删除月开票发票 (tfacr2261m000)



如果月开票发票状态为已打印,则必须首先运行存档/删除全额付清的销售发票 (tfacr2260m000)进程删除链接到月开票发票的发票。

对于不想处理的月开票发票,可以在月开票发票 (tfacr4501m000)进程中将其状态设置为已删除


The From and To fields define the range of invoice-to business partners for which you archive and/or delete the monthly billing invoices.

MBI 编号

The From and To fields define the range of monthly billing invoices that you archive and/or delete.


The From and To fields define the range of generation dates of the monthly billing invoices that you archive and/or delete.

Copy to History

To copy the monthly billing invoices to an archive company, select this check box.

History Company

The archive company to which LN copies the monthly billing invoices.

You select the archive company for the financial company in the 财务公司参数 (tfgld0503m000) session.