生成项目的销售报价单 (tipcs2240m000)



A budget is a project of the type budget.


The business partner that orders goods and/or services from your organization. This usually represents a customer's purchase department.


在公司业务模型中定义的部门,负责管理业务伙伴的销售关系。 销售部门用于标识负责组织内销售活动的位置。





由供应商向潜在采购方提供的货物或服务的价格清单、销售条款和说明;或一种投标文件。 客户数据、付款条款和交货条款包含在页眉中;有关实际物料的数据则输入到报价单行中。 如果投标文件是为了回应征求报价单而提供的,则该投标通常被视为一种销售发盘。


The sales quotation's creation date.

You can modify the date as long as no quotation lines are present.


The completion date, which must be greater than or equal to the quotation date.


The final day on which the quotation is valid.


The default expiry date for the quotation is automatically calculated by adding the number of days specified in the 有效期 field of the 销售报价单参数 (tdsls0100s100) session to the quotation date.

This date must be greater than or equal to the completion date of the quotation.

参考 A

可根据它来标识订单或征求报价单的第一个额外参考。 此参考会打印在各种订单文档和列表上。

参考 B

可以在其中填入额外信息的第二个额外参考字段。 此参考打印在订单文档和清单中。


一种与报价单相关的百分比,表示业务伙伴接受报价单的可能性。 如果接受,则报价单将转换为销售订单。

The default success percentage is zero.


The discount percentage when LN determines the total quotation amount. For example, if the sales price is $50 and the quantity is 100 and the order discount percentage is 15%, the net amount must be part of the quotation amount: 50 x 100 x (100-15)/100 = 50 x 100 x 0.85 = 4250 dollars


The currency in which the quotation is expressed.

As default, LN enters the currency in the 业务伙伴 (tccom4500m000) session. If the quotation currency is empty, LN takes the currency defined for the company.


LN calculates the quotation amount by multiplying the budget part quantity with the part's sales price that is defined in the 销售价格 field of the 物料销售数据 (tdisa0501m000) details session.

You can change the quotation amount manually, for example, to round it off. As a result, the variance between the original quotation amount and the quotation amount that you entered manually is automatically divided over the various quotation lines.


Item Qty Sales price Amount
Office chair A 5 400 2000
Office chair B 1 500 500

The total amount is £ 2,500

The quotation amount is changed to £ 3,000. The sales quotation lines then appear as follows:

Item Qty Sales price Amount
Office chair A 5 480 2400
Office chair B 1 600 600

The estimated total amount of the budget, which can also be viewed in the 按项目列出的标准成本 (tipcs3560m000) session.


The amount in this session can be different from the amount in the 按项目列出的标准成本 (tipcs3560m000) session because of the exchange rate.


The currency in which the budgeted costs are expressed.

Gross Profit

The gross profit percentage calculated by LN. If the gross profit percentage is based on the standard cost and the quotation amount is zero, the profit percentage is 999.99, otherwise the gross profit percentage is:

(Quotation amount - Budgeted costs) / Quotation amount * 100%

If the profit is based on the sales price and the budgeted costs are zero, the gross profit percentage is 999.99, otherwise the gross profit percentage is:

			 amount- Budgeted costs) / Budget costs * 100%