Tax Connector IDs by Business Partner (lpita0121m000)

使用此进程以 define the tax connector ID data for the business partner.

Your Concept


You can access this session only if the Functionality for Italy check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.


The code of the business partner for whom the tax connector IDs must be defined.


The name of the business partner.


The sequence number of the tax connector ID.

Issuing Method

The method by which the ID is assigned and transferred to the tax connector.


Tax Connector ID
Certified Email
Tax Postbox
Tax Connector ID

The code that identifies the business partner associated with the tax connector.


The default value is 0000000.

This field is enabled only if the Issuing Method field is set to Tax Connector ID.

Certified Email

The certified mail ID associated with the tax connector.


This field is enabled only if the Issuing Method field is set to Tax Connector ID or Certified Email.


The description of the tax connector ID.


如果显示复选标记, the tax connector ID is the default for the business partner.