工序 - 准备分类和状态 (tirou1104m000)







可以是制造的成品和子部件的物料。 制造物料通常与物料清单和工艺流程相关,物料清单和工艺流程用于说明装配物料的组件以及装配方式。 制造物料也称为生产物料,可以通过采购获得。


The sequence of operations required to manufacture an item.

For each operation, the reference operation, machine, and work center are specified, as well as information about setup time and cycle time.


One of a series of steps in a routing that are carried out successively to produce an item.

The following data is collected during a routing operation:

  • The task. For example, sawing.
  • The machine used to carry out the task (optional). For example, sawing machine.
  • The place where the task is carried out (work center). For example, woodwork.
  • The number of employees required to carry out the task.

This data is used to compute order lead times, to plan production orders and to calculate standard cost.


A type of item characteristic that indicates how a machine must be set up to produce the item. The setup class determines the changeover time for a machine or a tool between two operations. A setup class consists of a series of setup states.


Examples of setup classes are color and thickness. If your setup class is color, the setup states can be red, green, white, black, and so on.


An item's characteristic that is linked to an operation. Depending on the setup states of two successive operations, a machine's changeover takes longer or less long. A series of setup states form a setup class.


If your setup class is color, examples of setup states are red, green, white, black, and so on.