GST Register (lpind5130m000)
- 来源公司
The logistic company from which the order is originating.
- GSTR Source Type
Indicates the source of the document.
- Interest
- Customer Claim
- Supplier Claim
- Service Contract
- Freight Order
- Debit/Credit Note
- Rebate
- Purchase Order
- Manual Sales
- Not Applicable
- Contract
- Project
- Sales Order
- Intercompany Trade
- Service Order
- Maintainance Sales Order
- Service Call
- Tax Origin
Indicates if the tax origin is a Sales or Purchase transaction.
- Order Number
The order number associated with the transaction.
- Order Line
The order line number.
- Invoice Number
The invoice number. The number can either be a Sales Invoice or Purchase Invoice number depending upon the origin.
- 事务处理类型
The transaction type.
- 单据
The invoice document number.
- 日期
The invoice date.
- Tax Invoice Number
The tax invoice number. This number can either be a Sales Invoice or Purchase Invoice number depending upon the origin.
- Invoice Line Type
The type of invoice line.
- 预收款请求
- 物料
- 不适用
- 人工
- 设备
- 工装
- 差旅
- 分包
- 服务台
- 货运
- 利息
- 在制品转移
- 分期开票
- 三方
- 暂扣款
- 分期付款附加成本
- 付款方收货
- 其它
- 仓单
- 计划
- 追溯开单
- 贷方票据
- 成本加成
- 借方票据
- 货运单
- 直接交货
- 折让行
- PCS 订单
- 费用
- 三方采购
- 补充协议
- 合同交付
- 租赁
- 单位费率
- 活动
- 进度付款请求
- 进度
- 酬金和罚金
- 预付款发票
- 预付款请求
- 人工销售
- 销售订单
- 合同分期付款
- 含不可开票
- Invoice Reference Number
The invoice reference number (IRN) generated for the invoice.
- IRN Status
The status of the invoice reference number (IRN).
- Created
- Not Applicable
- Submitted to External System
- Approved by External system
- Rejected by External System
- Canceled
- Document Deleted
- 通用
- 部门
The department associated with the transaction.
- 仓库
The warehouse associated to the shipment.
- Shipment/Receipt
The code of the shipment or receipt.
- Shipment/Receipt Line
The shipment or receipt line associated to the transaction.
- Shipment/Receipt Date
The shipment or receipt date of the order.
- Tax Country
The tax country for which the tax codes are maintained.
- Tax Code
The tax code.
- 纳税年度
The tax year for which the tax is applicable..
- 纳税期
The tax period.
- Identification Number (OWN)
The sequence and actual Identification number of the organization for the invoice. Depending upon the origin, the number can either belong to the supplier or the buyer.
- Identification Number (BP)
The sequence and actual Identification number of the business partner for the invoice. Depending upon the origin, this number can either belong to the supplier or the buyer.
- 业务伙伴
The business partner as mentioned in the invoice. Depending upon the origin, the BP can either be associated to the supplier or the buyer.
- 姓名
The name of the business partner.
- Ship From State
The state from where goods are being shipped. Depending upon the origin, this can be the state of the supplier or the buyer.
- Ship To State
The state to which goods are being shipped. Depending upon the origin, this can either be the state of the buyer or the supplier.
- Place of Supply
The place of supply of goods or services based on the place of supply rules.
- File Number
The number that identifies the GSTR file.
- Filing User
The user who is filing the GSTR.
- File Date
The date when the GSTR is filed.
- 状态
The status of the GST return filed.
- Created
- Sent
- Accepted
- Rejected
- Resent
- Rejected External
- Amended
- Remark
Additional remarks on the GST transaction.
- 发票行
- 发票行
- Number Of Invoice Lines
The number of lines in the invoice.
- 物料
The item for which invoice is being raised.
- Scheme Base
The type of scheme code to be considered for tax transactions.
- 服务
- 不涉及物料,例如,项目分期付款、到岸成本、货运等,或
- 物料正在接受服务,例如,服务订单、维修销售订单等,或
- 销售订单或采购订单与服务物料相关。
- 货物
对于与库存物料相关的所有销售和采购事务处理,方案基础设置为“货物”,例如使用销售订单、销售进度计划、合同交付物、部件收货和部件交货、货物采购的货物销售。但是,如果选中 xxx 进程中的“将分包采购订单视为服务”复选框,则可以将分包采购订单事务处理视为“货物”或“服务”方案基础。
- 不适用
- Classification Scheme
The scheme for which the codes are listed.
- Classification Scheme Code
The code related to the classification scheme for a product or service. The list of all codes that belong to a classification scheme is defined in the Classification Codes (lprou2109m000) session.
- Product Class
- Delivered/Received Quantity
The delivered or received quantity.
- Delivered/Received Unit
The unit of the delivered or received quantity.
- 发票金额
The amount specified in the invoice.
- 货币
The currency used for the invoice amount.
- Invoice Discount
The discount on the invoice.
- Invoice Line Amount
The amount on the invoice line.
- Invoice Line Discount Amount
The discount amount of the invoice line.
- Invoice Line Net Amount
The net amount of the invoice.
- Paid Amount
The amount paid by the user.
- 会计
- 借/贷
The debit or credit transaction.
- 分类科目
The ledger account of the transaction.
- 分帐 1
Corresponding dimension of the ledger account.
- 报告
- 报告
- Exempt
Indicates if tax is exempted from the sales/purchase transaction.
- Interstate
Indicates if the tax is configured based on the interstate tax code.
- Reverse Charge
Indicates if the transaction is a reverse charge transaction.
Note:This indicator is set to yes only if the VAT Type field is set to 转嫁.
- GSTR Transaction Identifier
The GSTR transaction identifier.
Note:A transaction can be identified as one of these categories:
- Registered BP
- Unregistered BP
- Registered BP (Advances)
- Unregistered BP (Advances)
- Registered BP (SEZ without payment of taxes)
- Registered BP (SEZ with payment of taxes)
- Export Sales without payment of taxes
- Export Sales with payment of taxes
- Registered BP (Deemed Exports)
- Registered BP (Credit Note)
- Unregistered BP (Credit Note)
- Registered BP (Assignments of Advance)
- Unregistered BP (Assignments of Advance)
- Registered BP (Sum of all taxes on invoice is ZERO)
- Unregistered BP (Sum of all taxes on invoice is ZERO)
- Registered BP (Non-GST )
- Unregistered BP (Non-GST )
- Registered BP (Exempt)
- Unregistered BP (Exempt)
- Import of Goods
- Import of Service
- Registered BP (Reverse Charge)
- Unregistered BP (Reverse Charge)
- Trade Type
The trade type.
- 出口
- 进口
- 国内出库
- 国内入库
- 其他
- GSTR Document Type
Type of GSTR document.
- Sales
- Journal Voucher
- Purchase
- Not Applicable
- Credit Note
- Debit Note
- Advance Receipt
- Advance Payment
- Assignment
- Cash Journal
- Write Off Bad Debt
- Customs
- Customs Document Number
The document number generated either during import (bill of entry) or export (shipping bill).
- Customs Document Date
The date on which the customs document number is generated.
- Customs Document Amount
The amount on the customs document number that is mentioned on Bill of Entry or Shipping Bill number.
- Port Code
The Port of Entry or Port of Discharge depending upon the transaction.
- 原始单据
- Original Invoice Company
The original invoice company. These details are specified in case of a credit note transaction.
- Original Invoice Transaction Type
The original transaction type.
- Original Invoice Number
The original invoice number for the credit note transaction.
- Original Invoice Line
The original invoice line for the credit note transaction.
- Original Invoice Date
The original invoice type for the credit note transaction.
- Reason
The reason for rejection is specified for a return order or credit note.
- 运输
- E-Way Bill Number
The number of the E-way Bill document generated for the invoice.
- Carrier/LSP
The carrier that picks up the goods associated with the e-way bill generated for the invoice.
- LR Number
The LR number of the e-way bill associated with the invoice.
- LR Date
The date and time when the LR number is generated for the E-Way Bill.
- 调节
- Reconciled with
The entity with which the GSTR-2 or purchase register data is matched or reconciled.
- Not Applicable
- Reconciliation Status
The status of the GST reconciliation.
- Open
- Amended
- Not Applicable
- Matched
- Partial Match
- Probable Match
- Not Matched
- Not Found in PR
- Not Found in 2A/2B
- Reconciliation Reference
The additional information related to the GST matching process.