Costi manodopera effettivi ordine di assistenza (tssoc2131m000)

Utilizzare questa sessione per visualizzare e gestire i costi di manodopera effettivi elencati per un ordine di assistenza.


è possibile gestire righe di costi della manodopera effettivi soltanto se lo stato dell'ordine di assistenza è Rilasciato o Completato.


Questa sessione è visualizzabile anche come sessione satellite in Ordine di assistenza (tssoc2100m100). Per visualizzare questa sessione, è necessario che la casella di controllo Manodopera effettiva sia selezionata nella casella di gruppo Ordine di assistenza della sessione Profili utente Assistenza (tsmdm1150m000).

Questa sessione è visualizzabile anche come sessione satellite in Attività ordine di assistenza (tssoc2110m100). Per visualizzare questa sessione, è necessario che la casella di controllo Manodopera effettiva sia selezionata nella casella di gruppo Attività ordine ass. della sessione Profili utente Assistenza (tsmdm1150m000).

È possibile aggiungere righe di costo effettivo della manodopera a un ordine di assistenza rilasciato e quindi a questa sessione, utilizzando la sessione Ore ordini di assistenza (bptmm1130m000) del package Gestione del personale, che può essere avviata scegliendo Contabilità ore dal menu appropriato della sessione Ordini di assistenza (tssoc2100m000).

Se lo stato dell'ordine di assistenza è Libero o Pianificato, nella sessione Costi manodopera stimati ordini di assistenza (tssoc2130m000) è possibile aggiungere righe di costo della manodopera che LN copierà in questa sessione.

Ordine di assistenza

The code of the service order for which the actual labor costs are listed.


If the service order is created for an external customer, this field displays the name of the sold-to business partner.

If the service order is created for an internal business partner, this field displays the description of the service department that carries out the service order.

Service Order Status

The current status of the service order.

Riga attività

The number used to identify the service order's activity that requires the labor.


The name or description of the activity.

Tempo di copertura contrattuale

In case of contract, quote, or warranty coverages, the date and time from which these coverages apply to the service order.


The code of the service order activity's task for which the labor cost is listed.


The name or description of the task.

Order Discount Amount

The order discount amount calculated based on the Sconto su ordine specified in the Ordini di assistenza (tssoc2100m000) session. This amount is applicable to the selected labor cost line.

  • This field is displayed only if the Manodopera check box is selected in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session.
  • This field is applicable only if the Metodo determinazione prezzi of the related service order is set to Tempo e materiale

The code of the project to which the labor cost line is pegged.

  • This field is displayed only if the Usa pegging progetto in Assistenza in loco check box is selected in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session.
  • This field is applicable if the service order is project pegged and the project specified on the service order header is a TP Project.
  • This value is defaulted from the service order header/activity.
  • You can specify a project:
    • That is not linked to a Project contract and for which invoicing through sales is allowed.
    • For which the status is set to Active.
    • That is not a PCS Project.

La descrizione o il nome del codice.


The code of the element linked to the Progetto.

  • This field is displayed only if:
    • The Usa pegging progetto in Assistenza in loco check box is selected in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session.
    • The Elemento check box is selected in the Parametri progetto (tppdm0100s000) session.
  • This field is applicable only if:
    • The Progetto is specified.
    • Project Element is applicable for Project.
  • This value is defaulted from the Ripartizioni costi - Manodopera Assistenza (tppdm3104m000) session if the Ripart. costi check box is selected in the Componenti software implementati (tccom0100s000) session. This value is defaulted from the service order/activity if the Ripart. costi check box is cleared in the Componenti software implementati (tccom0100s000) session or if a value is not specified in the Ripartizioni costi - Manodopera Assistenza (tppdm3104m000) session.
  • This value must be specified if the element is mandatory for the project.

La descrizione o il nome del codice.


The code of the activity linked to the Progetto.

  • This field is displayed only if:
    • The Usa pegging progetto in Assistenza in loco check box is selected in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session.
    • The Attività check box is selected in the Parametri progetto (tppdm0100s000) session.
  • This field is applicable only if:
    • The Progetto is specified.
    • Project Activity is applicable for Project.
  • This value is defaulted from the Ripartizioni costi - Manodopera Assistenza (tppdm3104m000) session if the Ripart. costi check box is selected in the Componenti software implementati (tccom0100s000) session. This value is defaulted from the service order/activity if the Ripart. costi check box is cleared in the Componenti software implementati (tccom0100s000) session or if a value is not specified in the Ripartizioni costi - Manodopera Assistenza (tppdm3104m000) session.
  • This value must be specified if the activity is mandatory for the project.

La descrizione o il nome del codice.

Origine pegging progetto

The origin of the project peg.

Valori consentiti

Ripartizione costi
Non applicabile
Domanda di primo livello
  • This field is displayed only if the Ripart. costi check box is selected in the Componenti software implementati (tccom0100s000) session.
  • This field is applicable only if the service order is project pegged.
  • By default, this field is set to:
    • Ripartizione costi, when the project peg is defaulted from the Ripartizioni costi - Manodopera Assistenza (tppdm3104m000) session.
    • Domanda di primo livello, when the project peg is defaulted from the service order header or the service contract linked to the service order.
    • Non applicabile, when the project peg or the costing breaks is not applicable.

The code of the service-order quote linked to the service order actual labor cost.


This field is displayed only if the Usa offerte di assistenza per ordini di assistenza check box is cleared in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session.

Revisione offerta

The revision number of the quote linked to the service order actual labor cost.


This field is displayed only if:

  • The Usa offerte di assistenza per ordini di assistenza check box is cleared in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session.
  • The Usa revisioni check box is selected in the Parametri offerta di assistenza (tsepp0100m000) session.
Componente di costo

The task's cost component.

Valori predefiniti

The cost component defined for the task in the Attività (tsmdm0115m000) session.

Costo tipo di manodopera

The labor type that classifies the labor required for the task.

Valori predefiniti

The default labor type selected in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session.

Time Quantity Unit

The unit used to express the time quantities.


The actual amount of time required to perform the cost line's task.

Handled by

The employee defined is for the client application - Mobile Service. While you download the cost lines into the client, only the cost lines that belong to the particular engineer is downloaded. In addition, you can also use this field to update the cost lines. No functionality is available for this field in Infor LN and added exclusively for Mobile Service.

Tariffa di vendita

The sales price for one of the item's sales unit.

Valori predefiniti

The setting in this field is determined by the value specified in the Metodo di ricerca prezzi di vendita field in the Parametri generali assistenza (tsmdm0100m000) session.


The currency used to express sales values.

Valori predefiniti

The service order's currency.

Total Cost Amount

The currency used to express the cost values.

Valori predefiniti

Your company's home currency.

Importi di vendita

Se la casella di controllo è selezionata, the cost line is covered by an repair warranty.

Valori predefiniti

  • If a repair warranty service type is specified - either automatically or manually - in the service order activity, this check box is selected by default for the cost line.
  • If no active repair warranty coverage is applicable, this check box is cleared and inactive.
Importo di vendita garanzia di riparazione

If the service order activity is covered by an repair warranty and the Repair Warranty check box is selected, the sales amount covered by the repair warranty appears here.


If you clear the Repair Warranty check box and save the cost line, this field is set to zero, which skips the repair warranty's coverage of the cost line.


LN provides 100 percent coverage by default. The user has the option to change the coverage amount.


Se la casella di controllo è selezionata, the cost line is covered by an active warranty.

Valori predefiniti

  • If an active warranty covers the cost line's item, Installation group, or physical breakdown, this check box is selected by default.
  • If no active warranty covers the cost line's item, Installation group, or physical breakdown, this check box is cleared and inactive.
Importo di vendita garanzia

If the service order activity's item is covered by an active warranty and the Garanzia check box is selected, the sales amount covered by the warranty appears here.

Valori predefiniti

If an active warranty is valid for the item, LN uses the coverage procedure to determine the amount covered.


If you clear the Garanzia check box and save the cost line, this field is set to 0, which skips the warranty's coverage of the cost line.


Se la casella di controllo è selezionata, the cost line is covered by an active contract.

Valori predefiniti

  • If an active contract covers the cost line's item, Installation group, or physical breakdown, this check box is selected by default.
  • If no active contract covers the cost line's item, Installation group, or physical breakdown, this check box is cleared and inactive.
Importo di vendita contratto di assistenza

If the Installation group on the service order is covered by a service contract and the Copertura contrattuale check box is selected, this field displays the sales amount covered by the service contract.

Valori predefiniti

If an active contract is valid for the Installation group, LN uses the coverage procedure to determine the amount covered.


If you clear the Copertura contrattuale check box and save the cost line, this field is set to 0, which skips the service contract's coverage of the cost line.


Se la casella di controllo è selezionata, the cost line is covered by a quote.

Importo offerte di assistenza postvendita

If the service order is generated from a service-order quote to which terms are linked, and the Offerta check box is selected, this field displays the sales amount covered by the service-order's quote.

Valori predefiniti

For service orders generated form a service order quote, LN uses the coverage procedure to determine the amount covered.


If you clear the Offerta check box and you save the cost line, this field is set to 0, which skips the service-order quote's coverage of the cost line.

Importo di vendita coperto da ordini di modifica in loco

If the service order is generated from a field change order (FCO), this field displays the sales amount that is covered by the FCO.


All costs of service orders generated from an FCO are covered (the invoice amount is zero). To invoice the customer for an FCO generated cost line, enter a negative value in the Importo di vendita avviamento field.

Importo di venditaavviamento

The amount that is exempted for the customer. This amount cannot be classified by the coverage amounts such as repair warranty, warranty, contract, quote, or FCO. If negative, Infor LN adds the amount to the Importo di vendita netto of the cost line.


This amount is posted to Contabilità as other costs.

Importo di vendita fattura

The cost line's invoiceable sales amount, as determined by the following equation:

Importo totale di vendita- Warranty - Contract - Quote - FCO - Other Costs

  • If you carry out the coverage procedure, this field is filled automatically.
Importi costo

If the service order activity is covered by an repair warranty and the Repair Warranty check box is selected, the cost amount covered by the Repair Warranty is displayed here.


If the activity's item on the service order is covered by an active warranty and the Garanzia check box is selected, this field displays the cost amount covered by the warranty.

  • If the coverage procedure is carried out, this field is automatically filled.
  • If you clear the Garanzia check box and save the cost line, this field is set to 0, which skips the warranty coverage.

If the Installation group on the service order is covered by a service contract and the Copertura contrattuale check box is selected, this field displays the cost amount that is covered by the service contract.


If you clear the Copertura contrattuale check box and save the cost line, this field is set to 0, which skips the service contract's coverage of the cost line.


If the service order is generated from a service-order quote to which terms are linked, and the Offerta check box is selected, this field displays the cost amount covered by the service-order quote.


If you clear the Offerta check box and save the cost line, this field is set to 0, which skips the service order quote coverage for the cost line.

Importo costo coperto da ordini di modifica in loco

If the service order is generated from a field change order (FCO), this field displays the cost amount that is covered by the FCO.

Importo costo fattura

The cost amount of the cost line's invoice, determined by the following equation:

Importo totale di vendita- Warranty - Contract - Quote - FCO - Other Costs

Importo costoavviamento

The cost amount that is exempted from invoicing. This amount cannot be covered by the coverage amounts such as warranty, contract, quote, or FCO.

Infor LN calculates this amount using the following equation:

Sales Amount Goodwill / Total Sales Amount = Cost Amount Goodwill / Total Cost Amount 
  • This amount is posted to Contabilità as other costs.
  • Infor LN populates this field if the coverage procedure is executed.
Classificaz. imposte

An attribute of order header and order lines that you can use to define tax exceptions for the transactions. LN retrieves the default tax classification from the invoice-from and invoice-to business partners.


For example, you can use the tax classification to indicate the following:

  • Payment to an invoice-to business partner is subject to withholding tax and social contributions.
  • Business partners that have the same tax aspects for your company, for example, subcontractors, or agents must be grouped.
  • Tax must be paid in the country other than the sales office or service office’s home country.

La descrizione o il nome del codice.

Importo costi totali

This field displays the total cost amount for the cost line, as determined by the following equation:

Actual Quantity * Unit Cost
Percentuale sconto

The percentage discounted from the value in the cost line's Importo di vendita netto. If you enter a value in this field, LN calculates the discount in the sales currency and displays it in the Importo sconto tot. field.

  • You can only maintain this field if the order status or activity status is Rilasciato, or Completato, and the cost line status is Libero.
  • The value in this field is not included when you post the cost line to Contabilità, therefore, the discount becomes untraceable. If you want your discount to be traceable in Contabilità, use the Importo di vendita avviamento field instead of this field.
Importo sconto tot.

The total discount amount.

Stampa in fattura

The print options for the cost line when the invoice amount is zero.

  • When the field is set to Nessuna fattura, Invoice costs are considered as goodwill
  • If the field is set to 'Nessuna fattura' after the line is costed, the available invoice line in Invoicing is deleted.

Valori consentiti

La riga di costo viene stampata nella fattura se l'importo della fattura è pari a zero.


La riga di costo non viene stampata nella fattura se l'importo della fattura è pari a zero.

Nessuna fattura

La fattura non viene creata per la riga di costo se l'importo della fattura è pari a zero.

Non applicabile
Numero fattura

The sales invoice.

Tipo di transazione

Type of invoice sent to customer related to field purchase.

Data fattura

The date and time of the sales invoice.

Società finanziaria

Financial company of invoice sent to customer related to field purchase.

Data di registrazione

The date on which the cost line’s invoice is posted from the Sales Invoicing (SLI) module in Central Invoicing to the General Ledger (GLD) module in Finance.

IVA basata su

Se la casella di controllo è selezionata, VAT calculation is based on goods or services.

Valori consentiti

IVA basata su merci

Per la determinazione dei valori IVA corretti viene preso in considerazione il flusso delle merci.

IVA basata su servizi

Per la determinazione dei valori IVA corretti viene preso in considerazione il luogo (indirizzo dell'ubicazione) in cui viene effettuata l'assistenza.


Depending on the option you choose, Infor LN determines the defaults for the tax country and the tax code.

Paese destinatario imposta

The tax country that applies to the cost line.

Codice imposta

The tax code that applies to the cost line.

Attestazione esenzione

The tax exemption certificate number.

Motivo esenzione

The reason why the sold-to-business partner or your company is exempt from sales tax.

You can link a text to the reason code for a purchase tax exemption for a tax code and country combination in the Esenzioni fiscali acquisti (tcmcs1560m000) session. Infor LN prints the text on orders and invoices. You can link several tax exempt reasons with different texts to a single tax code by country combination.

If you use a tax provider, you must define tax exemption reasons. Infor LN prints the exempt reasons on the sales invoices.


La descrizione o il nome del codice. exempt reason.

Origine prezzo

The origin of the sales price.

Valori consentiti


Il valore predefinito per tutte le altre situazioni, ad esempio prezzi del registro prezzi, dati relativi all'assistenza per gli articoli e così via.


Se viene rilevato un termine di un contratto per la riga di materiale basata sul contratto determinazione prezzi dell'ordine o dell'attività di assistenza.


L'origine del prezzo viene impostata come origine manuale dopo la modifica del prezzo o dell'unità di prezzo da parte dell'utente.

Ciclo di operazioni principale

L'origine del prezzo viene è impostata su questo valore se il prezzo viene recuperato dal ciclo di operazioni principale anziché dal contratto di determinazione dei prezzi.

Opzione ciclo di operazioni

L'origine del prezzo viene è impostata su questo valore se il prezzo viene recuperato dall'opzione del ciclo di operazioni anziché dal contratto di determinazione dei prezzi.

Attività di riferimento

L'origine del prezzo viene è impostata su questo valore se il prezzo viene recuperato dall'attività di riferimento anziché dal contratto di determinazione dei prezzi.

Tariffario viaggi

L'origine del prezzo viene impostata su questo valore se il prezzo viene recuperato dal tariffario viaggi anziché dal contratto di determinazione dei prezzi.

Non applicabile
Contratto ignor.

Se la casella di controllo è selezionata, Infor LN indicates that a valid fixed price contract exists for estimated labor cost line and the contract is unlinked or the price is manually overwritten.


This is a display field.

This field is visible only if the Usa prezzi in contratti di assistenza check box is selected in the Parametri Gestione contratti (tsctm0100m000) session.

Criterio sconti

The policy for the discount amount.

Valori consentiti

Applica sconti prima di copert. contr.
Applica sconti dopo copert. contratt.
Importo sconto

The discount amount expressed in the sales currency.

  • This field is displayed only if the Usa calcolo copertura per stime check box is selected in:
    • The Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session.
    • The Ordini di assistenza (tssoc2100m000) session.
  • This field is enabled only if the value in the Prezzo di vendita field is not zero.
  • The discount amount that is discounted from the invoice is displayed, if you specify a value in the Percentuale sconto field.
  • You can specify the discount amount that is discounted from the invoice, if a value is not specified in the Percentuale sconto field.
  • Infor LN sets the value of this field to zero if the Proprietà field is set to Proprietà di terzi.
Origine sconto

The origin for the discount amount.

Valori consentiti

Struttura sconto registro prezzi

Lo sconto ha origine dal registro prezzi a cui è collegato un programma sconti.


Lo sconto ha origine da un package esterno.


Lo sconto viene immesso manualmente.


Lo sconto ha origine da un contratto.

Struttura sconto

Lo sconto ha origine da una matrice di Determinazione dei prezzi (PCG) del tipo matrice di sconto. Per ulteriori informazioni, consultare Impostazione di una matrice di sconto.


This field is displayed only if the Usa calcolo copertura per stime check box is selected in the Parametri ordini di assistenza (tssoc0100m000) session.

Invoice Amount

The amount that the customer will be invoiced for the cost line.

Riga costo stimato

Indicates if the cost line is created in the estimated phase.


The surcharge applicable for the sales price.


The surcharge applicable for the unit cost.