Risultati provvisori (tpppc3150m000)

Utilizzare questa sessione per visualizzare, modificare ed elaborare i risultati provvisori, che sono i risultati finanziari di un progetto o di un contratto non ancora completato, ad esempio la registrazione dei profitti e delle perdite alla fine dell'anno finanziario. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere: Utilizzo del risultato finanziario È possibile riconoscere i ricavi per progetto, contratto o riga contratto. È possibile specificare i risultati provvisori in questa sessione o generarli utilizzando la sessione Generazione risultati provvisori (tpppc3250m000). I dati vengono acquisiti durante il calcolo dei risultati e ciò migliora la visibilità dei dati per l'analisi. In questo modo all'utente vengono forniti risultati provvisori e dati sui bilanci accurati. È inoltre possibile calcolare la perdita prevista.

È possibile utilizzare questa sessione per:

  • Generare i risultati provvisori utilizzando la sessione Generazione risultati provvisori (tpppc3250m000).
  • Immettere i risultati provvisori o modificare i risultati provvisori generati.
  • Elaborare le transazioni e visualizzare la transazioni di integrazione per ricavi e costi.
  • Visualizzare i totali di ricavi, costi e saldo per il risultato provvisorio selezionato.
  • Visualizzare i totali del contratto utilizzando l'opzione Dati finanziari per Contratto (tpppc3150m100) del menu Riferimento.
  • Visualizzare le ore relative ai costi e ai ricavi a budget, sostenuti, stimati rimanenti e stimati al completamento.

In LN più utenti possono approvare i risultati provvisori utilizzando l'elaborazione dello stato del flusso di lavoro basato su ION. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere: Elaborazione dello stato del flusso di lavoro.


The code that identifies the contract.


The description or name of the contract.

Stato contratto

The contract status.

Riga contratto

The code that identifies the contract line.


The description or name of the contract line.

Stato riga contratto

The contract line status.


The code that identifies the project.


The description or name of the project.


The project status.


The setting for the scenario, based on which the contract interim result is generated. You can use this to generate alternate data of the interim results. You can also compare the result of this scenario with the primary result for financial reporting purposes such as SAB 74 (accounting standard).

Valori consentiti

Non applicabile
Intervallo di date

Interim results are displayed according to the date range.

Ricavo risultati

Se la casella di controllo è selezionata, Interim Results with Revenue are displayed.

Costo risultato

Se la casella di controllo è selezionata, Interim Results with Cost are displayed.

Saldo risultati

Se la casella di controllo è selezionata, Interim results with Balance are displayed.

Totali per

Totals by is displayed if a record is selected: contract, contract line or project. The displayed totals are the totals for the selected contract, contract line or project.


The total revenue for the selected interim result.


The currency used to express the total amounts for the project or contract.

Ricavo approvato

The total approved revenue for the selected interim result.

Ricavo registrato

The total revenues posted for the project or contract.


The total cost of the selected interim result.

Costo approvato

The total approved cost for the selected interim result.

Costo registrato

The total costs posted for the project or contract.


The total balance for the selected interim result.

Saldo approvato

The total balance cost approved for the selected interim result.

Saldo registrato

The total balance cost posted for the project or contract.

Hours Cost

The cost of the hours allocated for the project or contract.


La descrizione o il nome del codice.

Ricavo risultato finanziario

The interim result type to which the revenues are posted.

Costo risultato finanziario

The interim result type to which the costs are posted.


La descrizione o il nome del codice.


La descrizione o il nome del codice.

Tipo tasso di cambio ricavo

The exchange-rate type for revenues.

Tipo tasso di cambio costo

The exchange-rate type for costs.


The amount specified for the revenue calculated .


The amount specified for the revenue calculated in home currency.


One of a company's base currencies in which LN registers and reports amounts. In a multi currency system, up to three home currencies can be defined.

Costo calcolato

The cost of sales calculated for the interim result.


The amount specified for the cost of sales calculated.


The amount specified for the cost of sales recognized in home currency.


The balance amount. LN calculates the balance using the following formula:

Balance = (Actual Revenue - Recognized Revenue) + (Recognized Cost of Sales - Actual Costs)

The currency in which the amount is expressed.

Tasso di cambio/Coefficiente del tasso

The revenue Tasso di cambio/Coefficiente del tasso.

Tasso di costo rilevato

The cost rate/ rate factor.

Data di registrazione

The registration date and time of the record.

Workflow Status

The status that is applicable for the business object requires authorization using ION Workflow.

When you perform a change that requires authorization, a checked-out version is created for the business object. These changes are effective only after the approval/check-in. You can also undo these changes, or recall the changes submitted.

  • Checked-out and checked-in objects are displayed in the Oggetti estratti (ttocm9599m000) session.
  • From the appropriato menu of this session, select Workflow and then select the required action for the business object.

Valori consentiti

Versione provvisoria

The object is checked out. It can be changed and saved multiple times until the user submits the changes.

In sospeso

Any changes made to the object are submitted. The object is pending for approval. The data of the object cannot be modified.

Richiamo richiesto

The object was already submitted, but is recalled by the user. Approval will not take place anymore. If the recall is accepted, the object status becomes Bozza (revisione). If the Recall is rejected, the object status becomes In sospeso.

Bozza (revisione)

The object was recalled after it was submitted and the recall is accepted. The object can be changed and saved multiple times until the user submits the changes.


The submitted changes to the object are rejected. The user can make changes to the object and submit these changes again, or discard all changes.

Approvazione ricevuta

The submitted changes to the object are approved. The object will automatically be checked in. If the check-in fails, the status remains Approvazione ricevuta. An administrator must decide what to do with the object.


The submitted changes to the object are approved and the object is checked in.

Non applicabile

The object is checked in. Instead of an Object status, an Approval status is applicable.

Non applicabile

The object already existed before activating Flusso di lavoro ION document authorization; no changes are made to the object since then.

Non avviato

The modified object is manually checked in, but no approval is received from Flusso di lavoro ION.

To manually check in an object, the Object status must be Approvazione ricevuta.


The modified object is checked in after approval from Flusso di lavoro ION.

Regardless of the object being checked in or checked out, if a description is specified for the Tipo di oggetto in the Campi di informazioni su flusso di lavoro (ttocm0106m000) session (which is displayed as a tab in the Tipi di oggetto (ttocm0102m000) session), this field always displays the value of the appropriate Descrizione field.


For more information on setting up and using ION Workflow for business objects in LN, refer to the Infor LN Content Guide for Infor ION guide at Infor Xtreme.


Se la casella di controllo è selezionata, the approved transactions are posted to the Contabilità and processed for interim results.

Ricavo e costo registrati

Se la casella di controllo è selezionata, the revenues and costs are posted to the Contabilità and processed for interim results.

Saldo registrato

Se la casella di controllo è selezionata, the balance is posted to the Contabilità and processed for interim results.

Ricavo e costo riportati come completati

Indicates whether the revenue and cost posting is reported complete.

Saldo riportati come completati

Indicates whether the budget balance posting is reported complete.


The related text for the interim result.

Risultati alternativi finalizzati

Se la casella di controllo è selezionata, LN indicates that the alternate results are processed and the results cannot be modified.


The origin of the interim result type that helps distinguish between generated and manually inserted results.

Valori consentiti

Periodo contr. costi

The year in which the transaction must be posted to the history for cost control. The default value of this field is the year of the date of input's cost-control period.

Periodo controllo costi

The period in which the transaction must be posted to the history for cost control. The default value of this field is the date of input's cost-control periods.

Periodo controllo finanz.

The fiscal year in which the transaction is posted to Contabilità.

Periodo finanziario

The period in which the transaction is posted to Contabilità.

Autore ultima mod.

The user who last modifies the record.


La descrizione o il nome del codice.

Data ultima mod.

The date when the record is last modified.


The name of the approver.


La descrizione o il nome del codice.

Data approvazione

The date when the approval is made.

Data tasso

The date when the currency exchange rate is valid.

Data tasso

The date when the currency exchange rate is valid.

Tasso di cambio/Coefficiente del tasso

The currency rate to convert the transaction currency to the home currency.

Data tasso

The date when the currency exchange rate is valid.

Data tasso

The date when the currency exchange rate is valid.

Base per percentuale profitto

The basis for calculation of profit percentage.

Percentuale di completamento

The percentage of completion of the project/contract. You must multiply this percentage with the contract amount to calculate the revenue to be recognized.

Fattore ricavo sul lavoro svolto (ERF)

The Fattore ricavo sul lavoro svolto (ERF). You must multiply this factor with the cost to calculate the revenue to be recognized.

Percentuale profitto

The profit percentage. The COGS is calculated on the basis of this percentage and the revenue recognized.

Data di registrazione

The registration date of the record.


Se la casella di controllo è selezionata, a text is present.

Data esecuzione

The execution date of the processing run.


The sequence number generated when the Process Transactions (tpppc4802m000) session is run.

Data esecuzione (riportata come completata)

The date on which the processing run is completed.

N. sequenza esecuzione (riportato come completato)

The sequence number generated after the processing run is completed. The number is system generated.


The code that identifies the extension linked to the project.


La descrizione o il nome del codice.


The code that identifies the element.


La descrizione o il nome del codice.


The code that identifies the activity.


La descrizione o il nome del codice.


The sequence number code.

Rilevazione ricavi per

The level at which the revenue recognition settings are defined, such as contract, contract line, or project level.

Base per calcolo ricavi

The level based on which the interim results are calculated.

Valori consentiti

Prezzo transazione
Non applicabile
Importo contratto

This field is not applicable for:

  • interim results of the origin, Manuale and Storno.
  • interim results for an extension.
Risultato provvisorio per

Indicates if the interim result is generated based on the project or the contract.

Valori consentiti

  • Project
  • Contract Line

By default, the value is set to Project.

Metodo rilevazione ricavi

The Metodo rilevazione ricavi.

Metodo rilevazione ricavi

Metodo di calcolo costo del venduto

The costs of goods sold method used for the project.

Metodo di calcolo costo del venduto

Metodo di calcolo

The method to calculate the percentage of the work completed.

Base per fattore ricavo su lavoro svolto

The method based on which the Metodo Fattore ricavo sul lavoro svolto is calculated.

Valori consentiti

Previsione di spesa finale
Inserimento manuale
Non applicabile
Soglia rilevazione ricavi

The minimum percentage completion expected before revenue is recognized.


Only if the percentage completion is greater than or equal to this field, revenue is recognized when interim results are generated using the Generazione risultati provvisori (tpppc3250m000) session. However, if the Profit Percentage is negative, revenue will be recognized irrespective of minimum percentage completion being met or not.

Limite rilevazione ricavi

The limit on the revenue to be recognized.


The revenue recognition limit is valid for all RR methods except the Completed Project method. The percentage times the contract amount gives the maximum revenue that can be recognized (until the completion of the project). This percentage is ignored when the project is complete and the final revenue (and COGS) is posted.

Importo contratto

The total contract amount.

Prezzo transazione

The transaction price of the contract line that is used as the base to calculate the interim result.


This field is enabled only if the Base per calcolo ricavi is set to Prezzo transazione.

Home Currency

The transaction price in the home currency.


The WIP balance of invoices sent to customers.

A budget

Expected revenue for the project/contract.

Previsione ricavo aggiuntivo

The revenue which is over and above the project/contract amounts.

Importo a budget

Budgeted amount for the project/contract.

Budgeted Hours

The number of budgeted hours for the project or contract.

Unit Code for Hours

The time unit in which labor is expressed.

Costo sostenuto

The costs incurred for the project/contract.