项目 (tipcs2101m000)




  • 项目状态为自由
  • 项目未链接至销售报价单或销售订单。



A collection of manufacturing and purchasing actions that are performed for a particular customer order. A project is initiated to plan and coordinate the production of the to be manufactured items.

For a standard-to-order production, the project is only used to link the item with the customer order. A project can also include these:

  • Customized item data (BOMs and routings)
  • Project planning (activity planning)
Project Status

Indicates the current progress of the project. The following status values are available:



您可以执行项目工程。 这意味着您可以执行下列操作:

  • 使用项目控制 定义项目主计划 (PMS)。
  • 维护项目结构。
  • 使用定制物料清单和工艺流程表来维护定制产品结构。
  • 完成项目估算。

指根据网络计划模拟大致的能力需求计划和详细的材料和资源需求计划 (RRP)。 分别显示模拟项目的能力需求。 LN 生成计划 RRP 采购订单、计划生产订单以及定制物料的 PRP 仓单。 但是,不能下达这些订单。 而且,在 RRP 中不会将标准物料分配给项目。


此状态指示项目正处于执行阶段。 您可以下达计划订单,这样可以启动所需的采购活动和生产活动,进而完成这些活动。


项目已被取消。 您不能向该项目下达新订单,但是您可以完成待处置的后勤活动。 可以结束一个已取消的项目,但也可以保持其已取消状态。 如果项目保持在已取消的状态,请注意,最终成本将不会过帐到财务管理,并且已完成的订单上仍会存在在制品 (WIP)。 只有结束了项目,才会过帐成本。


就涉及的制造模块而言,项目已结束。 另外,所有采购活动和生产活动均已完成或已结算,项目的所有销售订单也已交货。


从财务角度说,项目已结算。 这意味着已经计算出项目的财务结果。 不能再将项目的财务事务处理过帐到该项目。


如果在项目控制参数 (tipcs0100m000) 进程中选中限于 PCS 项目财务公司的销售成本和收益复选框,则将在销售部门、服务部门和/或仓库的财务公司而不是 PCS 项目的财务公司过帐财务事务处理。 如果内部发票已从 PCS 项目发送至这些部门且尚未完成,项目结算 (tipcs2250m000) 进程会将项目状态设置为即将结算,而不是已结算。 必须先完成内部发票,然后再次运行项目结算 (tipcs2250m000) 进程才能将项目状态设置为已结算


项目已被存档。 这意味着所有项目数据都已存储在存档文件中,而且已从原始文件中删除。


An additional field for the project description if the project description does not fit on a single line.


Displays the reference data of the project. This field is only used for providing information. You can determine the reference data to enter, for instance, the number of a customer's sales order.

This field enables you to quickly search for project data using an argument other than the project code.




Select the type of project.




A code representing a group of projects the user uses to compare financial data.

You can assign a calculation group to:

  • A budget
  • A main project (as long as the calculation group is not assigned to another project or single project)
  • A single project (as long as the calculation group is not assigned to another main project or single project)

In case of a budget, you must always enter a calculation group. If you copy the budget to a main project or a single project, the calculation group is automatically copied so that the project's calculation group equals the budget's calculation group.

It is not allowed to overwrite the project's calculation group with a calculation group that is in use with any other project. Also if you copy a budget to a new project, and the calculation code is already in use in another project, the budget's calculation code is not copied to the new project.

For subprojects, the calculation group must be the same as the main project's calculation group. If the sub project is linked to the main project, the calculation group is automatically copied from the main project to the sub project.


The business partner for whom the project is carried out.


The person who is in charge of the execution of the project.


The first item code which is used as a default value for the input of new customized items.


A specification of how a standard cost, valuation price, or sales price is calculated. The code stores specific cost calculation data.

The price calculation code that is defined in the 标准成本计算参数 (ticpr0100m000) session determines the standard cost. Other cost calculation codes are used for simulation purposes. The price calculation code for customized items is stored by project.


  • Specific operation rates
  • Subcontracting rates
  • Simulated purchase prices
  • Surcharges

The calculation office defaults from either the production department or the warehouse, depending on the settings of the 使用的计算中心的企业单元(自) field in the 项目控制参数 (tipcs0100m000) session.


如果清除此复选框, all end items of the project are standard-to-order items. No customized BOM or routing can therefore be maintained. As soon as a customized item is added to the project, LN automatically selects this check box.

如果清除此复选框, the following PCS functionalities do not apply:

  • Customized item data (BOMs and Routings).
  • Project Planning.
  • Project structures (main/sub projects).
  • Activities.
  • Network planning.
  • Module planning.
  • General costs.
  • Service orders are not allowed on the project.
  • Project surcharges.
  • Cost calculation at project level.

Projects for which the 允许工程 check box is not selected in the 项目 (tipcs2101m000) session, cannot be copied.


The date on which the bill of material and the routing operations are exploded when a customized product structure is generated with either the 生成销售订单的(项目 PCS)结构 (tdsls4244m000) session or the 生成产品变型的(项目)结构 (tipcs2220m000) session. The 参考日期 is used as a default for the 参考日期 field in the 生成产品变型的(项目)结构 (tipcs2220m000) session.

If you generate a project using the 生成销售订单的(项目 PCS)结构 (tdsls4244m000) session, the 参考日期 field is filled according to the setting of the 配置日期 (PCS) field in the 销售参数 (tdsls0100s000) session. The following settings are possible:

  • 订单日期
  • 系统日期
  • 交货日期

If the 配置日期 (PCS) field in the 销售参数 (tdsls0100s000) session is 系统日期, the 参考日期 field is empty after generating a project structure.

The 参考日期 field is also used in cost-price calculation of the project, and when transferring RRP orders. If the PCS Project reference date is empty and either the 按项目计算标准成本 (tipcs3250m000) or the 生成订单计划 (cprrp1210m000) sessions are started, the current date and time are taken for the calculations. This means that the current date and time is always the effective date of the BOM line and falls before its expiry date.


This reference date in 项目控制 overrules reference dates entered in 产品配置 or 销售控制模块.


如果选中此复选框, additional project text is available.