GST Register Tax Details (lpind5131m000)
- Tax Line Sequence
The sequence number that identifies the sales/purchase tax invoice line.
- 税类型
The tax type defining the type of transaction as Purchase or Sales.
- State GST
- Central GST
- Integrated GST
- Union Territory GST
- GST Cess
- Social Welfare Surcharge
- Kerala Flood Cess
- Not Applicable
- Basic Custom Duty
- Tax Code
Thetax code.
- 说明
- Exempt
Indicates if tax is exempted from the sales/purchase transaction.
- Expense Tax
Indicates if the expense tax is levied.
- Tax Base Amount in HC
The tax base amount applied in home currency.
- Tax Percentage
The percentage of tax applied for the sales/purchase transaction.
- Tax Amount in HC
The tax amount applied in home currency.
- Exempt Tax Amount in HC
The exempted tax amount in home currency.
- Text
Indicates if text is present.
- Finance Company
The financial company for which the tax invoices are maintained.
- 事务处理类型
The transaction type for which the tax invoices are created.
- 单据
The invoice document number.
- 发票行
The invoice document line number.
- 来源公司
The logistic company which is originating the order.
- GSTR Source Type
The source type of the document.
- Interest
- Customer Claim
- Supplier Claim
- Service Contract
- Freight Order
- Debit/Credit Note
- Rebate
- Purchase Order
- Manual Sales
- Not Applicable
- Contract
- Project
- Sales Order
- Intercompany Trade
- Service Order
- Maintainance Sales Order
- Service Call
- Order Number
The order number associated with the transaction.
- Order Line
The order line number.
- Order Reference
Additional information related to the order.
- Technical Reference
The technical reference number.