Tax Connector Invoice Data (lpita1110m000)
Your Concept
You can access this session only if the Functionality for Italy check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
- 来源公司
The code of the company for which the tax connector invoice data is defined.
- 来源类型
The type of the source document associated with the invoice data of the tax connector.
- 利息
- 借方/贷方票据
- 折让
- 装运
- 全部来源类型
- 人工销售
- 不适用
- 合同
- 项目
- 销售订单
- 公司间贸易订单
- 仓单(作废)
- 采购订单(作废)
- PCS 订单(作废)
- 服务订单
- 维修销售订单
- 维修工作单(作废)
- 服务呼叫
- 客户索赔
- 供应商索赔
- 服务合同
- 货运单
- 来源单据
The number of the source document associated with the invoice data.
- 位置
The position number of the source document order line.
- 订单参考
The additional information related to the order associated with the invoice.
- 技术参考
The technical information related to the order.
- 开票顺序
The billing sequence number assigned to the billable line.
- 发票编号
The source company in which the invoice is created for the source document.
- /
The transaction type associated with the invoice created for the financial company.
- /
The document number assigned to the invoice.
- 发票行
The position number of the invoice document line.
- 发票状态
The status of the invoice document.
- 冻结
- 不适用
- 已取消
- 已确认
- 准备提交
- 待核准
- 准备打印
- 提交到外部系统
- 被外部系统拒绝
- 被外部系统批准
- 已打印
- 已过帐
- 发票接受方业务伙伴
The code of the invoice-to business partner for whom the invoice is created.
- Document Type
The code of the official document type that is assigned or transferred to the tax connector.
- Issuing Method
The method by which the ID is assigned and transferred to the tax connector.
- Tax Connector ID
- Certified Email
- Tax Postbox
- Tax Connector ID Sequence Number
The sequence number of the Tax Connector ID.
- Tax Connector Identifier
The code that identifies the business partner associated with the Italian tax connector.
The certified mail ID associated with the tax connector.