Receipt Localization Details (lpind1110m000)

Use session to maintain the localization details for the warehouse or purchase receipt header.

You can access this session only if the Functionality of India check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session, for on of the group companies.

Receipt Number

The number of the warehouse receipt header for which the localization details must be maintained.

Receipt Type

The type of receipt for which the localization details are maintained.


Import Receipt

如果选中此复选框, the related warehouse receipt header is an import transaction.

LR Number

The unique identification carrier number generated or assigned to the warehouse receipt header. This number is used to track the warehouse receipt.


This field is applicable only if the Import Receipt check box is cleared for the receipt and is enabled only if the warehouse receipt is not confirmed.

LR Date

The date and time when the LR number is specified.


This field is applicable only if the Import Receipt check box is cleared for the receipt and is enabled only if the warehouse receipt is not confirmed.

Lorry Number

The registration number of the vehicle that carries the receipt or shipment sent by the transportation providers.


This field is applicable only if the Import Receipt check box is cleared for the receipt and is enabled only if the warehouse receipt is not confirmed.