税务调整事务处理设置 (lpgen0105m000)
只有在“已实施的软件组件 (tccom0500m000)”进程中选中“马来西亚”复选框时,才会显示此进程。
- 财务公司
The code of the financial company.
- Description
- 税务事务处理种类
The type of tax for which the tax code is defined. 请参见:Kinds of tax .
Kind of Tax Transactions
- 编号组
The number group used for tax adjustment transactions.
- Number Series
The number series used for tax adjustment transactions.
- 税分类
The tax classification code.
- Description
- 科目
The code of the ledger account.
- Description
- 分帐
The dimension specified for the ledger account.
- 分帐说明
- 事务处理类型
The code of the transaction type.transaction type
- Transaction Series
The series number makes it possible to reserve a range of document numbers for specific transaction types. You must specify the series number you want to allocate to a selected transaction type. If you enter a value other than 0, all the document numbers that are generated for the selected transaction type will begin with that number.