Import Reference Receipts (lptha2612m000)
Utilizzare questa sessione per view the inventory receipt transactions.
You can use the Link Export Reference option on the specific menu to link a consumption record to the import reference. You can link a record only when the balance received quantity is greater than zero.
- Import Reference Number
The reference number specified for the import order receipt.
- Articolo
The item for which the inventory consumption transaction is maintained.
- Magazzino
The warehouse from which goods sent to the ship-to business partner are issued.
- Data transazione
The date and time when the inventory transaction is recorded.
- Sequenza
The sequence number of the inventory transaction line.
- Lot
The lot specified in the inventory transaction document.
- Serial Number
The serial number assigned to the lot.
- Inventory Transaction ID
The code of the inventory transaction of the related receipt transaction.
- Inventory Transaction ID Sequence
The sequence number of the inventory transaction's ID
- Received Quantity
The quantity of items received at the warehouse.
- Total Consumed Quantity
The total quantity of the items that are consumed.
- Balance Quantity
The quantity available to be consumed.