Esportazione dei valori del riclassificato finanziario
Esportazione dei valori del riclassificato finanziario
La sessione Stampa valori riclassificato finanziario (tffst1450m000) consente inoltre di esportare i valori di un riclassificato finanziario in un file CSV o in un modello di Excel con codice XBRL.
To export statement values to a CSV file
After you have defined the range and have selected options as required:
- Under Esporta, select File CSV.
Accept the default separator (",") or, if commas are used in the ledger account descriptions:
- Enter another separator.
- Select Delimitato da tabulazioni.
.The XBRFSTTB.xlsm spreadsheet opens with the statement values imported from LN.
To export statement values to an Excel template (including XBRL)
After you have defined the range and have selected options as required:
- Under Esporta, select Modello di Excel (incluso XBRL).
- Click
Next, LN:
- Copies the XBRL template of the additional files to your computer.
- Defaults the name and location in the Apri in foglio di lavoro field.
- Opens the Excel spreadsheet, so you can already maintain the XBRL mapping.
. - Save and close the spreadsheet.
Accept the default separator (",") or, if commas are used in the ledger account descriptions:
- Enter another separator.
- Select Delimitato da tabulazioni.
.The XBRLFST.xlsm spreadsheet opens with its Dynamic Data tab filled with the statement values imported from LN.
The Messages tab allows you to translate the messages into the required language.