步骤相关附件 (pdwfl1622m000)
- 任务文档 (pdwfl1525m000)
- 任务物料 (pdwfl1501m100)
- 业务流程
The code of the business process.
- 说明
- 计划批准日期
The date and time planned for approval of step.
- 工作流模板
The code of the workflow template defined for the business process.
- 说明
- 计算核准日期
The calculated date and time for approval of step.
- 步骤
The code of the step.
- 任务明细
The information related to steps.
- 组名
The name of the group to which step is assigned.
- 最长持续时间(小时)
The maximum time in hours required by the user to respond to a task.
- 用户名
The name of the user to whom the task is assigned.