通用价格表 (tipcf4101m000)



  • 通过输入有效日期和过期日期指定价格表行的有效性。
  • 用于记录销售价格或成本价格的货币的代码。
  • 金额,根据您选择的金额类型,金额可以是固定金额、折扣百分比或附加费百分比。
  • 用于合并金额和价格表矩阵的算术表达式。
  • 适用的价格表矩阵。
  • 用于定义在何种情况下必须包含或排除价格表行的约束条件。

如果产品变型选项的技术性太强,LN 会基于通用销售价格表将它们转换为产品变型的差异销售价格结构。如果出现这种情况,销售价格结构将用于所选产品变型选项的商业复制。然后,可以在外部销售订单文档上打印为产品变型生成的销售价格结构。

您可以在产品配置或产品生成过程中计算采购/销售价格或折扣/附加费百分比。LN 使用的公式可以记录在约束条件参数替换部分中。


在此进程中,可更详细地记录有关价格表行的详细价格表文本。在价格表文本中,产品特性可作为变量被包括在内,然后自动被替换为选定的选项值的说明。如果选项说明指示不充分,选项值会自动被添加到选项说明。在价格表中,产品特性必须使用方括号 ([...]) 括起来,如同在约束条件表达式中一样。

价格表文本对于生成产品变型的销售价格结构尤其重要。可以使用计算产品变型销售价格结构 (tipcf5230m000) 进程生成产品变型的销售价格结构。

如果文本专供内部使用,请在每个文本行的第一个位置处输入 < 符号。如果文本行必须专门在外部文档上打印,请输入 >。

  • 通用采购价格表和通用销售价格表均基于通用物料的库存单位或者基本单位。

  • 不能以其它本币输入采购价格表。


The code of the configurable item. The item code must be predefined in the 物料生产数据 (tiipd0101m000) session.





Enter the code for the language in which you want to print the texts that you previously selected.


The type of price list.

Purchase Price List

The generic purchase price list is used by the product configurator or product generator to calculate the purchase price of a product variant item that is a part of the product variant structure. This calculation, which takes place when a product variant structure is generated for a sales quotation, sales order, budget or project, is determined for each generic item in the product variant structure.

In principle, only define a generic price-list for generic purchased items. A generic purchased item is a generic item without a generic bill of material (BOM) and without generic routing. When you calculate the standard cost of a certain product variant, the purchase prices of the generic purchased item are included in the cost-price structure of the product variant. Cost calculations for product variants occur in the 项目控制 module.

Sales Price List

Generic sales price lists are used by the product configurator or product generator to determine the sales price structure of product variants. This calculation can be carried out in the 计算产品变型销售价格结构 (tipcf5230m000) session.

For this calculation, only define a generic sales price schedule for generic items that are configurable. Such items are generic and have defined product features and options. The sales price of a product variant is computed, based of the generic sales- price lists for the generic items in the generic product structure. An option set for this generic product structure is generated by the product configurator for a specific product variant.

Generic sales price lists are also used to compute the sales price of product variant items, such as calculations related to a budget. These calculations are carried out for each generic item in the product variant structure in the following sessions:

  • 生成销售报价单的(预算 PCS)结构 (tdsls1201m100)
  • 生成销售订单的(项目 PCS)结构 (tdsls4244m000)
  • 生成产品变型的(项目)结构 (tipcs2220m000)

By default, LN shows the last used number plus 10; thus in the sequence of 10, 20, 30, and so on. Numbering of price-list lines is free. However, you must adopt these default values because intermediate numbers are important if you add new price list lines.

The sequence number shows the numerical order of the various price list lines within the generic purchase or sales price list for a generic item. The sequence number is very important, because LN uses it when computing the purchase or sales price for a product variant. A surcharge and a discount are calculated based on the amount that originates from the price list lines with previous sequence numbers.


You can enter the description of the price list line here.


If the configuration date appears to fall outside the validity period for the price list line when you configure a product variant, the price list line is not included in the configuration.

You must enter an effective date for each price list line. By default LN shows the current date.


The expiry date indicates from which date the price list line is invalid.


The currency in which the purchase or sales price is recorded.


You can enter an amount and a percentage here.


If you enter an amount for the purchase or sales price, this purchase or sales price must be related to the inventory unit or the base unit of the generic item.


An arithmetical connection is made between the 金额 field and a value from the price list matrix by using the arithmetical expression. The eventual amount generated by the product generator is the result of the arithmetical expression.


The price-list matrix that applies to this generic price-list line. A price-list matrix can contain both prices and price factors, as well as surcharge and discount percentages, depending on the value of the 金额类型 (A/T) field.


Choose from the following:


A fixed amount is added to the amount that originates from the price list lines of previous sequence numbers.

Example: Amount that has originated from previous sequence numbers: 100.00 With a fixed amount of 45.00, the result is: 100 + 45.00 = 145.00.


The discount percentage is applied to the amount that originates from price list lines of previous sequence numbers.

Example: Amount that has originated from previous sequence numbers: 100.00 With a discount percentage of 40%, the result is: 100 - (40 X 100)/100 = 60.00.


The surcharge percentage is applied to the amount that originates from price list lines of previous sequence numbers.

Example: With a surcharge percentage of 130%, the result is: 100 + (130 X 100)/100 = 230.00.

* (Subtotal)

The total count made to the sales price lines in the sales price structure separately with out discount and surcharge.

* (Total)

A total count is made for the sales price structure for a product variant, in which the total amount includes the sales price lines in the sales price structure, discount and surcharge.

(Text Line)

The price list line is a text line. Text lines can be used to generate an organized sales price structure for product variants. A text line can also contain information (for example, a subheading for the sales price structure) or may remain empty.


The constraint code to be entered must be predefined in the 按可配置物料维护约束条件标识 (tipcf2101m000) session. Only enter a constraint code if a constraint is recorded with this code in the 按可配置物料定义约束条件 (tipcf2110m000) session.

If you zoom to the 按可配置物料定义约束条件 (tipcf2110m000) session, you can define constraints by generic item. If a constraint code is not previously entered, LN prompts you to create a new constraint code.

The 验证 section of the constraint enables you to record under which conditions the price list line must be included in the purchase or sales price structure of a product variant. The 参数替换 section of the constraint enables you to record formulas to calculate the purchase or sales price, or the surcharge or discount percentage. This only applies if the value of the 金额类型 field is equal to 固定金额, 折扣, or 附加费. In these circumstances, the 参数替换 section of the constraint is always carried out by the product generator, even if you already entered certain values for the 金额 field and/or 价格表矩阵 field.


The calculated price is expressed in the currency that you entered in the 币种 field.

The 参数替换 section must always be carried out. The initial value of the price is equal to the value determined by LN at that moment based on the 金额 field and/or 价格表矩阵 field. With the help of global variables, this means you can carry out total counts in the 参数替换 section, during which a certain discount or surcharge can be computed based on the total amount.


如果选中此复选框, a price-list text is present for the price list line. The text can be displayed and modified (if needed) by clicking the Text Manager.