工序步骤 (tirou1105m000)
- 地点
- 物料
An item that occurs in any module of 制造管理. It is a product or generic item that is used in a generic/production bill of material or in a generic/production routing.
- 工艺流程
The sequence of operations required to manufacture an item.
For each operation, the reference operation, machine, and work center are specified, as well as information about setup time and cycle time.
- 工序
One of a series of steps in a routing that are carried out successively to produce an item.
The following data is collected during a routing operation:
- The task. For example, sawing.
- The machine used to carry out the task (optional). For example, sawing machine.
- The place where the task is carried out (work center). For example, woodwork.
- The number of employees required to carry out the task.
This data is used to compute order lead times, to plan production orders and to calculate standard cost.
- /
标识一系列活动中的某个数据记录或某个步骤的编号。许多上下文中都会用到序号。LN 通常会生成下一物料或步骤的序号。您可以根据上下文改写此编号。
- 工序步骤
A suboperation connected to a routing operation.
An operation step can contain information such as, instructions, process information, and tools information.
- 引用指示
Indicates the location to insert a component on an item, for example, where to mount an electronic component on a Printed Circuit Board. Reference designators are often used in electronics, and can originate from a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) station.
您可以从此字段推进到按物料列出的引用指示 (tcibd0120m000) 进程。
- 工艺流程
The quantity of the manufactured item on which the routing is based. A routing quantity enables you to include very short operation times in the routing of an item.
Routing quantity 100 Cycle time 60 minutes In a 60 minute time span, 100 items are produced. Consequently, the operation time of one item is 0.6 minute.
- 库存单位