Subcontracting Challan Receipts (lpind1612m000)

Use session to view and maintain the localization details for the subcontracting challans related to the receipt line.

You can access this session only if the Functionality of India check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session, for on of the group companies.

The line on the tabs refer to these sessions:
Challan Receipt Material Lines
Refers to the Challan Receipt Material Lines (lpind1138m000) session. On this tab, you can view and maintain the material lines of the receipt.
Challan Receipts
Refers to the Challan Receipts (lpind1139m000) session. On this tab, you can view and maintain the challan receipt details.
Receipt Number

The number of the warehouse or purchase receipt header for which the localization details must be maintained.


The warehouse or purchase receipt line number associated with the header.


The sequence number of the warehouse or purchase receipt line.

Receipt Details

The code of the item that is received.


The code of the warehouse in which the item is stored after the receipt.

Document Type

The type of document from which the warehouse receipt is generated.

Valori consentiti

Tax Invoice
Not Applicable
Bill of Entry
Bill of Supply
Letter of Undertaking
Shipping Bill
GST Reporting
Export Promotion
Outward 57J Challan

Se la casella di controllo è selezionata, the challan associated with the receipt is an outgoing delivery challan.

Receipt Quantity

The quantity of the item received in the warehouse.


The unit in which the quantity of the item that is expressed.

Order Origin

The origin of the order associated with the warehouse or purchase receipt for which the localization data must be maintained.

Valori consentiti

Non applicabile
Assistenza (manuale)
Programma vendite
Vendite (manuale)
Manutenzione postvendita
Manutenzione postvendita (manuale)
Intervento di manutenzione
Intervento di manutenzione (manuale)
Reclamo cliente
Reclamo fornitore
Produzione JSC
Produzione JSC (Manuale)
Programma produzione
Produzione ASC
Produzione ASC (manuale)
Kanban produzione
Assemblaggio magazzino
Trasferimento (manuale)
Progetto (manuale)
Contratto progetto
Programma acquisti
Acquisto (manuale)
Distribuzione EP
Order Number

The number of the order associated with the warehouse or purchase receipt.


The position (number) of the order line to which the receipt line is linked.


The sequence number of the order line.

Subcontracting Details
Receipt Validation

Indicates whether the challan associated with the receipt is validated.

Valori consentiti

Not Validated
Not Applicable
Validation Errors
Validation Errors Overruled
Overrule Reason

The code of the reason for the receipt validation overrule.


This field is enabled only if the warehouse receipt is not confirmed.

This field is applicable only if the receipt line Validation Status is set to Errore di convalida.

Business Partner

The code of the subcontractor associated with the order of the receipt.

Linked Order

The subcontracting order number linked to the order of the receipt.


The position number of the subcontracting order line.


The sequence number of the subcontracting order line.

Job Worker Challan Number

The number of the challan assigned to the job worker.


This field is enabled only if the warehouse receipt is not confirmed.

This field is applicable only if the Document Type is set to Challan and Outward 57J Challan check box is cleared.

Job Worker Challan Date

The date and time when the challan is created by the job worker.


This field is enabled only if the warehouse receipt is not confirmed.

This field is applicable only if the Document Type is set to Challan and Outward 57J Challan check box is cleared.