计算项目物料销售价格 (tipcs2241m000)
- 计算组
A code representing a group of projects the user uses to compare financial data.
You can assign a calculation group to:
- A budget
- A main project (as long as the calculation group is not assigned to another project or single project)
- A single project (as long as the calculation group is not assigned to another main project or single project)
- 自物料
An item produced on a customer specification for a specific project. A customized item can have a customized BOM and/or a customized routing and is normally not available as a standard item. A customized item can, however, be derived from a standard item or a generic item.
- 至物料
An item produced on a customer specification for a specific project. A customized item can have a customized BOM and/or a customized routing and is normally not available as a standard item. A customized item can, however, be derived from a standard item or a generic item.
- 预算附加费
如果选中此复选框,则 LN 会将预算附加费添加到物料销售价格。
- 物料销售附加费
如果选中此复选框,则必须输入销售价格计算代码。 该价格计算代码用于检索物料附加费。
- 物料销售附加费
A specification of how a standard cost, valuation price, or sales price is calculated. The code stores specific cost calculation data.
The price calculation code that is defined in the 标准成本计算参数 (ticpr0100m000) session determines the standard cost. Other cost calculation codes are used for simulation purposes. The price calculation code for customized items is stored by project.
- Specific operation rates
- Subcontracting rates
- Simulated purchase prices
- Surcharges
- 全局价格
- 每个部门的价格
- 销售部门
- 舍入方法
- 打印报告