Challan Receipts (lpind1139m000)

Use session to view and maintain the details of challan receipt.

You can access this session only if the Functionality of India check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session, for on of the group companies.

Receipt Number

The number of the warehouse or purchase receipt for which the challan details are displayed.

Receipt Line

The position number of the receipt line.

Receipt Sequence

The sequence number of the receipt line.


The challan number linked to the warehouse or purchase receipt.


The challans of the type 57F4 and 57J are only valid.

Challan Line

The position number of the challan receipt line.

Preliminary Delivery Challan

The number of the preliminary delivery challan associated with the challan.

Challan Item

The code of the item for which the challan is created.

Consumed Quantity

The quantity of the challan item that is consumed.


This field is enabled only if the Approvato check box is cleared.

Consumed Quantity Unit

The unit in which the consumed quantity of the challan item is expressed.

Wastage Quantity

The quantity of the challan item that is wasted.


This field is enabled only if the Approvato check box is cleared.

Wastage Quantity Unit

The unit in which the wastage quantity of the challan item is expressed.


This field is enabled only if the Approvato check box is cleared and Wastage Quantity is greater than zero.

Scrap Quantity

The quantity of the challan item that is moved to scrap.


This field is enabled only if the Approvato check box is cleared.

Scrap Quantity Unit

The unit in which the scrap quantity of the challan item is expressed.


This field is enabled only if the Approvato check box is cleared and Scrap Quantity is greater than zero.

Lost Quantity

The quantity of the challan item that is lost.


This field is enabled only if the Approvato check box is cleared.

Lost Quantity Unit

The unit in which the lost quantity of the challan item is expressed.


This field is enabled only if the Approvato check box is cleared and Lost Quantity is greater than zero.

Unused Quantity

The unused quantity of the challan item.


This field is enabled only if the Approvato check box is cleared.

Unused Quantity Unit

The unit in which the unused quantity of the challan item is expressed.


This field is enabled only if the Approvato check box is cleared and Unused Quantity is greater than zero.

Consumed Quantity in Inventory Unit

The quantity of the challan item that is consumed, expressed in inventory unit.

Wastage Quantity in Inventory Unit

The quantity of the challan item that is wasted, expressed in inventory unit.


This value is updated based on the Wastage Quantity.

Scrap Quantity in Inventory Unit

The quantity of the challan item that is moved to scrap, expressed in inventory unit.


This value is updated based on the Scrap Quantity.

Lost Quantity in Inventory Unit

The quantity of the challan item that is lost, expressed in inventory unit.


This value is updated based on the Lost Quantity.

Unused Quantity in Inventory Unit

The unused quantity of the challan item, expressed in inventory unit.


This value is updated based on the Unused Quantity.


Se la casella di controllo è selezionata, the challan created for the warehouse or purchase receipt is approved.


Se la casella di controllo è selezionata, the quantity of the challan item is adjusted.


Se la casella di controllo è selezionata, the this is a bulk challan.