更正任务关系的机器 (tirou0104m100)
- 在当前进程中选择一个任务。
- 在相应菜单上选择“”。
- 在启动的“选择机器与占用 (tisfc0110m201)”进程中,选择所需机器并指定机器占用。
- 单击“确定”。
“选择机器与占用 (tisfc0110m201)”进程关闭,并且该任务的副本已添加到当前进程。复制的任务中包含“选择机器与占用 (tisfc0110m201)”进程中指定的机器和机器占用。系统会将复制的任务复制到“生成参考工序 (tirou4250m000)”进程中的参考工序。
- 任务
An activity to manufacture or repair an item. For example, sawing, drilling, or painting.
A task is carried out on a work center, and can be related to a machine.
- 工作中心
A specific production area consisting of one or more people and/or machines with identical capabilities, that can be considered as one unit for purposes of the capacity requirement planning and detailed scheduling.
- 机器
In LN, a mechanical object on which operations can be carried out to produce items.
Machines are linked to operation rates. The operation rate and the labor rate together form the basis for the actual costing of production orders.
- 任务关系说明
- 占用的机器
如果在“任务 (参考工序) (tirou0103m000)” 进程中为选定工作中心定义了机器,则可以在此字段中输入值。
- 搜索关键字
默认情况下,LN 显示任务说明的 16 个字符。 如果需要,可以使用其它文本替换。
- 工艺流程基本物料数量
The quantity of the manufactured item on which the routing is based. A routing quantity enables you to include very short operation times in the routing of an item.
Routing quantity 100 Cycle time 60 minutes In a 60 minute time span, 100 items are produced. Consequently, the operation time of one item is 0.6 minute.
- 固定准备时间 (SCS)
只有在已实施 Infor SCM Scheduler 和/或 Infor SCM Planner 时,才会使用固定准备时间。然后会将固定准备时间传递到 SCS,之后,将顺序相关的准备时间添加到固定准备时间以便获得总计准备时间。该总计准备时间用于 SCS 计划和/或进度计划。
- 平均准备时间
- 固定期间
An indication whether the production time is fixed, or is dependent on the order quantity. If the production time has a fixed duration, then it equals the cycle time. If it is indicated that the production time does not have a fixed duration, the cycle time is multiplied by the order quantity.
For example, baking one bread in the oven takes one hour. Baking a hundred breads at once also takes a fixed duration of one hour.
生产时间 = 准备时间 + (1 * 生产周期)
- 生产周期
适用于此特定任务/工作中心关系的生产周期。 生产周期可用于计算成本价和订单提前期等。
在“任务关系 (tirou0104m000)” 详细进程中,您可以推进到“计算定额时间 (tirou0230m000)” 进程以计算生产周期。 总工序时间取决于订单数量。
- 生产率
每单位时间内可执行的任务的单位数。 “作业车间主数据参数 (tirou0100m000)” 进程中的“生产率时间单位”字段确定时间单位是“小时”还是“分钟”。
如果定义了定额时间表,则可以推进到“计算定额时间 (tirou0230m000)” 进程中计算生产率。
注意如果清除了“作业车间主数据参数 (tirou0100m000)” 进程中的“使用生产率”复选框,则无法在此字段中输入值。
- /
- 转移批量小于生产批量
The quantity or percentage of items for which an operation must be finished before you can start with the next operation. Even though an operation is not yet finished for all items in a production order, you can start the next operation for the items that are already finished.
In a production environment where kanban is used, the transfer batch quantity equals the kanban size (which is the standard container, or the standard lot size).
The transfer batch quantity replaces the previously used concept of overlap percentage on operation.
如果选中此复选框,则可以在完成整个生产批量前开始下一道工序。 必须在“转移批量”字段中输入一个值,该值指明何时可以开始下一道工序。如果清除此复选框,则在完成整个生产批量时才开始下一道工序。
如果“作业车间主数据参数 (tirou0100m000)” 进程中的“转移批量方法”字段为“数量”,则必须在“转移批量”字段中键入一个数量。 如果“转移批量方法”字段为“百分比”,则必须键入一个百分比。
- 转移批量
The quantity or percentage of items for which an operation must be finished before you can start with the next operation. Even though an operation is not yet finished for all items in a production order, you can start the next operation for the items that are already finished.
In a production environment where kanban is used, the transfer batch quantity equals the kanban size (which is the standard container, or the standard lot size).
The transfer batch quantity replaces the previously used concept of overlap percentage on operation.
如果“作业车间主数据参数 (tirou0100m000)” 进程中的“转移批量方法”字段为“数量”,则必须键入一个数量。 如果“转移批量方法”字段为“百分比”,则必须键入一个百分比。
- 费率
必须在“工序费率代码 (ticpr0150m000)” 进程中预定义工序费率代码。
- “标准成本计算参数 (ticpr0100m000)” 进程中的“工序费率成本类型”参数为“任务关系费率”。
- 工作中心不是分包工作中心。
- 分包费率系数
此字段的值取决于“分包费率 (ticpr1160m000)” 进程中的“费率基础”字段。 如果此字段值为“工序费率”,则下例中的陈述成立。 您可以从用于分包的基本费率开始并进一步指定每道工序行的基本费率。
- 分包费率为 100
- 分包费率系数为 2
- 则分包总成本为 200
- 准备工作占用的人员
- 生产占用的人员
- 附加信息
- 反冲
仅当清除了“物料仓储数据 (whwmd4500m000)” 详细进程中的库存中分别记录序列号复选框,且物料仓储数据 (whwmd4600m000) 进程中的制造时登记发料的批次字段为“是”时,才能反冲序列化物料。 在任何其它情况下,都不能反冲序列化物料。
如果序列化物料是批次控制物料,则反冲物料所属的批次将以“物料仓储数据 (whwmd4500m000)” 详细进程中所定义的出库方法(“后进先出 (LIFO)”、“先进先出 (FIFO)”)为基础。
- 计数点
An operation in a routing, or work station, where the quantity of completed and rejected items must be determined explicitly. If an operation is a count point, completion of that operation must be reported separately. The quantity completed in follow-up operations must not exceed the quantity completed in the count point.
If an operation, or work station is not a count point, it can be set to “已完成” automatically upon completion of a follow-up operation. The quantities completed and rejected are then determined by the completed quantity in the count point.