复制或跳过物料清单行 (tipcs2235m000)
您可以使用此子进程在交互复制操作过程中复制或跳过物料清单 (BOM) 行。
- 制造物料
- 位置
- /
The BOM sequence number allows you to define more than one component item for each position. These interchangeable components can have different dates when they are valid.
LN also uses sequence numbers when you replace items in BOMs.
Say, you make bicycles and use frames that you buy from supplier A until August. However, after August you will use identical frames that you buy from supplier B. Do not use a new BOM position number for the second frame. Instead, use a new sequence number.
- 物料
A purchased item, material, subassembly, or finished product that is normally available.
All items that are not built according to customer specification for a specific project are defined as standard items. Opposite term is customized item.
- 可定制
- 通用物料,必须总是进行定制。
- “产品”、“采购物料”和“制造物料”物料,仅限在客户订单上选中“定制”复选框时。可在客户订单上修改此复选框的设置。
- 具有不具名库存的标准物料,在客户订单上为其选中“定制”复选框。
- 制造物料
- 物料
要将物料清单 (BOM) 行复制到其中的物料。