任务关系 - 流程变量 (tirou0116m000)
要使用此进程,必须将“已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000)”进程中的“地点特定作业车间”参数设置为“不活动”。
可以在任务关系 (tirou0104m000) 进程中定义任务关系。
即使在默认情况下,流程变量链接至“工序(步骤)- 流程变量 (tirou1111m000)”进程中的工序,您仍可以人工将流程变量链接至“工序(步骤)- 流程变量 (tirou1111m000)”进程中的工序步骤。
此进程中定义的流程变量在工序(步骤)- 流程变量 (tirou1111m000) 进程中作为默认值来使用。如果工序使用了流程变量在当前进程中所链接至的任务关系,则流程变量将默认链接至“工序(步骤)- 流程变量 (tirou1111m000)”进程。
- 任务
An activity to manufacture or repair an item. For example, sawing, drilling, or painting.
A task is carried out on a work center, and can be related to a machine.
- 工作中心
A specific production area consisting of one or more people and/or machines with identical capabilities, that can be considered as one unit for purposes of the capacity requirement planning and detailed scheduling.
- 机器
In LN, a mechanical object on which operations can be carried out to produce items.
Machines are linked to operation rates. The operation rate and the labor rate together form the basis for the actual costing of production orders.
- 流程变量
A setting or an input value related to a machine, a tool, or to process quality that is relevant to carry out an operation or an operation step. For example, cutting depth, cutting speed, and temperature.
- 必备项
如果选中此复选框,且流程变量默认链接至“工序(步骤)- 流程变量 (tirou1111m000)” 进程中的工序,则不能从工序的微工艺流程中删除流程变量。 流程变量必须至少与一个工序步骤保持链接或直接链接至工序。