Ordine di assistenza - Controllo margine in linea (tssoc4500m000)
Utilizzare questa sessione per visualizzare le righe di costo stimato o effettivo di un ordine di assistenza o di un'attività dell'ordine. È inoltre possibile visualizzare i dettagli relativi ai costi stimati o effettivi di tutti gli ordini di assistenza che non siano ordini interni.
I dati di controllo del margine in linea vengono utilizzati per determinare la visibilità finanziaria di un ordine che viene proposta confrontando il costo totale e l'importo di vendita totale.
Le informazioni visualizzate in questa sessione vengono utilizzate per l'analisi di profitti e perdite relativa a un ordine di assistenza.
Nella scheda Riepilogo gli importi di vendita e quelli di costo sono espressi nella valuta locale.
Nella scheda Importi di vendita gli importi di vendita sono espressi nella valuta di vendita.
- Ordine di assistenza
The Service Order identification code.
- Stato ordine
The current order status of the service order.
A service order can have the following statuses:
- Free
- Planned
- Released
- Completed
- Costed
- Closed
Nota- When the service order has the status Libero or Pianificato no cost lines are displayed.
- A cancelled order cannot have margin analysis since there are no actual costs.
- Installation Group
The installation group of the service order header.
- Description
La descrizione o il nome del codice.
- Business Partner 'Destinazione vendita'
The identification of the sold-to business partner for whom the service order is executed.
- Description
La descrizione o il nome del codice.
- Ufficio di assistenza
The service department that carries out the service order.
- Description
La descrizione o il nome del codice.
- Valuta locale
The local currency of the financial company to which the service department belongs to.
- Tecnico di assistenza
The service employee who carries out the service order.
- Description
La descrizione o il nome del codice.
- Valuta di vendita
The currency of the invoice sent to the customer.
- Tipo di costo
The classification of the cost line which belongs to the service order.
The available cost types are:
- Material
- Labor
- Other
- Tooling
- Subcontracting
- Help Desk
- Travel
- Riga costo
The Cost Line Number of either Material / Labor/ Other cost lines. Based on the cost type you can view the data related to Service Order Material Cost Lines / Service Order Labor Cost Lines / Service Order Other Cost Lines.
- Description
La descrizione o il nome del codice.
- Numero riga attività
The line number of the service order activity to which the cost line is linked.
- Importo di vendita
The total sales amount of the cost line.
NotaThe sum of the total sales amounts for the service order is displayed at the bottom.
- Importo costo
The total cost amount of the cost line.
NotaThe sum of the total cost amounts for the service order is displayed at the bottom.
- Importo fattura
The invoice sales amount of the cost line sent to the customer.
NotaInvoice Sales Amount is calculated by using the following formula:
Total Invoice Sales Amount = Total Sales Amount - Warranty - Contract - Quotation - FCO - other costs.
NotaDiscount is applied on the invoice sales amount after the warranty / contract / quotation / FCO.
- Importo costo fattura
The invoice cost amount of the cost line sent to the customer.
NotaInvoice Cost Amount is calculated by using the following formula:
Invoice Cost Amount = Total Cost Amount - Warranty - Contract - Quotation - FCO - other costs.
- Margine stimato (prima di copertura) [%]
The total margin percentage based on the estimated amounts, before the coverage is applied.
The margin percentage is calculated as:
((Estimated Total Sales Amount - Estimated Total Cost Amount) / margin base amount) * 100 percent
Nota- This field is displayed only if the Utilizza controllo margine check box is selected in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session and the Uffici assistenza (tsmdm1100m100) session.
- To calculate the margin percentage, Infor LN considers:
- The sales amount or the cost amount as the margin base amount, based on the value set in the Base margine field in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session.
- All estimated cost lines.
- The sales amount for the Total Sales Amount.
- The cost amount for the Total Cost Amount.
- Margine stimato (dopo copertura) [%]
The total margin percentage based on the estimated amounts, after the coverage is applied.
The margin percentage is calculated as:
((Estimated Total Sales Amount - Estimated Total Cost Amount) / margin base amount) * 100 percent
Nota- This field is displayed only if the Utilizza controllo margine check box is selected in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session and the Uffici assistenza (tsmdm1100m100) session.
- To calculate the margin percentage, Infor LN considers:
- The sales amount or the cost amount as the margin base amount, based on the value set in the Base margine field in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session.
- All estimated cost lines.
- The net invoice amount for the Total Sales Amount.
- The invoice cost amount for the Total Cost Amount.
- Margine stimato (prima di copertura) [%]
The total margin percentage based on the estimated amounts, before the coverage is applied.
The margin percentage is calculated as:
((Estimated Total Sales Amount - Estimated Total Cost Amount) / margin base amount) * 100 percent
Nota- This field is displayed only if the Utilizza controllo margine check box is selected in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session and the Uffici assistenza (tsmdm1100m100) session.
- To calculate the margin percentage, Infor LN considers:
- The sales amount or the cost amount as the margin base amount, based on the value set in the Base margine field in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session.
- All estimated cost lines.
- The sales amount for the Total Sales Amount.
- The cost amount for the Total Cost Amount.
- Importo margine stimato (prima di copertura)
The total margin amount based on the estimated amounts, before the coverage is applied.
The margin percentage is calculated as:
Estimated Total Sales Amount - Estimated Total Cost Amount
Nota- This field is displayed only if the Utilizza controllo margine check box is selected in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session and the Uffici assistenza (tsmdm1100m100) session.
- To calculate the margin percentage, Infor LN considers:
- All estimated cost lines.
- The sales amount for the Total Sales Amount.
- The cost amount for the Total Cost Amount.
- Margine stimato (dopo copertura) [%]
The total margin percentage based on the estimated amounts, after the coverage is applied.
The margin percentage is calculated as:
((Estimated Total Sales Amount - Estimated Total Cost Amount) / margin base amount) * 100 percent
Nota- This field is displayed only if the Utilizza controllo margine check box is selected in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session and the Uffici assistenza (tsmdm1100m100) session.
- To calculate the margin percentage, Infor LN considers:
- The sales amount or the cost amount as the margin base amount, based on the value set in the Base margine field in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session.
- All estimated cost lines.
- The net invoice amount for the Total Sales Amount.
- The invoice cost amount for the Total Cost Amount.
- Importo margine stimato (dopo copertura)
The total margin amount based on the estimated amounts, after the coverage is applied.
The margin percentage is calculated as:
((Estimated Total Sales Amount - Estimated Total Cost Amount)
Nota- This field is displayed only if the Utilizza controllo margine check box is selected in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session and the Uffici assistenza (tsmdm1100m100) session.
- To calculate the margin percentage, Infor LN considers:
- All estimated cost lines.
- The net invoice amount for the Total Sales Amount.
- The invoice cost amount for the Total Cost Amount.
- Margine effettivo (prima di copertura) [%]
The total margin percentage based on the actual amounts, before the coverage is applied.
The margin percentage is calculated as:
((Actual Total Sales Amount - Actual Total Cost Amount) / margin base amount) * 100 percent
Nota- This field is displayed only if the Utilizza controllo margine check box is selected in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session and the Uffici assistenza (tsmdm1100m100) session.
- To calculate the margin percentage, Infor LN considers:
- The sales amount or the cost amount as the margin base amount, based on the value set in the Base margine field in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session.
- All actual cost lines.
- The actual Total Sales Amount.
- The actual Total Cost Amount.
- Importo margine effettivo(prima di copertura)
The total margin amount based on the actual amounts, before the coverage is applied.
The margin percentage is calculated as:
Actual Total Sales Amount - Actual Total Cost Amount
Nota- This field is displayed only if the Utilizza controllo margine check box is selected in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session and the Uffici assistenza (tsmdm1100m100) session.
- To calculate the margin percentage, Infor LN considers:
- All actual cost lines.
- The actual Total Sales Amount.
- The actual Total Cost Amount.
- Margine effettivo (dopo copertura) [%]
The total margin percentage based on the actual amounts, after the coverage is applied.
The margin percentage is calculated as:
((Actual Total Sales Amount - Actual Total Cost Amount) / margin base amount) * 100 percent
Nota- This field is displayed only if the Utilizza controllo margine check box is selected in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session and the Uffici assistenza (tsmdm1100m100) session.
- To calculate the margin percentage, Infor LN considers:
- The sales amount or the cost amount as the margin base amount, based on the value set in the Base margine field in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session.
- All actual cost lines.
- The actual net invoice amount for the Total Sales Amount.
- The actual invoice cost amount for the Total Cost Amount.
- Importo margine effettivo(dopo copertura)
The total margin amount based on the actual amounts, before the coverage is applied.
The margin percentage is calculated as:
Actual Total Sales Amount - Actual Total Cost Amount
Nota- This field is displayed only if the Utilizza controllo margine check box is selected in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session and the Uffici assistenza (tsmdm1100m100) session.
- To calculate the margin percentage, Infor LN considers:
- All actual cost lines.
- The actual net invoice amount for the Total Sales Amount.
- The actual invoice cost amount for the Total Cost Amount.
- Margine effettivo (prima di copertura) [%]
The total margin percentage based on the actual amounts, before the coverage is applied.
The margin percentage is calculated as:
((Actual Total Sales Amount - Actual Total Cost Amount) / margin base amount) * 100 percent
Nota- This field is displayed only if the Utilizza controllo margine check box is selected in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session and the Uffici assistenza (tsmdm1100m100) session.
- To calculate the margin percentage, Infor LN considers:
- The sales amount or the cost amount as the margin base amount, based on the value set in the Base margine field in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session.
- All actual cost lines.
- The actual Total Sales Amount.
- The actual Total Cost Amount.
- Margine effettivo (dopo copertura) [%]
The total margin percentage based on the actual amounts, after the coverage is applied.
The margin percentage is calculated as:
((Actual Total Sales Amount - Actual Total Cost Amount) / margin base amount) * 100 percent
Nota- This field is displayed only if the Utilizza controllo margine check box is selected in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session and the Uffici assistenza (tsmdm1100m100) session.
- To calculate the margin percentage, Infor LN considers:
- The sales amount or the cost amount as the margin base amount, based on the value set in the Base margine field in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session.
- All actual cost lines.
- The actual net invoice amount for the Total Sales Amount.
- The actual invoice cost amount for the Total Cost Amount.
- Vendite totali
The total sales amount of the cost line before subtracting contract/quotation/warranty/discount amounts.
- Garanzia
The sales amount covered under warranty for the cost line.
- Contratto
The sales amount covered by the service contract is displayed in this field.
- Offerta di assistenza postvendita
The sales amount covered by the service order quotation is displayed in this field.
- Ordine di modifica in loco (FCO)
The amount covered by the field change order (FCO) if the service order is generated from a FCO (Field Change Order).
- Avviamento
The other travelling, tooling, helpdesk, subcontracting cost amounts.
- Sconto
The Importo sconto tot. provided for the cost line.
- Fattura
The invoice amount sent to the customer.
- Imposta
The tax amount that must be paid by the customer. The tax amount is calculated on the basis of tax rules of the country for which the service order is executed.
- Componentedi costo
The cost line's cost component.
- Frequenza
The required frequency of the cost line.
NotaWhen you run Global SRP for a Ordini di assistenza (tssoc2100m000) session, LN calculates a travel cost line for one visit to the service order's location. If the service engineer requires two trips to complete the service order, you can enter two (2) in this field to double the travel costs that LN generated for the service order.
- Quantitàstimata
Estimated Quantity of the cost line that is required for the service order.
- Unità
The unit used to express the Estimated Quantity.
- Estimated Unit Cost
Estimated unit cost of the cost line for a single unit.
- Importo costi stimati
Estimated cost amount of the cost line.
NotaEstimated Cost Amount = Estimated Unit Cost * Estimated Quantity
- Frequenzaeffettiva
The actual frequency of the cost line.
- Quantitàeffettiva
The actual quantity of the cost line that is required for the service order.
- Unità
The unit used to express the actual quantity.
- Actual Unit Cost
Actual unit cost of the cost line for a single unit.
- Importo costi effettivi
Actual cost amount of the cost line.
NotaActual Cost Amount = Actual Unit Cost * Actual Quantity
- Fatturazione
The invoice amount sent to the customer.