装配线控制段上的可交换配置 (tiasl2530m000)
如果在装配线的某个特殊点上,两个物料具有相同的规格,则这两个物料在该特殊点上可互换。在交换过程中,将交换实际产品。这意味着指定给一个装配订单的在制品 (WIP) 现在已链接至另一个装配订单。在 LN 中,将交换装配订单的序列号和制造状态结构。
- 控制段
A set of consecutive assembly-line work centers on an assembly line between two buffers. The first buffer is the beginning of the segment, the next buffer is the first part of the next segment.
- 装配线
A set of consecutive line stations in which FAS (Final Assembly Schedule) items are manufactured. The items are manufactured by passing the items from line station to line station and by carrying out operations at each line station. An assembly line is subdivided into a number of line segments separated by buffers. An assembly line can be either a main line or a supplying line.
- 装配订单
- 可交换配置
A configuration is exchangeable with another configuration at a particular point on the assembly line, if at that point the two configurations have the same specifications.