故障及动作详细资料 (qmpqm2501m000)
The code of the FRACAS document.
- 状态
The status of the FRACAS document.
- 未结
- 已分配
- 已处置
- 已结束
- 已取消
- 位置
The position number of the FRACAS document.
- 报告的故障物料
The code of the item for which the failure is reported in the FRACAS document.
- 批次编号
The lot number linked to the item.
- 序列号
The serial number of the item.
Note:This field is enabled only if the 配置控制 field is set to 序列化 in the 服务物料数据 (tsmdm2100m000) session or 物料 is serialized in Items-General, for the specified 报告的故障物料.
- 库存日期
The inventory date assigned to the item when stored in the warehouse.
- 报告的数量
The quantity of the items for which the failure is reported.
- 报告的单位
The unit in which the quantity is expressed.
- 实际故障物料
The code of the actual failed item.
- 批次编号
The lot number linked to the item.
- 序列号
The serial number of the actual failed item.
- 实际数量
The quantity of the actual failed item.
- 实际单位
The unit in which the quantity is displayed.
- 故障代码
The code of the identified failure.
- 引用指示
The location where the item component can be placed. This value is used to differentiate between two test group lines with the same data.
- 重复的故障
If this check box is selected, the reported failure is considered as a failure that has occurred again.
- 修理不佳投诉
If this check box is selected, the resolution provided to the failure reported in the FRACAS document, is not appropriate.
Note:By default, this check box is cleared.
This check box is enabled only it the 状态 is 未结 or 已分配.
- 故障类别
The category of the failure.
- 故障阶段
The stage at which the failure is reported.
- 仪器组
The code of the instrument group.
- 仪器
The code of the instrument that is used to identify the cause of the failure.
- 仪器编号
The number of the instrument.
- 技术人员
The engineer assigned to resolve the failure.
Note:You must specify this value if the FRACAS 状态 is set to 已分配.
- 隔离标识
The identification code of the quarantine ID.
- 隔离处置行
The quarantined manufactured or purchased items or materials disposition lines.
- 不合格报告
The code of the non-conformance report (NCR) linked to the FRACAS document.
- 纠正行动计划
The code of the corrective action plan (CAP) linked to the FRACAS document.
- 处置行动
The disposition action taken for the reported items.
- 等待处置
- 重做
- 替换
- 不合格
- 未发现故障
- 其它
- 处置代码
The disposition code linked to the FRACAS document.
Note:- This field is displayed only if the 可配置材料处置代码 check box is selected in the 质量管理参数 (qmptc0100m000) session.
- This field is enabled only if the 处置行动 field is set to a value other than 等待处置 and 不合格.
- 处置
The action that must be performed based on the disposition code specified in the FRACAS document.
- 返工(符合现有规格)
- 返工(符合新规格)
- 重新分类
- 退货
- 废品
- 原样使用
- 维修
- 未发现故障
- 等待处置
Note:This field is enabled only if the 处置行动 field is set to a value other than 等待处置 and 不合格.
- 责任
The engineer responsible for the failure analysis.
- 原因
The code of the reason for disposition.
Note:This field is enabled only if the 处置行动 field is set to a value other than 等待处置 and 不合格.
- 负责业务伙伴
The code of the business partner to whom the item is returned.
Note:This field is enabled only if the 处置类型 field is set to 退货.
- 称谓
The name of business partner.
- 至物料
The code of the item. Infor LN considers this item for re-work or re-classification of the item for which the failure is reported.
Note:This field is enabled only if the 处置类型 field is set to 重新分类 or 返工(符合新规格).
- 动作代码
The code of the action taken to resolve the failure reported in the FRACAS document.
- 修理日期
The date on which the NCM 报告 is created.
- 替换的物料
The code of the item. Infor LN considers this item to replace the item for which failure is reported.
Note:This field is enabled only if the 处置行动 field is set to 替换.
- 批次编号
The lot number linked to the 物料 (已替换).
Note:This field is enabled only if the 处置行动 field is set to 替换.
- 序列号
The serial number of the 物料 (已替换).
Note:This field is enabled only if the 处置行动 field is set to 替换.
- 替换的数量
The quantity of the 物料 (已替换).
Note:This field is enabled only if the 处置行动 field is set to 替换.
- 单位
The unit in which the quantity is expressed.
- 处置订单来源
The order type created to execute the disposition.
- 返工(符合现有规格)
- 返工(符合新规格)
- 重新分类
- 退货
- 废品
- 原样使用
- 维修
- 未发现故障
- 等待处置
Note:This field is enabled only if:
- The 处置类型 field is set to a value other than 不适用.
- The 状态 of the FRACAS document is set to 已处置.
- 处置订单
The code of the order that is created to execute the disposition.
- 处置订单位置
The line number linked to the order.
- 故障已解决
Indicates if the registered failure has been resolved.
- 对工程数据修订的影响
Indicates if the resolution provided for the registered failure has an impact on the engineering data related to the revision of the item.
- 故障解决日期
The date and time when the failure is resolved.
- 故障解决备注
Additional information related to the resolution provided for the registered failure.
- 上次分配者
The ID of the user who assigns the NCMR.
- 分配日期
The 分配日期.
- 上次处置执行者
The code of the user who last updates the disposition.
- 处置日期
The date on which item line is dispositioned.
- 结算人
The ID of the user who closes the NCM 报告.
- 关闭日期
The date on which the NCM 报告 is closed.
- 取消方
The ID of the user who cancels the NCM 报告.
- 取消日期
The date on which the 纠正行动计划 is cancelled.
- 故障文本
The additional information for the failure.
- 修理文本
The additional information related to the action.