按制造商搜索组件 (pdpdm1179m100)
- 组件 ID
The identification number of the component created by manufacturer.
- 部件编号
The part number of the manufactured component.
- 说明
- 产品系列名称
The name of product line associated with the component item.
- 数据表
The datasheet of the component manufactured.
- 制造商
The default manufacturer of the selected component item.
- 生命周期
The life cycle of the component such as Preliminary, Active, NRND, LTB, Obsolete, Unconfirmed.
- RoHS
The environmental category of the component.
- RoHS 版本
The version of the environmental category.
- 匹配评级
The match rating of the component item.
- 会计准则路径
The taxonomy path of the part number.
- 会计准则路径 ID
The taxonomy path ID of the part number.
- 电路原理图符号
如果选中此复选框, the schematic symbol that of the part number is indicated in the specifications.
- PCB Foot Print
如果选中此复选框, the printed circuit board (PCB) foot print associated with the part number is indicated in the specifications.
- 3D 模型
如果选中此复选框, the 3D model of the component item must be prepared.