装配线工位变型 - 工序 (tiasc2122m000)
- 您只能修改特定于订单的装配线工位变型 (LSV)。如需详细资料,请参阅装配线工位变型和装配线工位订单的联机手册主题。
- 可以从相应菜单启动装配线工位变型 - 装配件 (tiasc2121m000) 进程,以显示指定给装配线工位变型的部件。
- 如果已经反冲了用于装配线工位订单的工时,则无法更改特定于订单的装配线工位变型的装配线工位变型 - 装配件的内容。
- General
- 装配线工位变型
The line-station variant ID.
- 工位
The line station to which the line station variant applies.
- 用于订单
If the line station variant is order-specific, this field displays to which order the variant belongs.
Note:This field is only displayed if the selected line station variant is order-specific.
- 工序
The operation linked to the line station variant.
- Work Team
- 工作团队
The team of employees who carry out the operation.
- Work Location
The location where work takes place.
- 执行顺序
The order in which the operations must be carried out.
- Work Skill
The code of the skill or certification that is required for the employee who performs the operation.
- Operation
- 任务
The task ID.
- 生产周期
The task cycle time.
- 生产周期单位
Hours, minutes or seconds in which the cycle type is expressed.
- 人员占用
The number of people needed to carry out the operation.
This value is retrieved from the line station assignment in 装配线计划模块. This information is only used in order-based transaction processing. In line-station-based transaction processing, the man occupation is taken from the line-station-level assignment.
- 机器占用
The number of machines needed to carry out the operation.
This value is retrieved from the line station assignment in 装配线计划模块. This information is only used in order-based transaction processing. In line-station-based transaction processing, the machine occupation is taken from the line station level assignment.
- Text
- 工序操作说明
如果选中此复选框, instructions are present for the execution of the operation.
- 文本
如果选中此复选框, an instruction text is present.
- Options
- 打印工序说明
如果选中此复选框, the operation description is printed.
- 打印工序操作说明
如果选中此复选框, the operation instructions are printed.
- Initial Hidden
- 原始工序
如果选中此复选框, the operation has not been altered.
如果清除此复选框, one of the fields of the assembly operation has been changed. You can only do this if the LSV is order-specific.
This check box is used to determine the printing result. When originals must be printed, the operations for which this check box is selected are printed. When differences must be printed, the operations for which this check box is cleared are printed.