高级条件 (pdadm6109m000)
- 条件编号
A unique number assigned to the condition.
- 和/或
The option to group multiple conditions.
- (
如果选中此复选框, the Open brace bracket precedes the condition.
- 表
The code of the table.
- Description
- 别名
The alias used for the table.
- 是文本搜索
Indicates if the condition is related to text search.
- Key Name
The field for which the condition mask is defined.
- 运算符
The operator that determines the action to be performed.
- 值
The value used for the condition.
- 忽略大小写
如果选中此复选框, case sensitivity is not considered when the condition is evaluated for the advance search criteria.
- )
如果选中此复选框, the Closing brace bracket is placed after the condition.