Match 2A/2B Data (lpind5241m000)
Use session to match or reconcile the GSTR2A or 2B data to the purchase
- Opções
- Own Identification Number
The own identification number of the GST registration type that must be imported.
- Tax Year
Os campos De e Até definem um intervalo de: the tax years for which the GSTR 2A or 2B data must be matched or reconciled.
- Período do imposto
Os campos De e Até definem um intervalo de: the periods of the tax years.
- Tolerance Amount
The amount by which the total taxable difference amount can be less than the difference between the matched or reconciled amount.
- Opções
- Print Not Matched Invoices.
Se esta caixa de controle estiver selecionada, Infor LN prints the not matched invoices in the report.