项目参数 (tppdm0100s000)
使用此进程以维护并初始化用于定义 LN 如何工作的参数。
- 设置
- 生效日期
The date and time this parameter setting becomes valid.
- 说明
The description of the parameter setting.
- 使用
- 要素
如果选中此复选框, you can use elements for the projects.
Note:You can create transactions for elements in 项目 for a company only if this check box is selected. You can change this parameter until a transaction is recorded for elements in 项目. However, this field is disabled after a transaction for elements is recorded.
- 活动
如果选中此复选框, you can use activities for the projects.
Note:You can create transactions for activities in 项目 for a company only if this check box is selected. You can change this parameter until a transaction is recorded for activities in 项目. However, this field is disabled after a transaction for activities is recorded.
- 延伸合同
如果选中此复选框, you can use extensions for the projects.
Note:You can create transactions for extensions in 项目 for a company only if this check box is selected. You can change this parameter until a transaction is recorded for extensions in 项目. However, this field is disabled after a transaction for extensions is recorded.
- 成本构成
如果选中此复选框, you can use cost components for the projects.
- 所有活动类型
如果选中此复选框, you can use the activity types in the 活动 (tppss2100m000) session. You can link an organization breakdown structure (OBS) element to an activity with the type 控制科目. 如果清除此复选框, the activity type is a 工作包, therefore you cannot use the OBS option.
- 项目档案
如果选中此复选框, project archives can be used for reference and comparative purposes.
Note:When the project is archived or deleted, a subset of the project data specified in the 项目 (tppdm6600m400) session is for the current company is present in the project archive.
- 荷兰 WKA
如果选中此复选框, the Dutch Wet Keten Aansprakelijkheid (WKA) law applies. The WKA law means that the contractor is liable for the subcontractor's taxes and social security contributions, if the subcontractor fails to do so.
The law is mainly concerned with:
- The invoices from the subcontractor to the customer.
- Who is responsible for paying taxes and social security contributions.
Note:This law applies to the Netherlands only. If you use LN in another country, leave this check box cleared.
- 银行担保
- 允许新单据的项目银行担保
如果选中此复选框, the bank guarantee functionality is implemented for the new documents in the 项目 package. The bank guarantee related sessions, field and options are visible in the 项目 package.
Note:- By default, this checkbox is selected. However, you can modify the value.
- This checkbox is applicable only for the project bank guarantee functionality and not for the bank guarantee functionality of the GTC module.
- 隐藏项目银行担保
如果选中此复选框, the bank guarantee functionality is hidden from the 项目 package. The bank guarantee related sessions, field and options are not visible in the 项目 package.
Note:- By default, this checkbox is cleared. However, you can modify the value.
- This checkbox is applicable only for the project bank guarantee functionality and not for the bank guarantee functionality of the GTC module.
- 选项
- 同时处理主项目及其子项目
如果选中此复选框, subprojects are also included in all processing activities relating to the main project. For example, if you use the 建立实际成本控制 (tpppc4803m000) session or the 生成预算成本分析 (tpptc3200m000) session, all subprojects are included.
- 子项目有更改时更新其主项目
如果选中此复选框, any changes made to subprojects are carried through (aggregated) in the main project. This affects the 建立实际成本控制 (tpppc4803m000) session and the 生成预算成本分析 (tpptc3200m000) session, where changes in subproject costs are carried through in the Main Project Total.
- 记录项目历史记录
如果选中此复选框, history data of the project is logged in the 项目历史记录 (tppdm6105m000) session.
- 记录活动历史记录
如果选中此复选框, the changes that are made in the 活动 (tppss2100m000) session, are logged in the 活动历史记录 (tppss2102m000) session.
- 记录要素历史记录
如果选中此复选框, the changes that are made in the 要素 (tpptc1100m000) session, are logged in the 要素历史记录 (tpptc1106m000) session.
- 文本
如果选中此复选框, a text is present.
- 设置
- 记录承付款(采购事务处理)
Indicates how you want to handle commitments (preliminary purchase costs) in your company.
- 不
例外情况是将采购订单直接交付至项目站点时的硬承付款。 在这种情况下,会创建一个硬承付款行。 如果直接交付至项目站点,则会将在制品 (WIP) 的成本过帐至财务管理子系统。 因此,项目管理子系统中的承付款将成为财务管理子系统中的成本。
之所以如此的原因在于下一步“发票核准”的时间设定。 发票核准的时间不是从项目管理子系统中而是从财务管理子系统中进行控制的。 因此,在制品 (WIP) 的成本将过帐至财务管理子系统。
所以,一方面不能等到发票核准时登记在制品 (WIP) 成本,因为对于大部分情况这样会为时过晚。 另一方面仍有承付款,因为货物只是交付给项目(而未消耗),但可能退回仓库(例如,已经订购了货物,但尚未使用)。
- 订货和交货
- 交货
Note:Infor LN also includes the purchase transactions resulting from supplier stage payments.
此字段的设置会影响系统性能和数据库增长。 如需更多信息,请参见 记录承诺.
- 创建项目时复制一般附加费
This field determines whether standard surcharges are copied as project surcharges to be used while generating a budget, control registration, or both.
- 利润基准
This field determines whether margin is calculated based on the sales value or on the cost of sales.
Setting Calculation 金额 (Sales amount - Cost Amount)/Cost Amount * 100
成交 (Sales amount - Cost Amount)/Sales Amount * 100
- 默认数据
- 通用
- 默认汇率类型(预算)
The default exchange-rate type used for budgeting projects that do not use the business partner currency.
- Description
- 成本的默认汇率类型
The default exchange-rate type for costs that have a currency other than the project currency.
This ERT is also used to:
- Calculate estimated amounts in 正在估算.
- Calculate standard cost object amounts in the home currency.
- Calculate amounts that are not directly project related and have no business partner and therefore no ERT.
- 收益默认汇率类型
The default exchange-rate type is used for the calculation of invoices that do not use the business partner currency.
- 单位集
The default unit set used for projects while creating equipment or subcontracting cost objects.
- Description
- 工时单位代码
The time unit in which labor is expressed in cost control.
- Description
- 预约类型
The default appointment type. If this type is used with the tender date: The first date (lowest sequence number) recorded for this appointment type in the 项目预约 (tppdm6132m000) session is the tender date.
The date is printed on reports in the following session:
- Print Progress Invoice Specifications (tppin1410m000)
- Description
- 默认数据
- 模板代码
The default project template, defined in the 项目 (tppdm6100m000) session.
- Description
- 波动结算延伸合同
The default extension code is used to create an extension of the extension type fluctuation settlement at the time a new project is created.
- 物料代码系统(文件导入)
The default item code system.
- Description
- 物料代码系统(订单录入)
The item code system. If no specific item code system is defined for the business partner in the Item Code System - Items (tcibd0104m000) session, LN uses the item code system that is defined in the current field. The item code system that you select must be of the General type.
- 分期付款的收益代码
The default revenue code used for installments in Project.
- 按进度分期付款的收益代码
The default revenue code used for progress payment requests in Project.
- 酬金的收益代码
The default revenue code used for fees in Project.
- 罚款的收益代码
The default revenue code used for penalties in Project.
- 额外工作的收益代码
The default revenue code used for additional work in Project.
- 暂扣款的收益代码
The default revenue code used for holdback in Project.
- 预付款的收益代码
The default revenue code used for creating advance payments in Project.
- 酬金收益阈值
The fee revenue threshold, expressed in percentage, to check the 概率 of a fee being included when generating the interim results. Only fees with a probability percentage equal to or higher than the threshold are considered.
- 优先供应仓库
The default priority supply warehouse used for projects, defined in the 仓库 (tcmcs0503m000) session.
- Description
- 编号组和系列
- 编号组和系列
- 项目编号组
The default number group used for projects. The number groups are defined in the Number Groups (tcmcs0151m000) session.
- Description
- 项目系列
The default series used for projects, defined in the 第一个空号 (tcmcs0150m000) session.
- Description
- 估算系列
The estimate series used to create a unique project number.
- Description
- 估算行编号组
The default number group used for project estimate
- Description
- 估算行系列
The series used to create a unique codes for project estimates.
- Description
- 项目 (PCS) 系列
The first free numbers used to create unique codes for project requirement orders.
- Description
- 模板编号组
Select the default number group defined for the templates.
- 模板系列
Select the default series defined for the template number group.
- 序号
- 物料代码长度
The length defined here subtracted from the maximum length of the code, determines the sequence number length that can be added when using the 下达估算到预算 (tpest2200m000) session.
Maximum length: 47 characters.
- 人工代码长度
The length defined here subtracted from the maximum length of the code, determines the sequence number length that can be added when using the 下达估算到预算 (tpest2200m000) session.
Maximum length: 8 characters.
- 设备代码长度
The length defined here subtracted from the maximum length of the code, determines the sequence number length that can be added when using the 下达估算到预算 (tpest2200m000) session.
Maximum length: 10 characters.
If, in this field, you enter "6", a sequence of 4 characters can be created. As a result, equipment code 100230 in estimate could be transferred to 1002300001.
- 分包代码长度
The length defined here subtracted from the maximum length of the code, determines the sequence number length that can be added when using the 下达估算到预算 (tpest2200m000) session.
Maximum length: 8 characters.
- 杂项成本代码长度
The length defined here subtracted from the maximum length of the code, determines the sequence number length that can be added when using the 下达估算到预算 (tpest2200m000) session.
Maximum length: 8 characters.
- 成本控制层
- 项目
- 项目
如果选中此复选框, the cost control is implemented only at the project level, for projects.
- 项目/成本类型
如果选中此复选框, the cost control is implemented at the project and cost type level, for projects.
- 项目/成本构成
如果选中此复选框, the cost control is implemented at the project and cost component level, for projects.
- 项目/控制代码
如果选中此复选框, the cost control is implemented at the project and control code level, for projects.
- 要素
- 项目/要素
如果选中此复选框, the cost control is implemented at the project and element level, for elements.
- 项目/要素/成本类型
如果选中此复选框, the cost control is implemented at the project, element and cost type level, for elements.
- 项目/要素/成本构成
如果选中此复选框, the cost control is implemented at the project, element and cost component level, for elements.
- 项目/要素/控制代码
如果选中此复选框, the cost control is implemented at the project, element and control code level, for elements.
- 活动
- 项目/活动
如果选中此复选框, the cost control is implemented at the project and activity level, for activities
- 项目/活动/成本类型
如果选中此复选框, the cost control is implemented at the project, activity and cost type level, for activities
- 项目/活动/成本构成
如果选中此复选框, the cost control is implemented at the project, activity and cost component level, for activities.
- 项目/活动/成本控制代码
如果选中此复选框, the cost control is implemented at the project, activity and control code level, for activities.
- 延伸合同
- 项目/延伸合同
如果选中此复选框, the cost control is implemented at the project and extension level, for extensions.
- 项目/延伸合同/成本类型
如果选中此复选框, the cost control is implemented at the project, extension and cost type level, for extensions.
- 项目/延伸合同/成本构成
如果选中此复选框, the cost control is implemented at the project, extension and cost component level, for extensions.
- 项目/延伸合同/控制代码
如果选中此复选框, the cost control is implemented at the project, extension and control code level, for extensions.
- 间接成本
- 计算批间接成本依据
- 实际成本
如果选中此复选框, the overheads are calculated on actual costs.
- 硬承付款
如果选中此复选框, the overheads are calculated on hard commitments.
- 监控
- Include in Monitoring
如果选中此复选框, the overhead costs are included in the totals amounts (actual and forecast cost) in project monitoring.
Note:This checkbox is enabled only if the 实际成本 checkbox is selected.