Print Entity Type Relationships Where-Used (tgerm3405m000)
Use this session to print a report about the usage of entity-type relationships in entity-relationship diagrams.
Field Information
- Entity Relationship Diagrams
If this check box is selected, ERP searches for the entity-type relationships that fall within the ranges that you have specified on the Selection tab, and are used in an entity-relationship diagram that fall within the specified range.
- Data Entity Relationships Used
If this check box is selected, ERP prints the entity-type relationships that fall within the ranges specified on the Selection tab, and occur in the range of entity-relationship diagrams that you have specified under Search in.
- Data Entity Relationships Not Used
If this check box is selected, ERP prints the entity-type relationships that fall within the ranges that you have specified on the Selection tab, and are not used in an entity-relationship diagram that falls within the range that you have specified under Search in.
- Data Entity Relationships Not Found
If this check box is selected, ERP prints the entity-type relationships that are removed from the Entity Type Relationships (tgerm3500m000) session, and are still linked to one or more entity-relationship diagrams that fall within the range that you have specified under Search in.