Copia da attività standard (tppss2202m000)

Utilizzare questa sessione per copiare un intervallo selezionato di attività standard in un progetto destinazione.


I campi Da e A consentono di definire un intervallo di standard activities from which you want to copy.


I campi Da e A consentono di definire un intervallo di standard activities from which you want to copy.


The code that uniquely identifies the project to which you want to copy the standard activities.


The code that uniquely identifies the plan to which you want to copy the standard activities.

Attività padre

The element in the activity structure that will encompass the copied activities.

Ubicazione progetto

The location of the project to which you want to copy the activities.

Gestione attività

The activity manager associated with the standard activity.

  • The specified user must be defined as an employee (activity manager) in the Impiegati - Generale (tccom0101m000) session.
  • Infor LN checks the employment status based on the Data cessazione rapporto di lavoro specified in the Impiegati - Gestione del personale (bpmdm0101m000) session. If the user is currently not an employee, Infor LN displays a notification message. However, the ex-employee can be added as an activity manager.

La descrizione o il nome del codice.