Business Partner Perception Tax Rates (lparg0120m000)

Utilize essa sessão para view and maintain the tax rates for different perception tax codes by business partner.

This session allows you to view only effective tax rates or all tax rates.

Data da taxa de imposto

The date and time on which the tax rate is applicable.

Tax Country

The tax country for which the tax rate is maintained.


A descrição ou o nome do código.

Tax Code

The perception tax code for which the tax rate is maintained.


A descrição ou o nome do código.

Business Partner

The business partner for whom the tax rates for different perception tax codes is maintained.


The name of the business partner.

Effective Date

The date and time from when the tax rates for different perception tax codes is effective

Expiry Date

The date and time until when the tax rates for different perception tax codes is effective


Se esta caixa de controle estiver selecionada, the perception tax code is exempted.

Tax Rate

The tax rate defined for the different perception tax codes.


The code of the currency in which the tax code is maintained.


A descrição ou o nome do código.

Threshold Tax Base Amount

The minimum amount which is considered as the tax base value for the invoice before the perception taxes is applied.

Threshold Tax Amount

The minimum amount that is considered as the tax amount.