is displayed from the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session.
- This field is applicable only if the 项目挂钩 check box is selected in the 已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000) session.
- 挂钩 PRP 仓单
如果选中此复选框, the PRP warehouse order must be pegged.
Note:You can select this check box manually if 强制项目挂钩 check box is not selected in the 物料 (tcibd0501m000) session.
- 地点
The site from where the deliverables can be shipped to the customer.
Note:The warehouse and the site are used for determining the warehouse for PCS orders in the PRP warehouse order lines.
The warehouse and the site are also used as the warehouse for the contract deliverable.
- Description
- 订购仓库
The warehouse from which the deliverables can be shipped to the customer.
Note:The warehouse and the site are used for determining the warehouse for PCS orders in the PRP warehouse order lines.
The warehouse and the site are also used as the warehouse for the contract deliverable.
- Description
- 卖方业务伙伴
The code of the buy-from business partner linked to the project item.
- 采购员
The code of the buyer linked to the project item.
- 单位成本
- Standard Cost Type
This indicates how inventory standard cost valuation is carried out for this item.
- Unit Cost Currency
The currency in which the standard cost is expressed.
- Standard Cost Currency Description
- Manual Unit Cost
Indicates the standard cost for this material item. This field is available only if the standard cost type is set to 人工输入 in the 标准成本类型 field. Otherwise the standard cost is computed automatically based on the standard cost calculation.
- 以本币表示
This field is only available if your company uses an independent currency system. Then the standard cost is expressed in the home currency. The 标准成本类型 field must be set to 人工输入, otherwise the standard cost is computed automatically based on the purchase price, and you cannot enter a new amount in the home currency.
- In Home Currency
The home currency in which standard cost is expressed.
- In Home Currency
- Unit Cost Transaction Date
The last date on which the standard cost was changed.
- 定价策略
Indicator of how the pricing of item costs is calculated when you create an activity or element budget. The value entered here is taken as the default in the element and activity budget detailed sessions.
- 标准成本
- 基于采购价格
- Control
- 控制代码
The control code associated with the cost object. If the item is a project based item, the project part of the control code must be of the same project.
- 控制功能
Indicates the function of this cost object for cost control.
- 成本对象
- 成本对象/控制代码
- 控制代码
- 成本构成
The cost component at which the cost control is implemented.
- Options
- 登记进度
如果选中此复选框, progress can be maintained for the material item cost object.
- 含可开票
如果选中此复选框, the selected item can be invoiced to the business partner.
- 物料文本
如果选中此复选框, the current cost object has an associated text which you can access by clicking the Text button.
- 可用于外部进度计划中
如果选中此复选框, the cost object can be used in an ESP (external scheduling package).
Note:You cannot select the check box for all item types. For example for item type List it is not allowed to set to Yes.